This is yet another incredibly common lie I see and before I get on with this rant, I'd like to offer a question. How many people on this earth know everything about the history of the world and, more importantly, WHO GIVES A SHIT? I was also a dm before I started my hobby writing, but I rarely ever decided to make my own world and instead found ways to use the settings I had at my fingertips because worldbuilding is a massive pain in the ass. However, if you decide to world build, more power to you and good're in for a fun time.
Unfortunately, there are some people who seem to believe that you must know every single detail of a world, no matter how small, before you start writing in it. My brother and I are kings of random bullshit knowledge but we don't seek it. It comes to us in passing but there are some things, such as the first recorded domestication of wheat, that we don't give a shit about. It's knowledge that only people who actually care would know and it's fine to not have a detail like that when you start writing unless an important character needs it.
There are plenty of things you should know about your world before using it, but I'll put that in another part where I'm trying to be positive.
Have a day