But Havoc was very determined. He was not going to give up very easily. So finally Mr. Pearce told exactly where he had to go and what he had to do to obtain those wizardly powers.
Havoc was not going to let his teacher down; he began his long and gruel journey to the forest to gain his powers. It would take him a month in the wilderness, without much food or water and at nights he slept on trees to avoid wild animals.
After almost the end of the month, Havoc made it to the "secret house" of the oldest living wizard. It was in the caves. Havoc finally managed to get into the damp caves. There he saw the oldest living wizard. Havoc told the wizard who sent him and why he was there. The wizard told Havoc that he had been waiting for him to come and he knew exactly why he was here. He taught everything that he knew to Havoc and sent him back to the village.
When Havoc finally got back to the village, he told Mr. Pearce that he will go right away to kill the monster, but Mr. Pearce asked him to wait until morning. Havoc could not sleep at all. He wanted to use his new found powers. He was not afraid.