Here in my country, we are considered to be the "melting pot" of the world. Back in the 1700s, we were considered the "melting pot" because we had different kinds of Europeans living here, but our country's diversity has grown since then. Now, instead of just Europeans, we have people from all over the world. People from all over the world come for the "American dream", to escape tough situations, or even just to see what America is all about.
However, every country has its problems, even the ones that people flock to. The United States, like other countries, used to enslave people; specifically those of color. After the Civil War, a new amendment had been created to the U.S. Constitution, this amendment ensured that all people were created equal, including those who had previously been enslaved. But the persecution didn't stop, blacks were separated in every way that was possible. That was, until some protesting began among the colored people. This included some popular acts from Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr.
Of course, some persecution continued because of these acts, but this didn't stop people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr from pursuing their dreams. Eventually, their actions made an impact and soon, the separation stopped. Of course, it was hard for people to accept this new change. But, over time, we accepted it.
Now, we are continuing to accept people, legally, into our country from all over the world; of people of any race. Like any country, however, we continue to have our struggles. With religion, race, and sexuality; there are still some conflicts regarding those issues. But, in time, I believe that we will come to resolve those issues.
I come from the United States of America and I am proud to say that I am an American. I am glad that so many people flock to this country and I hope that, in the future, we will take down our current issues and any that we may have in the future.