“Watch carefully now.” Shanta whimsically announced, holding a playing card in her hand. “As I will put this card right through my hand.” She was standing up on the living room table as Jinlin watched on the couch, right alongside Hillanter.
In her right hand she held the card, and her left palm was facing forward to the audience. She slowly inserted the card into her palm. Amazingly it phased right through, appearing out the other side.
He watched in child-like wonder, his smile ever so wide. She stuck the card halfway in her hand before stopping and bowing. Clapping along as she did so.
“You want the card?” She asked him.
“I mean, sure.” He shrugged.
The card propelled out of her palm and flew through the air right into his lap. He picked it up and it had his name written on it, a detail he knew wasn’t on the card before.
“Ok now that’s really cool.” He complimented.
“Thank you.” She responded. “This was actually the first time I’ve ever performed in front of someone.”
“I think your crew would like it as well. You should offer to.”
“You think?”
“Totally, it’ll be fun for everyone.”
“Yeah, that sounds fun.”
A loud knock at the front door of the house interrupted their conversation.
“That must be your friends.” He said as he started heading to the door. Shanta carefully placed back down the stack of playing cards on the table, hopping off of it to catch up to him.
Reaching the door he grabbed the handle and gently opened it. “Welcome back and-” He looked up and hovering above him was Huune. Four other mole creatures standing behind Shug and Brentha which were right in front. “Holy shit!” He stammered backwards.
“Don’t freak out.” Shug tried calming him down. “They’re friendly.”
“Oh my god, give me some sort of warning before I open the door. Scared the ever living shit out of me.”
“I told you he was going to do that.” Brentha turned to whack Shug in his arm.
“I really didn’t think he was going to be startled.”
“It’s fine, no big deal.” Jinlin said as he composed himself. “Haven’t seen a Foukal in so long. Were they in the cave?”
‘Yes. We’ve been camping out ever since your folk drew us out.” He squinted his eyes at him in dismay. His whiskers twitched as he scowled.
“No need to be at each other's throats, we’ve got no time to lose.” Shug stepped inside, Brentha followed along, passing by Shanta, who was just standing in awe at the sight of the creatures.
“How’s Hilanter holding up?” Brentha asked Shanta.
“He doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Best me and Jin could do is just stop the fever the best we can.”
“Shit. Good thing we got the mushroom.” She held up the sack to her.
“Oh my. You got way more than just one.”
“Yeah, it’s a long story we’ll tell you about it.”
“I’ll take you guys back to Hillanter.”
They all exited the main hall and back into the living room. Leaving Jinlin at the front door.
“My house isn’t really big enough to squeeze you guys in here, will you be fine if you stayed out here for a bit.” He said, still holding open the door.
“That’s fine with us.” Huune said back.
“Cool, I’m sure…Nevermind.” He awkwardly closed the door. “God. I didn’t think they still existed. My parents told me they went extinct.”
He followed everyone back to Hillanter. Brentha was sitting by him with the sack of mushrooms resting in her lap. Shug stood over him resting his arms on his hip while Shanta was sitting down on the table.
“Do you guys want anything to drink?” Jinlin asked all of them.
“Just water will be fine.” Shug responded back as he shifted his posture.
“Only water for the rest of ya’?”
“Yep.” Shanta and Brentha spoke in unison.
“I’ll have that right out for you.” He exited the room.
Shug looked down at Hillanters body, staring him down as he rested. “Should’ve never taken that chest.” He commented under his breath.
“Don’t beat yourself over it.” Shanta comforted.
“I know I shouldn’t but it’s just hard not to constantly blame myself. We wouldn’t be here right now. We would all be on our merry way somewhere better.”
“You need to stop dwelling on that and focus right now to save him. No matter if you like to admit it or not, he did this to himself. Regardless of who brought the stone.”
“You’re right, just.” He sighed. “I don’t know, it's harder than it seems.”
“It’s been hard for all of us. We can’t constantly complain, we need to act to fix it now. None of this is supposed to be easy, together we’ll make it that way.”
“Sit down Shug and rest. You’ve been stressed out all day.” Brentha said. “We all need this time to relax.”
He sat down on the floor criss crossing his legs, not talking as he kept eyeing Hillanter.
“How’d you guys fair on your mission?” Shanta asked.
“It started off rough.” Brentha began.
