It was a thing of great wonder and amusement that was shared around the globe. Initially, the phenomena were discovered by a young Instagram model by the name of Haylee Sumersdale while she was photographing the highway that stretched through Death Valley. It was the most spectacular thing she had ever, or would ever see in her life. It was a pair of disembodied feet that clomped along the side of the highway at the speed of your average jogger. She was initially stunned, horrified, bewildered, another synonym for scared. But, she quickly came to realize that the feet were no threat to her at all. They simply were. She followed them for some time after that. Videotaping and photographing their progress over several days.
Word got around quickly, initially, everyone assumed that it was fake, a forgery. Then the feet and Sumersdale reached a town a few miles east. The town’s residents who had followed her on Instagram eagerly awaited her presence, hoping to catch the making of her wonderful foot spectacle. Only to find that it was not stagged, that there was a genuine pair of disembodied feet clopping along the side of the road.
From that point, news agencies got involved and from there, it was as if the whole world watched as the feet made their way from an unknown location to Death Valley, to Santa Fe and beyond. The feet briefly came to a stop outside of El Paso, Texas before making their way up north to Oklahoma. The whole world was on the edge of its seat as the feet slowly traveled, taking busses, planes, and even a boat at one point to cross the Mississippi into Illinois. From Indianapolis, it went to South Carolina, where it was unknowingly rented by locals and tourists who had been following its progress on and off for the past few months since its existence was made aware to them. By that point, Sumersdale had dropped out of it and was focused on other projects in the Yukon.
But the feet went on without her, eventually, they reached Miami Beach. As unceremoniously as they began they stepped into the water and the hearts and collective imagination of humans everywhere. it's said that they’re still down there, somewhere in the darkest depths of the ocean, making their way either to Europe or Africa or maybe they’ve been consumed by the feral beasts of the inky depths, no one can say for sure.