We were a pair of giggling lovers in the backseat of Bee's car as he drove us back to the mansion.
Despite having a suitcase of new clothes to myself in the boot of the car, Ari only had a plastic bag with a single pair of white shorts, a shirt, and underwear.
He had never owned anything before besides the single pair of clothes that had been kept pristine.
It made me feel guilty of all the generosity I had been shown compared to him. It was like he had been an afterthought, not even before but during most of the ceremony.
It was obvious I had been the main spectacle. I couldnt understand why; Ari had contributed as much as i had to our union.
I still held the wilting wreath he had made for me. I didn't want to throw away something so beautiful and meaningful, but it was obvious it's time was quickly dwindling.
But despite everything, Ari made sure I was happy.
He calmed my concerns for the restraints by sitting right next to me in his. Just his gentle hand in mine was soothing enough for me to let the fear of it be pushed aside.
He was so willing to be trapped with me. His undisturbed attitude about it amazed me. He even pulled my focus elsewhere by taking the time to try and know me better while we weren't going to be interrupted by others.
"Ok, favourite food" he shot.
"It was cow" I smiled back "but after yesterday, I like fish more. It's amazing how much you can taste from something so raw. It tasted like the ocean itself but way less salty."
Ari giggled at my response.
"How about you?"
"Well, before it was soup because we rarely had that. But, after yesterday as well, I really loved the cheese and ham sandwiches on the table."
"Sandwiches?" I snorted "out of everything that was there? I need to make sure the carers feed you well so you can have a proper decision."
"That's proper" he defended with fake seriousness "they were cut into little triangles."
We burst out laughing again.
"Alright, my turn" I nudged him and wiped my eyes "favourite... colour."
"Easy" he boasted "purple. But specifically that really nice dark purple."
"Purple?" I accepted "I actually have some purple crystals in my nest if you'd like to have them for yourself? That can be the first thing you own."
I saw his eyes light up and heard his excited gasp that he tried so hard to keep controlled.
"That would be great!" he grinned "thank you, Scala!"
I soaked in his excitement and felt my own smile form with the pride that accompanied it.
"And you?" he pushed, keen.
"Pink" I said without thinking about it "but this pink with the white in it" I thumbed the crystal tied to the flowers.
"Ah, Rose Quartz" he marvelled it "it suits you."
I blushed and turned my head to hide it. Ari reached over to touch my cheek and tuck a loose piece of hair behind my ear, making me burn even more.
"You are georgous, you know that? I think if I had a favourite sight it would be you."
"That's a little cheesy" I rolled my eyes back at him to make him rest his head on my shoulder and gaze up at me "but that is your favourite thing."
We both laughed again which finally caught the attention of Bee.
"It's so hard to tell if you two are getting along or fighting" he spoke up to cut our laughter short "it sounds like you two are so angry."
"Draconic is a fierce language, sir" Ari replied, switching languages flawlessly "it sounds rough but I can assure you we are getting along really well."
"I don't think he realised how well" I chuckled.
"Oh, I think he has an idea" Ari smirked back at me "it was expected of us to mate at the dance, after all."
I fell quiet and let my thoughts trail to the desperate moment we had together.
"It'll be so good to introduce you to everyone" Bee beemed "although, you may have to bat away some of the young workers."
A growl slipped through my lips that caught us all by surprise.
"Don't worry" he chuckled to Bee and slipped his arm through mine "I think she will keep them away for me."
I saw Bee smile and nod before frowning.
"There is also one other problem" he tapped the steering wheel to try and find the way to say it "we, uh, kind of have a dragon problem."
"Barebone" I spoke before Bee could.
"The local river dragon has taken a liking to Scala. Now I know they aren't mated or anything, but he's been persistent in coming around to check on her and make sure she's OK. They have formed quite a bond he won't be so quick to see broken."
"I had to chase him off during the choices" I huffed back "he had something to say about all of them."
Ari glanced back at me.
"And what did he have to say about me?"
I hesitated, remembering the frustration in Barebone's voice.
