Ina. She's the most ingenious person I've ever met in my sixteen years of living. Everything she says is so open and from the heart! I think I love her. I actually enjoy talking to her. Unlike everyone else, she's never subjective and doesn't really focus on how different I am. I can always tell what she's saying, better than anyone else, other than talking to my mom.
Even though I wasn't able to help out much, she was so sanguine and optimistic about our history project. I could probably list a hundred things I love about her. Too bad, she likes Nathan, who's such a charlatan. He's always so fake, lying for the heck of it. I only hope I can show Ina that I'm really awesome. I can be convivial, a party girl, a social animal. I know Ina loves to dance. Maybe I'll ask her to the dance.
Word of the day: euphonious.