It's a dark night, as I walk the dark streets of Mystic Falls, Virginia. My name is Damon Salvatore and I am a vampire. My younger brother, Stefan Salvatore, is also a vampire. We were both Sired by the same vampiress in 1864. Katherine Pierce. We both loved her before we were turned. I like to think that I loved her the most. But I have moved on. I am madly in love with my brother's girl. Elena Gilbert.
I stop by an abandoned warehouse, senses alert. I thought I heard something. Everything is quiet tonight. I wait, listening, but there's nothing so I start walking again.
Suddenly, a werewolf hybrid gets the jump on me. It must've been hiding in the woods among some bushes close by. We roll into the warehouse as we fight in a ball of enemies. It's kill or be killed. And I'm not about to die. Not while my brother needs me to protect Elena, while he's out being all bad ass.
There's a jug of gasoline and some candles. We bump into them, which makes the warehouse ignite in flames. Wood starts falling and crumbling down and around and in the fire, as we continue to fight.
It pins me to the floor, teeth bared, growling and snarling. As it bends its head down towards me, I shield my face with an arm. It bites me on the arm and holds on, biting into flesh and bone. I scream in agony. I know I'm in danger. Even if I get out of this alive, I may not survive. I don't know what the cure is. I may die from the bite. Werewolf bites are poisonous and deadly to vampires.
I try to throw it off me, but I'm weakened. I can't. I just lay there on my back, pain surging through me, knowing I'm ding. Then a couple scents come to me. Elena and Stefan. Here it comes. The moment that my baby brother saves my life yet again.
I blurrily see him grab the mutt and throw it. Then the fight is on. Hopefully, he won't get bitten. When the teeth come out of my arm, I lay it down at my side.
I hear running footsteps and then Elena's at my side, kneeling beside me.
She helps me as I get to my feet, an arm around me. We then walk slowly out. I'm so weak by the time we get where a pole is.
I get her up against a pole and lean in, my memories mixing together between Katherine and Elena.
"Damon, no. No. Stop, Damon. Don't!"
As I bend down to bite her, remembering Katherine as she cut her collarbone and I drank from her, Elena tries to get me to stop.
"I choose you, Katherine," I say right before biting Elena.
I stop, suddenly realizing that I'm biting Elena and not Katherien. I try to step back but sumble. With a hand on her bite, she goes to me when I fall on my back.
She kneels down and puts my head in her lap on her leg.
The next day, as the sun starts to stream in through the window, I take my ring off, setting it on my drinking table, and stand infront of the window. I'm going to die anyway, so why not commit my own death? Suicide by sunlight sounds much better than slowly dying from a werewolf bite.
Suddenly, a few minutes after I start burning, Stefan rushes in and pushes me away. I land on the floor. He then locks me in a cell in our basement.
I'm on the floor on my back. I look at him.
"What's the plan little brother? Lock me up and let me die?"
"You're not going to die. We'll find a cure."
I roll over onto my side and cough up blood on my hand. I then look at him.
"Lie still. Preserve your strength," he says before leaving.
Great. He's going to leave me here until he finds a cure. If he does. Leave it to him to care about me enough to save my life, but not care about Elena. Even in his darkest place, he still can't let me die.
That night, I lay in my bed upstairs, Elena wetting my face with a wet washcloth. My eyes are closed and I'm sweating and weak.
"You should leave. I could hurt you," I tell her.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you until the end."
I give her a small smile. Then the apologies come in my darkest hour, as I lay on my death bed.
"I'm sorry, Elena. I'm sorry for hurting you. You would've liked me in 1864."
"I like you who you are now."
Then I say something that I've told her twice before. Once when I found her necklace and came to her room to give it back. The second time after kissing her on her front porch.
"I love you, Elena."
I feel the bed move, as she lays down beside me and kisses me.
"Thank…you," I say softly.
Then a very familiar scent comes to me, but I don't say anything until the newcomer speaks.
"It's me you should be thanking. I have the cure."
I open my eyes and Elena gets out of the bed.
Katherine walks over and gives me the cure. Klaus' blood.
"You escaped," I say, sitting up in bed, as she stands in the middle of the room.
"I had to come back and help."
She goes to leave, but stops at the entrance to look over her shoulder at Elena.
"Oh. And don't be afraid to love them both. I did."
We watch as she disappears and then look at each other.