"He doubted you could do anything and made a comment about your fear of heights, or flying, to be more exact."
I saw Ari smile at this and shake his head.
"So he must have thought I was a dragon too. He's going to be so dissapointed he missed out to someone like me. I'm looking forward to his reaction."
He turned back to Bee and gripped the shoulder of the seat he was sitting in.
"I think our little problem will be just fine" he said smugly then leant back to wrap an arm around me.
I felt my heart flutter when I saw how he was casually brushing aside the danger that would face him.
Not only was he incredibly brave, he was stupid. I loved how fearless he was and how quick he was to be prepared to fight to keep me. If it didn't come to steep ledges, nothing could faze him.
His proud stance did falter when we pulled down the gravel driveway and caught sight of Barebone himself sleeping near the front of the mansion.
When he heard the car crunching closer, his eyes opened to watch us pull up out the front. He didn't move his body, only tracking us with his eyes.
"Didn't even say goodbye" he spoke lazily when I got out "rude."
"It was kind of a rush for me too" I replied while trying not to give Barebone too much attention "it's been a crazy few days."
"You're telling me" he yawned back "which one did you go for? The arrogant one?"
"The one who can't do anything" Ari called out when he got out of the car with Bee who unloaded my bag and took my gift to head for the entrance.
Barebone sat up now at the sight of Ari but didn't look threatened. If anything, he was treating the whole thing like it bored him.
"The one whose scared to fly, right?" Barebone smirked at him, turning to me with a deadpan face "Scala, what a choice."
Bee looked nervous as he tried to drag the bag across the pebbles noisily. His eyes flickered between Barebone and Ari.
I could see some carers rushing out to greet us, but stopping when they saw the standoff outside between the three of us. A few brave ones quickly whisked Bee and the belongings inside.
"I want you to respect my decision" I spoke with sharpness on my tone "Ari is my mate and he is not here to be mocked."
"By all means" Barebone got to his feet now to bow "I'm just here to respectfully make sure no male is taking advantage of you."
"And none will be taken" Ari spoke back with narrowed eyes.
"Shall we settle things then with a friendly fight?" Barebone smiled and stretched his wings "a chance to show off your talent to your new mate? I was thinking you'd chase me off already to, you know, keep her safe; but I'm just...dissapointed."
I could see Barebone had no intentions of chasing off any new mate I bought home. It was quite the opposite; he wanted to give them a chance to show thier strength and prowess by running off a rival male threatening thier new territory.
Whether or not Barebone would go gracefully was another thing.
It sure got a part of me excited to see Ari as the victor and relishing in his prize back in my nest. But I knew this wasn't going to be possible and felt my own dissapointment hit hard.
There was just some things that humans couldn't do.
"He's human" I sighed back, hearing the flat tone in my voice "he can't."
Barebone looked between Ari and me then started to laugh.
I just glared at him, remaining quiet to hide my own embarrassment in how helpless I felt in this situation.
"A human" he continued to laugh "mated to him. What a joke, Scala!"
Ari glared at Barebone who was almost crying at how hilarious he found the situation.
"If you were so desperate, I could have mated you" Barebone slowly regained himself "there's no way it'd work, but i could have given you more than he ever could already."
I saw a rock hit Barebone in the side of the face which barely did anything to recoil him. Ari held another that he quickly lobbed at his nose when his face turned to us, pulling up around his lips to silently snarl.
"You stay away from her" Ari jabbed a finger at Barebone and bent over to pick up another rock to roll it in his hand.
Barebone shot a jet of water out to soak Ari. It wasn't enough to stagger him or even hurt him; just make him uncomfortable as Barebone sniggered at the wet shirt.
He was loving how powerful he was against Ari. But after seeing my sadenned face, he turned his back on us and spread his wings.
"Put up more of a fight next time" Barebone commented with a snort "she's worth more than that weak effort."
Ari lobbed the stone at and hit Barebone's backside when he ascended. He even managed to get another one in his tail with a yell before I held his hand back from throwing another.