“It was rough throughout.” Shug butted in.
“That’s putting it lightly. We traveled on a minecart that was on floating rails. Surrounded by huge crystals, likes that I’ve never seen before. Just as we were descending the track gave away and-”
Jinlin came busting through the door, holding a pitcher of water and a tray with four glasses. “I’m back.”
He passed out the cups, placing the pitcher on the table in case anybody would need a refill. They all thanked him when handed their cup. He tucked the tray under his armpit.
“Are you guys hungry?” Jinlin asked.
“I was actually thinking about food. I’ve been starving for a while now.” Shug said.
‘Anything will do. It’s been a whole day since I’ve eaten.” Brentha added on.
“Are you planning on cooking up something?” Shanta questioned.
“I was thinking about whipping up some steak, of course if you guys want anything else I have plenty to suffice you with.” He went on. “Some chicken, maybe even a little sholen meat if that tickles your fancy, or I can make you an old fashioned salad.”
“Just steak will be fine, maybe some sholen if you don’t mind.” Shanta answered.
“Not at all. I’ll have that all prepared in probably an hour.”
“Thank you very much.”
“No problem. It’s been a long time since I’ve ever made food for guests. I’ll get right on that. If you need any more water then just come to the kitchen and you’ll see a water purifier. Fill up the pitcher, simple as that.”
“Will do, and thank you for everything.
“Of course.” Jinlin left once again, this time with more pep in his step.
“Where did we leave off?” Shanta faced Brentha.
“Oh.” She remembered. “The cart flew off the track and it launched us. I fell on my head and was knocked out. Thankfully Shug was able to land safer than me.”
“Landed directly on your head!? Are you sure you don’t have any brain damage or head trauma.”
“I don’t know if it was a stroke of luck but I have nothing like that. Just bruising and bleeding.”
“Get Jinlin to check you out though.”
“Don’t worry. Huune from outside already patched me up. He’s actually a really good doctor.”
“The mole people? Are you sure they’re qualified for that?”
“We both seem to be healed up pretty nicely thanks to him. So I’m guessing he does have the expertise.”
“I’m just worried now. Why were these creatures in the caves?”
“Well, from what they told us it’s because of-”
“Hey lady!” They heard yelling from outside. “What’s your issue?”
“Oh crap.” Brentha stood up from the couch.
Everyone headed out of the room in a frantic hurry. The shouting from outside was from Huune, and everyone knew that they had to be referring to Yunga or Zunci since they would have no clue about them. Barging the door open to a heated confrontation as Zunci was aiming the gun at them.
“All of you scram or I swear we’ll put a bullet through your skulls.” Yunga threatened as she stood there brandishing her sword.
“Wait!” Shug shouted. “They're with us!”
“We told ya!” Huune followed up.
They lowered their weapons. “Sorry.” Both mumbled as they begrudgingly walked forward and past them.
“We’ve just had a rough day.” Zunci said.
“Trust me, everyone has.” Brentha responded. “We all need a rest. Come get a drink.” She led them inside and Shanta followed along.
“I’m sorry about her.” Shug uttered. “They’re just on edge after everything and-”
“No, I understand completely.” Huune interrupted. “It just doesn't feel right.”
“I know. They’re far better than this.”
“I would hope so.”
“Do you guys want any food? Or some water?”
“We have plenty to feed ourselves. Don’t you worry about us.”
“Great, still very sorry about-”
“Shug, no need to constantly apologize. Join them and rest.”
“Right sor-Yeah will do.” He closed the door gently and ran down the hall back into the living room.
Yunga was laying in the middle of the floor spreading her arms out as if she was trying to make a snow angel. Zunci laid right beside her in the exact same position. Brentha was sitting on the table with Shanta sitting on the couch. Yunga was holding up the knife in the air, just letting everyone ogle at it.
“Wow.” Brentha was astonished. “It really does look like the drawing.”
“It was scaringly accurate.” Yunga replied. “Just a huge pain in the ass to get to.”
“What even happened?”
“Oh it was just the fucking worst. We snuck into the prison and searched for the knife in their inventory, but they didn't have it. So we fought through the prison quarters and found the witch who had it and, god she was such a cunt.”
“We broke her free and had to fight through the whole prison to get out.” Zunci continued on. “When we were on our way to the place where she hid the knife, the little bitch threw some powder in our face and ran off, not before I was able to shoot her directly in the leg.”
