The ground was massive, and Yona could see many new students like her approaching inside the huge place. Most of them had unusually dyed hair and were looking very charming. Yona was getting nervous to see so many competitors, as she would be playing her violin and getting her feet wet in front of a large audience.
, "Yona...Yona. Doll! You alright?" Mika asked,
acknowledging Yona's loss of thought. And she nodded, saying that she was all set. A smooth and mild breeze was flowing when Mika suddenly noticed someone and said to Yona,
"Doll. If you don't mind, I just spotted someone. I'll come back in two minutes. Just going to say hello to him."
,"Why not?", Yona gently replied. Suddenly, Yona felt someone pat her shoulder, mildly saying in a soft voice,
,"Excuse me."
Yona turned back and saw an adorable girl of her age with shoulder-length, straight, caramel hair and light brown eyes. Her cuteness was caressing Yona's sentiments, and she couldn't help but admire her beautiful smile.
"I think it's yours. You dropped it,", the girl said while giving Yona Yona's ID card that had fallen from her skirt pocket. Yona took the card and showed her gratitude to her.
The girl then said, "I'm Kanae. It's a pleasure to meet you, Yona."
,"So you know me already?"
,"Who wouldn't know you?" Kanae gave a brief chuckle and then went inside, waving at her and saying that they would get late if they kept standing like this. Yona took in her opinion and ran her eyes around to search for Mika, but he was nowhere to be seen. Just then, he came from behind her, making her shriek, and then they both went inside.
All the students who desired admission were gathered in the huge and vast auditorium of Infinite Vibes Academy.
To every one, a number had been assigned. Mika's number was 444, and Yona's was 445. The total number of students who were gathered there was 520, of which the top 110 would be admitted to the academy.
Right now, all the students were chit-chatting, and their attention got attracted to the stage when the lights turned off from their space. And the stage got lit up. On the stage, everyone saw a young man, approximately 25 years old, with long strawberry blonde hairs combined with American blue layers that were tied in a loose ponytail. When he was certain that all the eyes were on him, he commenced his speech in a brisk way:
"Hello! Everybody! How are the youngsters doing?" Everyone cheered loudly as he remarked, "Oh well! I think the young generation's blood is running wild with excitement. Now, without any delay, I'd like to introduce my very own self, which is Zenjiro Umanosuke. I'm going to be your commentator and your speaker.. Can call me Mr.Voice?" Everyone hooted again.
"Now coming to the point. Each of you has been given a number. The exam would start tomorrow, so tell all those idles who are still asleep that they didn't miss the chance. All of the contestants will be divided into seven sections. From 1 till 80 tomorrow, 81 till 160 the day after tomorrow, then 161 till 240, then 241 till 320, then 321 till 400, then 401 till 480, and then all the left ones, but don't you dare to skip even an hour of these tests. I.V.A. wants all of you to be present these days to cheer your fellows up. The result will be announced after the exam ends. Only 110 of you will pass. The top 22 will be shifted to class 1-A, then the other top 22 will be classified into class 1-B, and so on. For today, you will be visiting the whole school, plus you can meet the second and third years as well as the president."
Just as the girls heard that, they began whispering and started to burst with excitement in their eagerness to see the president.
While Mr. Voice was giving the students a tour around I.V.A., he told them that the exam would contain points for voice, instrument playing, dressing, body language, and confidence, and before singing, the judges would ask some questions and their motto. He further described that their motto can also be a highlighted phrase in a song. Infinite Vibes Academy was as big as an enormous castle, with several classrooms, music rooms, practice areas, grounds, sports grounds, dance rooms, a library, a cafeteria, swimming pools, labs, a vast auditorium, concert areas, and much more. After the tour, they were instructed to relax and have a break in the cafeteria.
"Hey Yona! Let me introduce you to my friends." , Mika cheered as they both walked towards a group of three people. Yona nodded blissfully. In the group, there were three girls who were sitting around a table. Mika reached them and said,
"Hey guys! Long time, no see!"
,"We just met yesterday, Mika." The girl with long black hair stated this while chuckling.
Noticing the girl with short caramel hair, Yona recalled in her mind that she was Kanae. When the three saw Yona, the tomboyish girl with blackberry purple-dyed hair, said with a pleasant yet teasing look to Mika,
"Who is this beauty with you? Your girlfriend?"
On hearing this, Yona got embarrassed while Mika hesitantly said,
"No! No! No! You are getting the wrong idea. She's my friend. My childhood friend Yona."
All of the three chuckled while Kanae said that she had met her before. The long-haired girl introduced herself as Asuna, and the tomboyish girl gave her name as Risa. Yona could sense a pretty blaze in their nature. Mika and Yona sat amongst them, and he asked,
"Where's Shu?"
