That was it, the final flight of the universe. Humanity had died out centuries ago and the universe was slowly growing colder. It has seen billions of stars being born in its lifetime and even many more commence their death rattle. But, the most curious thing remained of a peculiar solar system a few lightyears away from Alpha Centauri. It was a single set of human lungs. Much smaller than the gargantuan thing that lived outside of time that observed them. It was the only thing like it in the whole damn universe and it soared and floated through the vast empty reaches of space, completely aimless for the past eighty-two centuries.
Now, here it was. At the very end. All the being could do was sit back and observe them. A very curious thing began to happen, something that violated the laws of physics. Due to the lack of air, the lungs shouldn’t have been able to make a sound, but they did. The lungs began to vibrate an emit this heinous screeching noise, unlike anything the being had heard before. It was abhorrent. Then the being noticed something even stranger than that. The vast ocean of obsidian seemed to get sucked into the lungs which by that point had begun to glow as they vibrated and squealed. It didn’t quite know what it was seeing. Had it mistaken what the thing was? Were they even human lungs? It inspected the lungs closer, as it could given that it was a being outside of what we used to comprehend as space in time, sure enough, it was a perfectly normal set of human lungs. Save for the fact that they had turned into a bright yellow beam of light and were sucking in the universe like a squishy, gore vacuum cleaner. Then it was over in an instant, the lungs shattered into infinitesimal pieces like a great vase and the shards expanded, illuminating everything that ever was until it was nothing but a white blinding void. The other-dimensional being was stunned. Slowly, life began to reform in this newly rejuvenated universe and it was all thanks to, it supposed the floating set of human lungs in the middle of space.