“It was this huge fight where she kept cloning herself and then after all that we found it and-Honestly don’t want to even think about it.” Yunga finished off.
“Don’t blame ya’” Shanta commented.
“What about you two?” Zunci asked. “Looks like both of you went through the ringer. I certainly want to know how the hell you managed to find those creatures out front.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t call them creatures.”” Shug said. “They’re more human than they look.”
“They had a whole camp of people down there.” Brentha said. “There was a bunch of magic, crystals and-”
“Just way too much to share.”
“We’ve got plenty of time.” Zunci said. “Might as well.”
“You’re right.” Shug responded. “So when we-”
Jinlin busted into the room, again interrupting the story. “I have some appetizers ready if any of you are interested..” He looked over at Yunga and Zunci who were looking his way. “Great that you two made it, just in time as well. I was making everyone dinner.”
“Ooo what are you cooking for us?” Yunga asked with a smile on her face.
“Some good ol’ steak and sholen. Some sides of corn and mashed potatoes, they’re ready now if you are ready to eat while we wait for the meat to be finished.”
“I’ll gladly chow down on some corn right now, honestly anything I’m actually starving.”
“Tried to make as much as possible for you all to enjoy.” He continued on. “I’ll lead you to the dining hall.” He started to walk out of the room.
Everyone got up from their seated positions and left the room. Shug continued his story as they were led down the hall.
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All of the appetizers were completely demolished, and shortly after they were depleted all of the meat finished cooking and was ready to be served.
Jinlin brought out a silver platter with an array of steak and sholen. Silverware and white plates were lined up in front of everyone’s seats alongside napkins. They all stacked their platters to the brim ready for the feast.
Everyone started munching down on their meals, forks and knives clanging on their plates, the sloppy chewing of meat being squished between people’s canines. They were all sitting at a long table with a nice white cloth covering the top. Pitchers filled with water, tea, and lemonade. All of this being illuminated under a huge chandelier.
During the dining, everyone shared their stories on the crazy events they went through. Detailing everything while they devoured almost the entirety of their food.
“Wolves ate her?” Shanta asked after Yunga finished wrapping up the story.
“Not certain but we heard howling before we ran off. She stopped screaming shortly afterwards.” Zunci answered.
“Damn. That’s fucking rough.”
“She had it coming.” Yunga said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. “I do not even feel bad for a second.”
“I guess.”
“All worth it though. I wish it would’ve been easier. Seems that we can never get it that way.”
“It’ll only get worse.” Shanta said. “Me and Jin were talking earlier and we need to come up with a plan on how we’re going to infiltrate Uff’s fortress.”
“I was just thinking about that.” Shug said. “We’re definitely not going to be welcomed like last time.”
“Hmmm.” Yunga was thinking while taking a long sip of water. “I can only come up with two options. Sneaking in or getting in through force.”
“Ideally you would want to sneak in.” Jinlin spoke up. “You’ve guys seen it up close but I’ve heard his army is no force to be reckoned with.”
“Yeah but how? He seemed to know when our ship arrived last time, it’ll be very hard to disguise ourselves.”
“Unless.” Brentha spoke. “Maybe if we were to pose as one of his militia ships he wouldn't notice.”
“How would we even do that?” Shanta questioned.
“I know they frequent around here, Though not much recently.” Jinlin said. “If they did happen to be here, you could overtake their ship.”
“That’s only if they show up.” Yunga interjected. “I’d say our best bet will just be barging right through.”
“Way too dangerous.” Zunci said. “We’d be gunned down almost immediately. If we had no other choice but just blindlessly rush in, we’ll have to do a sneak attack. Come in from another side that isn’t the main port.”
“Is there any other entrance?”
“Maybe. I surely didn’t spot any when we arrived.”
“You bring up a good point about attacking from the back. But I’m pretty sure there is no other way around.”
“You sure?”
“I wouldn’t see the point of that anyways.”
“If we are going to attack, there has to be another way of catching them off guard.” Shug chimed in. “Like, if we were only to sail fast enough to not be detected in time.”
“There’s no chance we can do that.” Yunga countered.
The whole table fell into silence. Everyone’s brains seemed to be at a total dead end, with the train of thought derailed.
