It was a beautiful day as Stefan and Damon stood downstairs in the living room, and Elijah and Elena stood upstairs.
"You invited him in?" Damon questioned, figuring Elena wasn't thinking correctly.
"Yes. He promised to forget the past and help us, as long as we apologize to him," Elena replied.
"I'm sorry we killed you," Stefan said, knowing that they needed all the help they could get.
Everyone looked at Damon.
"What? I'm not apologizing to him."
Elena looked at Elijah.
"He'll come around."
"I doubt it," Elijah responded.
Elijah followed Elena downstairs to stand beside her not far from the eldest Salvatore brothers. Then he went to stand at the entrance to the living room.
"Elijah has something that will help. An elixir," Elena explained.
"We need something better," Damon replied.
Stefan was silent from where he stood by the couch.
Just then, everyone looked at Katherine Pierce as she walked in. She stopped by Elijah and said, "Nice to see you again. I'm sorry for what I did. I was just trying to survive."
"I understand, Katerina."
Katherine walked up to stand by Damon and Elena.
"Katerina?" Damon questioned.
"It was my human name. Elijah fell in love with me when he met me. I was Klaus' doppelganger and so I ran. Rose wanted to take me to Klaus, so he and Rose argued after Rose stopped me from killing myself. I hung myself but woke up in transition. When Rose tried to stake me, I shielded myself by using the owner of the cabin. Rose staked the owner and I fed. I apologized before I left, though. When I returned home, my villagers were all dead. Klaus slaughtered my people, including my family. I changed my name when I came to America from Bulgaria. But I didn't come here to tell you my tragic life of heartbreak and loneliness."
"Why are you here?" Stefan asked calmly.
"Yes. Why did you come?" Damon said in his usual voice he reserved only for Katherine.
"I came to help in any way I can. I won't let another family member died from Klaus."
"She won't stay dead for long. I have an elixir," Elijah informed her.
"Will it work?"
"You don't know that," Damon said. "There's only one way to know that she'll come back."
"Don't even think about it," Kat said, glaring at him.
"What do you propose we do then?" Damon asked.
"I'm thinking," she answered, no longer glaring.
Suddenly, arrows started flying. One got Damon in the back. Stefan and Elijah left to find the shooter. At the same time, Kat got in the way of an arrow that would've gotten Elena and got her down, before Kat rolled onto her right side in pain and agony.
"Elena, pull it out," Damon instructed.
Elena went over and pulled the arrow out of his back, as the arrows stopped.
Once it was out, Damon went over and quickly pulled Kat's out of her back.
"Elena, get some blood from the basement and a shot glass from the table," he instructed, as he gently rolled Kat onto her back and pulled her into his arms.
Elena obeyed.
"Hang in there, Kat," he said calmly.
Elena came back with a shot glass of blood.
Damon gently lifted Kat's head and put the glass to her lips.
Though she was in pain and weak, she obeyed him and slowly began to drink.
"What's wrong?" Elena asked.
"There was vervain on the arrows. She doesn't sip vervain everyday like I do, so it affects her in the wrong way. Blood helps."
Elena understood now.
Kat felt better after finishing the glass, so he helped her up and led her over to the couch. He then helped her sit down on the couch.
Stefan and Elijah came back.
"We got rid of them," Elijah announced.
"Good," Damon replied.
"Thanks, Damon," Kat said.
"You're welcome."
"Is she okay?" Elijah asked.
"She'll be fine. I gave her some blood. No big deal," Damon answered.