"You sure you want to upload this, girl?" I asked her. "This is just stirring up more drama... and besides, I think those science major kids have had their fair share of chemistry gone wrong..."
"Don't be silly, of course I'm doing this. Aurelia Oxide is the best thing that's happened on my channel since that sudden power outage when I was streaming my first college lunch break."
I scoffed. Don't get me wrong, Maggie is my best friend, but she can be a bit psychotic when it comes to her videos. I can't blame her completely though. The videos are so good that they got her a scholarship here.
"The 'ghost' you caught on the CCTVs who went and fixed it?"
"You don't believe me but you should have seen it. Chef Carbonate, he was following something. What are the odds that once he reaches the circuit breaker, suddenly there's a tech powered guy there fixing it?"
"Maybe he-"
"And I've researched it." She cut me off. "There's no invisibility power, not a single one. The two of them talk for a bit, then he disappears all over again. That's the footage. I asked the chef, he seemed kind of weirded out. Of course it's a ghost."
I went over to her camera, which was ready to roll any minute. "For all of our sakes, please talk about things that actually happened."
Maggie didn't respond. She was in The Zone. I let it go and pressed record.
"Hey there viewers, I'm Maggie, and here's the latest news from elemental university!" she said cheerfully, then darted her eyes down to look at her cue card.
"First of all, crazy update from the Science Department! The group dynamics are shifting after the incident. Aurelia submitted her theory on the romance algorithm to her psychology professor, who seemed fairly impressed.
But you know who isn't impressed - her friends. Tensions between Selena and Aurelia have been high, although they seem normal. I just love how they can seem perfectly fine but then everyone knows they aren't.
Meanwhile, Thalia has been allegedly using the situation to her advantage! I mean, let's be real... if your crush suddenly becomes available, of course you'd use it. Her feelings for Lead, buried for ages, were seemingly forgotten until she confessed it to him at the hospital.
And let's not forget the boys themselves. After the massive betrayal arc, sources indicate that Nick and Lead have become friends! What a twist! The two of them haven't been spotted talking with Aurelia in ages, but today's teacup is juicier.
All our classmates have been picking sides on the Instagram poll sent out. Let's read the comments!"
She pulled her phone out, reading the comments from the top. "One user says, 'I stan the original, Aurelia and Nick. They were iconic until they got lead poisoning!!' - oh, what a burn!!
Another user says, 'I've always thought Aurelia didn't really like either of them. It's all business.' - well, user... that's really her business.
Oh, here's an interesting one. "Aurelia is dumb to have pulled that stunt. She doesn't realize how lucky she was to have met Lead. She should have just gone for Lead alone, no contest. I would have, hypothetically.' - Looks like someone in the comments has a little crush!
'I wish this would all be done with, man... Aurelia is nice enough as people go, but I know for a fact that she's not mature enough for a relationship, forget two. Having her as a friend is the way to go when it comes to her." - well said.
That's it for this week's update. The poll is still open, and who knows, maybe your comment will be in the next video. Until then, keep your eyes peeled for the cafeteria ghost and stay tuned!"
【A/N: if u read the og book, comment down below your thoughts on this love triangle! Also i have a chem exam so wish me luck!!】