“Actually, I could make that happen.” Shanta spoke up.
“Hear me out. I can’t make the ship go faster but I can launch all of us in his fort. If I can manage to focus enough I could also give us a safe landing as well.”
“You could do all of that?” Shug questioned.
“Of course. It’ll be a huge risk but it’s the best chance we’ve got. It all depends if I can focus.”
“That sounds way too risky.”
“I know but we’re at an impasse here. Either we just wing it and charge in blind, or hope that luck will carry us and pray that we’re not spotted sneaking in. If you really think about it, all that’s left is to have at least a guarantee IN. As to how we’re going to achieve victory, well we’ll just have to improvise.”
“We’ve been doing that ever since we met anyways.” Zunci butted in. “I say we do it, I like the sound of this plan.”
“I agree!” Brentha exclaimed. “With this we’ll actually have a chance.”
“I have no counters.” Yunga said.
Shug hesitated to respond. “If everyone else is in agreement then I can’t really protest.”
“If you disagree then please speak up.”
“I just don’t see how you can even do all of that. I don’t know much about magic but I would like a more sure plan than just hoping you’d be able to miraculously pull that off.”
“It’s gonna be alright Shug.” Shanta responded. “I’ll be able to handle it well. You haven’t seen me at my best yet.”
“If you say so, I ain’t got anything better.”
“Seems you all finally landed on a plan.” Jinlin cleaned up his face and folded the used napkin. “I suggest all of you get some rest.” He sat up from his chair and toured around the table gathering everyone's dishes.
“Will you be joining us?” Brentha eagerly asked. “You’ve helped us so much already, so I’ll get it if you want to stay here.”
“I’m sorry but I have this place to keep tidy. Besides, and I mean this with no offense at all, this is your fight. I’ve done everything in my power to help you, you’ll take it on from here. You all showed me you’re capable enough.”
“Really?” Yunga said. “Are you sure about this?”
“I am. I could never forgive myself if something happened to this place when I’m gone.”
“But we could really use a medic like you. Don’t you wanna go out and explore the world-”
‘You’ll definitely find somebody more qualified and eager to go.”
“I don’t know about that, by the looks of it I’d say you fit right in. Even just eating around this table it’s already like you’re one of us.”
“Trust me, you ain’t going to push me down this road. This place is my home and I really like to keep it that way. I appreciate you thinking that but it’s just not the life for me.”
“What’s stopping you from coming? I can already sense that-”
“I already said no! It’s done!” He erupted as he headed out of the room after stacking all of the plates.
Everyone looked at each other in concern. Yunga shunned her head down and stared directly at her lap.
“Why did you push him?” Shug asked.
“I didn’t think it was a touchy subject for him.” Yunga sighed.
“Welp!” Zunci hopped out of her chair. “Time for bed.” She quickly tried to shift the mood. “Every second we waste here is another second of sleep lost. Head to bed with a clear head and a smile on your face. We’re going to crush it tomorrow. I just know it. Just need to ask where we’ll sleep.” She left the room in search of Jinlin.
Shug slowly lifted himself out of his chair and Brentha copied.
“Goodnight everyone.” Shug said with a hardy wave as he exited.
“Goodnight and have sweet dreams. Keep your head up!” Brentha followed with the last comment she directed towards Yunga.
Yunga waved back but didn’t shift in her chair. Left standing was Shanta, she pushed everyone’s chairs back neatly into the table.
“Did these kids ever get taught their manners?” She joked. “You ok?”
“Frankly.” Yunga paused. “I’ve been thinking recently. Am I a good captain? Everything that’s happened today, I don’t know how to put it but it just reflects to me that I’m probably not ready for all of this. I just can’t handle it all.”
Shanta bent down and patted her on the back. “Look, I’m going to tell you straight. I’m not gonna tell you you’re bad, but you ain’t the best. You charge into battles with no plan whatsoever. You’re one hell of a fighter but that won’t carry you far if you have no strategy. ”
“Ouch ok.”
“It hurts but that’s just the truth.”
“Yeah I know, I just didn’t expect it to really hurt me that much.”
“I’m only telling you what you need to hear. Take it as an act of endearment, you’ll get way better.”
“Thank you.” She stood up from her chair. “I’m glad you were honest with me. I’ve noticed that as well. Way too well actually.”