,"He lost his guitar, and now he is finding it. He said he'd come here as soon as he found it." Replied Kanae.
"Where's Haru?" asked Mika.
"He was sick today, thanks to God! He would be so glad to hear that he didn't miss the chance."
"And where's Azusa?"
,"Where can he be? He just picked up a fight with a second year and now is called to account by the principal." Answered Risa.
On hearing this, Yona at once said with amazement and eagerness,
"Azusa? Is he our Azusa, Mika?" Mika nodded as a yes, and Yona eagerly said, "Really! Really! Azusa! I want to meet him! Please!"
,"I know you would be missing him, but I don't think he would be happy to see you." Said Mika
,"Whatever! I just want to meet him. It's been ages!" Yona pledged
, "He'll come here soon. We'll meet him together."
Yona agreed, and then Asuna said, "Well, you didn't introduce yourself, Yona."
,"Me? Well, I'm Yona Daisuke."
Asuna giggled and then spoke, "We already know that."
,"Which instrument do you play?"
,"Violin," responded Yona.
"Rare! And what about your ideal?" said Kanae.
,"Atsushi Ren!" Yona sprighted out like a happy little kid, and the others shared the same ideology too, excluding Mika, whose inspiration was Charlie Puth. There was a short discussion about random facts. That suddenly Mika said,
"Shu's here!" Everyone turned to look at Shu, and as Yona and Shu's eyes met, they got lost in an another world and stared into one another's irises. Mika then severed the connection by yelling,
"Shu!" Why did it take you so long?
,"Actually, I first lost my guitar, then when I found it, an idiot opened the paper clip of my notes, and they were all scattered everywhere," Shu said as he sat down next to Mika. " It took some time to collect them."
Shu Ryohei was a very handsome and good-looking guy with black hair that had been entirely colored a very light blonde color. He modeled his hair after Denki Kaminari, one of his favorite anime characters.
,"Who is this new girl, then? ... It appears that I may have seen her on television someplace."
, "I'm Yona Daisuke," replied Yona.
"The President's daughter! ... Well, nice to meet you. I'm Shu," said Shu Ryohei.
Yona shook hands with Shu as he extended his hand to shake. Shu was Mika's childhood pal. They shared the same bond that Mika and Yona did. Yona's history was grim, while Shu's was lively.
Everyone has now started to head for their homes. The sky appeared to be incredibly exposed. Mika was speaking with Shu as Yona waited for him. Yona started to move in the direction of the automobile while her eyes were buried in her phone. She suddenly knocked into someone, causing her phone to drop out of her hands. She turned to apologize right away, but when she saw the person, Azusa, she was completely taken aback. Azusa was almost as surprised but angrily flung the remark,
"Look where you're going."
Yona called his name, but he didn't say anything to her and simply left. Yona turned around to see him leave and remained still, glaring.
{______________12 Years Ago______________}
Yona appeared to be trying to shield a young child from the three lads who were standing in front of them by extending her arms wide in front of him. Azusa served as their commander. Yona was 4 at the time, and Azusa was 5. She responded by telling him to leave the youngster alone, despite his devilishly foul and disrespectful instructions to do so.
When Yona ignored his commands after receiving three warnings, she was thrashed and left on the ground with bruises, struggling to breathe, and tears in her eyes. Yona had never seen anyone as a friend before, save for Azusa. She admired his strength and the way he made others feel at ease in his presence. Yona adored the music he played on the drum set when he was younger; yet, all he did was gaze down at her. She had always irritated him.
Yona would constantly follow him behind, despite his repeated pushes and orders for her to stop, but she would always get up and go on. When he called her "worthless," she cheerfully accepted it since it came from the guy she loved. Yona was often made fun of by Azusa, but she never took it personally since she knew that eventually he would put that feeling aside and extend a hand to her. 1 Azusa, on the other hand, was a person who had strong pride. All he wanted was to be on top. And why wouldn't he want that, given that his musical brilliance was unpredictable? No one was to be on top of him, in his opinion. Yona and Azusa shared a mutual admiration for 'Atsushi Ren'.
Azusa's conversation, however, began with yelling and finished with yelling. He spoke in a rude, haughty manner, and because of his quick anger, no one dared speak after him. Yona thought he was arrogant, but he was unaffected by his haughtiness. He was the ideal person to be arrogant. In his eyes, Yona was just a piece of paper lying on the ground. Yona still thought highly of him, despite his disdain.
He was the first person she had ever wished she had as a friend. Yona was once sitting by herself on the swing, staring down at her feet in a distressed manner. She was startled to feel a finger tapping her left shoulder. In the meantime, she felt a similar movement on her right shoulder. She turned to her left to see who it was, but there was no one there.