"Leave it" I shook it from him to make it drop back to the ground.
"I want to be someone you aren't ashamed by" he mumbled and started to walk to the enterance with me clinging to him.
"I'm not ashamed" I whined back, trying to find the right word "there's just some things that are limited to you that I would like to happen..."
"Like me fighting a dragon?" he grunted, kicking the stones.
"Like you fighting for me."
Ari stopped on the stairs and turned to me, grabbing my hands when he did.
"If I have to throw a thousand rocks to get it through that dragon's thick skull that you already are mine, then I will. I'll always fight for you; I have to."
The fluttering came again and I felt his words dig deep into my stomach that flipped in giddiness at the declaration.
It was no grand battle, but it made me feel like he had already won his prize.
"Technically, you did win just now" I chuckled when we walked through the entry room "Barebone flew off."
Ari stopped and raised an eyebrow at me.
"So, I defeated the dragon after all?"
"Barely" I squeezed my fingers together.
He looked pleased with himself and drew me close to make me gasp out and giggle.
"Is this what you wanted?" he whispered.
I nodded frantically and felt his breath on my face when he leant close to my ear to keep his words guarded as curious staff stopped in thier tracks to oggle Ari.
"Maybe you should take me to show me what I've won?"
I blushed and looked at him to see his cheeky smile and nod.
I wasn't going to waste this opportunity. I raced him up to my room and used the high sides of the nest to shield our intentions as we both desperately striped.
"I love what you've done" Ari panted when he stood up to kick off his pants and underwear "the crystals really make this place."
"Shut up and get over here" I gasped back and laughed when he had me bent over the side of the nest this time.
We had to be quick. There was still no door on room and the ward Clay had put up wasnt going to stop anyone from witnessing our actions. At least it would keep out the staff still lingering nearby.
I didn't know one of those staff had made thier way up here until I heard a gasp and looked over to see one shielding thier eyes with thier hand.
Ari quickly retreated and we both ducked down behind the stones to hide our embarrassment of being caught.
"Miss Scala, you've been summoned to the dining room for supper" the male carer blurted out quickly "I'm terribly sorry for intruding."
Ari hung his head I his hands. I growled at the lack of success and stood up.
I only had such a small window to get this right and I was already having obstacles thrown at me. Nothing else could be as important as this was right now.
I marched to the carer who glanced at me advancing then dropped his eyes.
"Ari, please translate" I shot to him.
"On it" he called back, still remaining out of view.
"I want to make it clear that I do not need to be summoned" I shot to the carer "I do not need interferences right now in this time. It is very, very precious to me. I don't have much time, do you understand?"
The carer listened to each relayed word and nodded.
"I understand, Miss."
"I will make my own way down when I want to. There doesn't need to be any concerns about the children either; I will continue to make sure nothing hurts them."
"And I want to make sure no-one even thinks about coming near this room. Either that or give me a damn door. I will not be moving my nest and I will absolutely destroy anyone who comes to steal from it again. Am I clear on that?"
The male kept his eyes down and nodded.
"Anything else?" Ari added.
"I think thats it" I replied, shooing away the man who quickly made himself scarce and turned around two others heading this way.
"You have a lot of confidence to face someone like that" Ari breathed when I returned to him and leant back over the nest.
"Not confidence; desperation" I sighed back when he approached again confidently.
For once, I understood what Barebone had been talking about.
Did I really feel alive while I was running out of time?
I had everything I needed, yet I just felt empty.
Maybe it was because I was expected to fulfill my most basic desires before even forming a connection with my mate I had been longing for all this time.
And now that I had him, I felt like I was just using him. I just didn't have time. I was daring and desperate to make this work. So desperate I was trying to make this all stay together with the thinnest of threads.
This was no location to raise a family. But it was all I had at the moment. Lurking humans with thier greedy fingers were sure to try and steal away my babies too when they were growing inside thier eggs.
They loved anything that looked valuable. Those would be the most valuable things of all.