“You still have time to work on it. But don’t dwell on it too hard.”
“I’ll try my best not to.”
She gave her as she headed out the door. “Goodnight Yunga.”
“Goodnight Shanta.” The buzzing from the light bulbs were now extremely noticeable as the door closed leaving the room mute. With deep breaths and heavy thoughts, she carried on out and headed to the living room to finally rest.
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There were two guest rooms available to use, and then the couch that housed Hillanter which are the only places to sleep. Brentha and Yunga were allowed to use the beds while Shanta got the sofa with Zunci and Shug unfortunately had to use the floor. The moles outside moved around to the backyard where they wouldn’t be spotted by any person that so happened to walk by.
Everybody used the shower and washed up. Getting comfy for bed, Shanta was walking back from the bathroom. Jonting along feeling all freshened up, her hair drooping down her shoulders severely damp, with only one candle that lit her way through the dark hallways, she spotted something peculiar when she walked by the library.
A little glow of yellow peeking out from the gap between the floorboard and door. She was sure that all of the lights were turned off. She came to an assumption that it was just Jinlin in there. But, to make sure that it was him she had to take a tiny glimpse in.
Slowly as she gently pushed the door open, it was no use being sneaky as it creaked like it was trying to be as loud as possible. Halfway through the motion, he obviously spotted her.
“Go away please.” Jinlin called out as he didn’t even look away from the book he was reading with a dim singular candle light illuminating the page. A large glass of water resting in his hand he took a sip.
“Oh, I should’ve known it was just you.” Shanta sighed in relief. “I thought you already went to bed.”
“I didn't,” He said bluntly. “You on the other hand should already be in bed.”
“I was just making sure nobody broke into your house.”
“No one else ever comes here, nor would any sane person sneak in. Trust me, I would most likely know if somebody entered my property.”
“That’s good.”
A few brief seconds of awkward silence stood between them as she held the door open.
“Now go along.” He said. “It’s tiring to hear but you really need rest.”
“I know, but can I ask you one more thing?” She opened the door fully.
“Get it over with quickly.” He rolled his eyes.
“Ok ok, um, alright.” She stumbled on her words. “Are you really sure you don’t wanna come with us?”
“I already said no and that’s my final answer, you’re not going to change my mind if you were hoping to do so.”
“I just need to know why.”
“I don’t owe you an explanation, my decision is final. Christ, can none of you accept no for an answer. You’re more persistent than any other scammer in the marketplace.”
“You’re lying.”
She slowly closed the door behind her. “You said you wanted to be an explorer-”
“Stop! Stop it right there.” He slammed his book shut and got off of his chair and pointed vigorously at her. “It’s way more complicated than you think it is so if I were you I would shut your fucking mouth. Despite what I’ve told you it’s only one percent of who I am as a person. You don’t know me, my past, nothing. Think of us as acquaintances and that’s where it ends.”
“Then tell me why you want to stay. I can read you easier than you can realize, I know you want to leave this dingy place.”
“I’m fine right where I am. I’ve been given this place to protect, it was destroyed before and by god I’m not letting you drag me away for a battle I have no correlation with at all.” He got all pent up with rage; he rushed up to her and they were face to face.
“Fine, but if we leave without you.” She gave a dramatic pause. “You have to give me the Vill stone.”
“What? No, why would I ever do that?” He backed away like he was struck with confusion.
“Because my plan requires it.”
“I thought you could perform all that magic without it. Why didn’t you mention it until now?”
“I gave it more thought in the shower and I realized that to make myself even perform at that level of magic, it’ll take some other source than myself. I can’t do it, it’ll take an immense amount of concentration that a grand wizard would even find difficult.”
“The Vill stone will corrupt whoever uses it, you should know that.”
“I know, and I’m willing to make that sacrifice.”
Jinlin stood there thinking with a concentrated look on his face. “How long will you need to use it? If it’s a one time use you will be at less risk of corruption.”
“I guess twice. One to launch me in the air and then one to survive the landing.”
“Shit. I’m sorry I can’t allow that.”
“You have to.”
“I won’t! I’m not going to be the cause of a mass destruction if you’re not going to be able to handle it.”
“And if I do you have every right to put me down.”
“Woah.” He was completely taken aback. “Listen to yourself right now, you’re insane!”