She turned to the right, but she couldn't see anyone there. Once more, Yona heard her, in her depressed condition, explain that she was only dreaming. However, as she finished her sentence, Yona felt warm hands cover her eyes and heard a boy's voice reply,
"No, you're not. I'm real."
,"Who are you?" Yona asked, a little frightened.
,"First, promise me you won't open your eyes unless I tell you to."
She was instructed to open her eyelashes as the stranger approached her from behind. Yona opened her eyes to find a gorgeous youngster, perhaps five years old, with dark brown hair and brown eyes that sparkled, smiling sweetly at her. Yona seemed shy when she saw him, and the guy proclaimed loudly,
"I'm Mika! Do you want to be friends?
Then, after agreeing to his offer and giving her name, Yona's expression once again turned sorrowful. Mika regarded her and remarked like a poem.
"Are you sad?"
Yona said, "No, I'm not."
"Are you sure?"
,"Yes, I am."
"Did someone hurt you?"
,"Yes, my friend did."
, "I knew it was so."
, "How do you knew it?"
,"Because I read your face!"
Then they both began to chuckle. The comment from Mika was,
"You sure know that poem very well." "Yeah," Yona replied. "I only recently discovered it." They eventually grew so close to one another that they couldn't sleep without seeing one another every day. Mika, Yona, and Azusa met each other in this manner.
I.V.A.'s Principal, Sanji Nakajima, invited the first-year students to the Multi-Rise Club that evening for a social gathering and to help them gain confidence. Sanji was a highly vivacious individual with a kind disposition.
He had also served as the director of the RJ music firm, and, after his retirement, he became the deserving head of the Infinite Vibes Academy. Today's air was chilly. Shu, Risa, Asuna, and Kanae were present when Mika and Yona arrived and sat down. There were also the other first-year students and the principal. A band of musicians was also summoned to the location.
There was a lot of singing and applause until the choir director unexpectedly announced, "We are going to play the next song, but there is a problem." The teenager's entire face changed into a question mark.
"For the next song, we would be playing a violin, but regrettably, the violinist hasn't yet arrived," the man said. "We thus require a violinist to fill this position. A young person from your group is needed. Anyone can step on?". As soon as Mika heard this, he grabbed Yona by her shoulders and said,
"Yona, this is your opportunity! You can perform it. Go ahead and display your ability to everyone."
Yona nervously replied, "But I'm not prepared. I'm not that good to step on the platform."
,"Quit that excuse! You are perfect at that. Come on, Yona! Just say yes."
As the others continued to persuade her, Yona finally got up and declared,
"I can!"
She felt uneasy since everyone was staring at her, and the musician beckoned her up on stage. She was so breathtakingly beautiful that all the males had their attention fixated on her.
Yona became a bit embarrassed when she noticed that all the boys were gazing at her. Within a moment, she whispers, "How beautiful she is! My love for her is growing," etc. could be heard.
When she was first seen, the musician, Inasa Hedemi, remarked, "I'm sure all the boys would have skipped a beat of their hearts after witnessing you." Yona thanked him while blushing.
"We're going to play "Out of Time."" Inasa remarked after I handed her a violin. "You can play that tune, right?" Yona gave a quick nod, picked up the violin by the shoulder, gripped the bow, and the music started.
Everyone became so engrossed in the music that nobody even paid attention to who entered or left. And everyone in attendance could only utter the thought, "That sound is fantastic!" When the song was over, the audience erupted in enthusiastic cheers that filled the whole hall. Yona was ecstatic to witness the pupils' happiness until a voice from behind her exclaimed,
"Bravo!" Everyone paused and turned to face the rear. Atsushi Ren was there! Everyone went into a frenzy of amazement. Yona couldn't even move since she was so shocked when he approached the stage. Atsushi entered the stage as applause erupted. So Inasa said,
"Oh! So now our violinist is here." Yona was completely taken aback at hearing this. , "The violinist was Atsushi Ren, she reasoned in her head. "In the place of "true name," I am present. Is this real?" All of this seemed like a blurry dream until Atsushi Ren approached her and exclaimed, "You were brilliant! Never in my lifetime have I ever heard that kind of sound! Immense beauty of music."
Yona found it hard to accept that the person she had imagined herself as as a youngster was now in front of her. "Atsushi Ren," she mumbled. Atsushi offered her a gentle touch on the shoulder and a heartfelt hug. Upon seeing this, everyone once more erupted in laughter and applause. At the moment, everyone saves Atsushi Ren was leaving for their homes. Yona quickly ran to him when she noticed him leaving. Yona yelled out his name as Atsushi was ready to open the door of his car. Atsushi took a moment to think before turning to face her
. "Is there anything I can do to help you with". he softly said. And Yona became speechless at that very time.
ns be continued... Wait for the next chapter. You know creation is hard, so please motivate me.