“Maybe, but I’m certain I’m ready to make that sacrifice for a friend.”
“Holy shit. You seem way more chill about this than I thought you would be.”
“I’ve been thinking about it ever since this morning when I learned about how fucked our situation is and I decided that, if my life could be used to save anothers than I would have fulfilled my purpose my mother gave me.”
“Purpose? What do you mean?”
“Doesn’t matter right now. Please Jin, we need your help.”
“No, no no no. I’m drawing the fucking line here.” He walked away and put the book away. “Go to bed, you’re wasting your time.”
“Are you seriously going to waste your entire life here!? We could go to the places you could only dream of!”
“That’s if you survive tomorrow and after everything I’m hearing, that seems to be impossible. I’m not letting you corrupt yourself.”
“So you’ll just let Hillanter die?”
“It’s more complicated than that, god you just don’t understand-you wouldn’t understand.”
“Then make me. Why are you hiding the reason?”
“My parents sacrificed their fucking lives for this place, they died for this land, burned down with the whole place! This is the only piece I have left to remember them, my sister, everybody. The Lofter legacy isn’t going to end by my incompetent hands. By no means that I want your friend to die but I’ve done all I can. I’ll wish you the best and by the time you all leave in the morning, you’ll never see my face ever again. This conversation is done. Goodnight.” He shoved right past her and slammed the library door behind him. He left his desk candle still on.
Shanta was left in absolute silence. Looking over to the candle she went over and blew the flame out, covering her in complete and utter darkness.
“God. We’re so fucked.”
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The slam of the door startled Shug awake, he frantically looked around as his heart rate increased rapidly. He was snuggled into his sleeping bag, sweating bullets. Just to add to the misery the wood floor didn’t make for a comfortable mattress.
He unwrapped himself and exposed his body to the cool air circulating throughout the entire mansion. Even with his shirt off it was insanely hot in the bag. He got up from the ground, and as quietly as he could he walked out of the living room.
Zunci was sleeping nice and sound, snoring surprisingly loud. He noticed Shanta wasn’t laying down on the sofa. He shrugged it off and walked into the dark hallway with no light at all. Using the moonlight glowing through the rows of windows as his guide.
He just wanted to go outside to feel some fresh cold air. He remembered the upstairs when he used the shower, there was a screen door that led to a balcony. He managed to guide himself to the stairs and carefully step up.
Managing to not trip he reached the top floor and navigated to the screen door. He opened it up and the immediate sense of euphoria struck him as he ravished in the breeze. Going to the railing placing both of his arms on it and leaning forward looking down at the backyard.
Li and the other moles were under the awning of the patio sleeping peacefully and soundly. The bugs chirping at night was soothing to the soul as he relaxed his body looking up to the full moon.
“You can’t sleep either?” Yunga snuck up behind him.
He flung his body around to face her with his hands up like he was trying to defend an oncoming punch. Recognizing the voice and face he lowered his guard. “Oh my god you scared the shit out of me.”
“I could tell.” She strolled right up to him with a slight playful chuckle and leaned on the railing. “It’s so nice outside.”
“Yeah, definitely, yeah.”
She glanced over his way and raised an eyebrow. “Why are you shirtless?”
“Oh.” He was flustered with embarrassment as he tried to cover his nipples. “I forgot to put my shirt back on, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, just a little weird.”
“Yeah sorry.”
“Aren’t you cold?”
“No, I was dying earlier in my sleeping bag. It was so hot I had to go out and get the breeze on me.”
“Ah, I get ya’.” She turned and faced the moon. “I don’t blame you, it’s gorgeous here after all. A full moon with the sounds of nature surrounding you, it all feels cinematic.”
He just nodded as he leaned his back on the railing, still trying not to show his body to her. They both stood there enjoying the wind in total bliss silence. He was nervous as he was trapped in his mind, tapping his fingers together with his heart still pumping from her jumpscare.
Tell her! Tell her! Tell her!
The thought kept replaying in his head. The near death experience heeded him to finally tell her about her parents. He just had to, tomorrow could be their last day on earth. If he could finally give her closure, if there was any opportunity to tell her, there is no better chance than now. He has no idea if she knew how they went down fighting, it was only an assumption. Even if it wasn’t closure it’s just too insane of a secret to keep it hidden.
His teeth started to chatter, he could finally feel the freezing air overwhelm him. He crossed his arms across his chest and hugged himself to get any sort of warmth. It was like he was locked in a freezer, soon enough his body would freeze over if he just stood out here.. Goosebumps grew all over his body and his hairs spiked up. Yunga took her coat off and wrapped it around his shivering body.
The only thing covering her body was a bra and some shorts she borrowed from Jinlin’s closet.
“Take my coat.” She said, “You need it way more than me.”
“T-thank you.” He tightened it around his body while actively avoiding eye contact.
“Are you sure you don’t need it?” He inquired.
“Look at you man, you'll need it way more than me.”
“Do you have anything else to put on?”
“Why? You're scared of looking at my tits or what?” She teased.
“I’m just trying to respect your privacy.” He answered with a blush
“I know kid, just joking around.” She cracked a laugh. “I trust you won’t stare.”
He laughed back, his embarrassment dying down.
She looked back up, he stared her down trying to form the words but it was like his lips were sealed shut. She glanced back at him and noticed that he was just eyeing her.
“Are you ok?” She asked him.
“Yeah, just spacing out.” He laughed it off. “Um, I just wanted to-to-t-ask.”
“Uh huh?” She turned her body to face him. “Are you sure you're ok?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask.” He took a brief pause to form what question to throw at her. “What-How were your parents?”
That sounded fucking stupid
He scolded himself.
“Oh, they were amazing.” She answered. “When people say the best pirates they were not exaggerating. They took down anybody that came their way, saved probably thousands of people, helped out tons of cities, and were feared among rival gangs.” It was like a spark set off in her and she started rambling on. “I still remember the first adventure they took me on was to a volcano to take down cultists. That’s the day I realized I had powers.”
“I don’t like talking about but fuck it, I don’t know if we’re going to make it tomorrow so let it all out in the wind. These people were trying to summon an ancient demon and they needed a sacrifice. The locals in the village we were at earlier told us it was one of the young children they kidnapped. So, we got there and saved the girl but there was one remaining cultist that was playing dead on the ground. He sprung up behind my dad and tried to stab him. I ran and pushed him out of the way and took the blade for him, right in the chest. I passed out on the spot.”
“Holy shit, how did you survive?”
“I have no idea but I woke up on the boat surrounded by the rest of the crew and when I asked around how I lived, none of them answered. To this day I don’t know, and the weirdest part is that I don’t even have a scar from it.”
“That’s pretty wild.”
“It is for sure. Why’d you ask about them in the first place?”
“Oh, well I was just wondering because I was really young when they were at their peak. I only heard tales from my captain.” He said.
Shug’s heart stuttered as he just processed what he said.
“That’s right!” She said like she had this big revelation. “I completely forgot that you were a part of a crew before we met.”
“Oh, I forgot I told you.”
“I don’t think you ever told me what the crew was thinking.”
“Well, I just-”
“Even if it’s the most obscure name I’ll know, I am super nerdy about this shit.”
He took a deep breath. “Well, it’s one you’re all too familiar with.”
“Is it the Yookals? Quancee? Polorosis? The Jungle Japers? Even if it’s a stupid name like that I won’t judge you.”
He hesitated, his lips quivering trying to urge him to blurt out the words. “It's the Mickels.”
Yunga’s face steadily drooped, her smile collapsed and her mouth was completely closed.
“Look I meant to tell you way earlier but I could just never find the words and I was just…A coward because I didn’t know how you would react-”
“Shug it’s fine, I’m not going to hate you or whatever it’s alright.”
“A-are you sure.”
“Yes, you were a part of them but I don’t blame you. I don’t expect you to be as evil as them. Don’t sweat it.”
“I'm still sorry I should’ve-”
“No need to apologize, I've told you already it’s ok. I’m glad you told me now more than never.”
“There’s more though. It’s about your parents death.”
“Don’t say what I think you’re going to-”
“No! I didn’t do anything, I only watched.”
“You saw them die?”
“Yes. I was on the ship when it happened.”
Yunga faltered and completely hung her head over the railing as Shug continued on. He explained everything to her in excruciating detail. Every detail pained her more and more, to the point where she started to form tears. He ended with her mother dying holding her father in her hands.
“Your parents were basically heroes, they tried to protect me and you. I saw everyone dying around me and when I thought it was finally over, you came walking out of the cabin. I remember seeing the look on your face when you saw the carnage. I know that feeling, when your innocence is lost. I know it all too well.”
She started sniffing as the tears started to pour out more. “I never knew what happened to them. All the reporting everyone was peddling out was that they were mercilessly slaughtered. I just wanted to know how it all happened.”
Shug stood there silently as he gently placed the palm of his hand on her shoulder as her words started to become more muddled as she sobbed.
“Thank you Shug, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He said softly. He brought his other arm in close and hugged her.
She responded by wrapping her arms around him even tighter as she buried her face into the coat, muffling the cries. The sound of the sobbing started to soften and the grip loosened. They stood there in silence as she began to finally get her bearings straight and lifted her face, leaving a humongous wet spot as she pulled away.
“Sorry I just-” She stammered for a bit as she whimpered a little, still recovering from the emotional trainwreck she went through. “A lot of bullshit went on today and I’m trying to-” She stopped herself. “Nevermind it’s just too much to unload on you. I shouldn’t even be doing this in the first place. I try to be the tough, strong captain but I just can’t put up with it anymore, that's just not who I am.”
“Oh Yunga.” Shug tried to console as he patted her on the back. “You're totally that.”
“Please don’t, I know I’m not. I just hide behind my power, and I can’t even lead a team for shit. I just did it because of my parents and it’s all led me to this. Shanta told it to me straight, it hurts but fuck it’s what I need.”
Shug stood there awkwardly as she started venting to him about everything. He wanted to say the obvious positive statements that should make her feel better, but it’s not going to work. He let her put all of her grievances out there as he formulated the correct words to say, the honest truth.
“Why do you need to be the big strong captain?” He cut her off in the middle of her rant.
“Huh?” She looked puzzled.
“You’re not different from the rest of us, we’re all inexperienced at this. Like for example, I’m just a coward with no way to hold my own in a fight. Zunci is pretty dunce at times, Brentha was a sheltered princess, Hillanter can fuck somebody up but that’s the extent of it, and Shanta can only do so much with her magic. Ok, maybe not her but what I’m trying to get at is that we’re all just average people at heart. We all have our flaws and we all have our weaknesses. So even if you’re not the greatest captain of all time or compared to your parents, so what? You’re not them, you’re not any other person besides yourself. Including all of your weaknesses and strengths, so when you falter we’ll always be behind your back to pick up and work together like a true crew. So I don’t think you should treat yourself as this higher being that should never show their weak side, share it we won’t judge you. Just because you're our captain doesn’t mean you’re superior to us. So you need to stop putting this expectation on yourself, just be you. We all love who you are anyways, why stray away from that?”
It took her a while to process all of that, even Shug himself was absorbed at what he just said. It’s like his mind was just speaking for itself with no filter and he passionately kept going. She completely separated from him and looked up at the star sprayed sky.
“You’re totally right.” She chuckled. “I can’t believe I haven’t thought of it that way.”
Chirping from birds and insects drowned out the silence, both of them standing in the total cold air of night as she was completely absolved within the depths of her mind.
“I have a lot to think about.” She said, “Thank you Shug for everything.”
“I’m just glad I was able to help.” He said back.
“We should definitely get rest, we’re already pushing it.”
“Yeah-yeah, definitely.”
“Goodnight Shug.” She hugged him again. “I’m sorry for keeping you out here for so long, but I guess it was worth it.”
“Yeah, very.”
“Tell me more about my parents in the morning ok. I still have a lot of questions. I could break them all to you right now but I still have so much on my mind. I’ll clear it all up in the morning.” ”
“Of course.”
She broke the hug and headed for the sliding glass door with him following right behind her. They didn’t speak another peep as they entered inside.
They separated as Yunga headed to her room and Shug headed back downstairs, still amazed that he could find his way in the pitch black darkness. Trailing all the way back to the living room, carefully as he could, squeaked the door open.
Everyone was asleep, including the surprise appearance of Shanta who was absent before. Carefully closing it behind him and sneaking into bed being dead silent. Taking off the coat and laying it down next to him, he was finally comfortable in bed.
In a few minutes his eyes fluttered until they couldn’t be open anymore and slammed shut. Drifting off to sleep with a smirk on his face.
Finally, some good rest.140Please respect copyright.PENANAdP6woq05VS