They laugh at how quickly she chugs down the drink. “Looks like someone can handle her liquor” Ghost says outwardly without thinking. “Damn straight” she says and looks down at her empty glass before getting up to go get another one. As she walks to the bar someone speaks to her and she ignores them taking ghost’s advice. “Hey I was talking to you” someone grabs her arm and pulls her to him “I’m sorry I wasn’t listening” she swallows scared. “Well you better listen little girl” she shivers at the words ‘help’ she mouths over to the table hoping someone will be paying attention. And just as she looks at the table again ghost is by her side grabbing her away from the man. “Don’t fucking touch her. She doesn’t belong to you, she belongs to me. And if you lay another finger on her you’ll be missing a couple” he threatens and wraps his arms around her shaking body.
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“Hey hey, you're okay. He wasn’t going to hurt you.” he grips both of her arms tightly and bends down to look her in the eyes. Her eyes are filled with tears, “hey, it's okay” Ghost's tone softens from his usual gruff and uncaring tone to one that mirrors a friend. She takes a deep breath and looks at his eyes. For some odd reason looking at him calms her down and she can’t tell why. He pisses her off more often than not but here he is calming her down. “Look don’t get up again without me okay?” he asks and she nods her head “Yes lieutenant,” she says looking down at her drink. “Look you're not in trouble with me but you will be in trouble if you get caught by anyone in here. They all view you as a piece of meat. They want nothing to do with you except maybe a bang and then leave you on the side of the road wishing you were dead." They approach the table as he is speaking. “Oh”
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They continue drinking for a little while, she stops when she starts to get a little tipsy. Ghost starts feeding her little shots of vodka every so often when she seems like she’s bored. “Hey corporal,” he whispers in her ear when the music starts to get louder as the night goes on and the bar gets more packed “Yes lieutenant” she asks “We should get you home.” he says to her motioning to the guys that they’re leaving as they walk out she can tell he’s more sober than her. “You’re staggering corporal” he laughs and she rolls her eyes at him. “Yeah yeah, shut up” She mumbles her words slurring slightly. He takes her to the bedroom. “Look, lay down, we have drills in the morning and I’m not carrying your little ass after you pass out.” she laughs and flops onto her bed. “I wouldn’t pass out during the drill.” He looks at her “Yeah sure you wouldn’t, also you reek of alcohol, you should probably shower at some point”
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“Why?” she asks him sitting up “Um so the drill sergeant doesn’t crucify you for drinking on duty” he responds looking at the clock in the barracks. Then turning on the small tv in the room which is playing some medical drama. “Yeah, you’re right” she stands and starts to grab her stuff for a shower “Blair?” he says as she's about to walk out “Yes?” she turns around and looks at him “Be careful, the showers are slick” he warns before she walks into the bathroom. As she starts showing she can feel herself getting dizzy and lightheaded. She falls to the floor making a loud thud. “Shit” ghost mumbles from the other room running to the bathroom he sees her on the floor and scoops her up in his arms. “Hey, Blair.” he pats her face gently, moving her out of the water and sitting with her small frame in his arms. “Blair” applies a little more force to her face and her eyes shoot open. “What..” she asks him, looking up and then realizing where she is and covering her body.
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“You okay blair?” he asks, putting her down and helping her up. “You passed out” she nods “yeah I’m fine” she says as her knees buckle again and he catches her. “I don’t think you are. But okay” he keeps holding her up “I’m not leaving until you finish your shower,” he keeps his arms on her body to keep her standing up. She washes her body and hair quickly, rinsing and then shutting off the water. She steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around her body and then starts to get dressed and that is when he leaves the room. When she walks into the bedroom he’s already in bed and asleep. She crawls into her own bed and falls asleep.
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“Hey stupid, wake up” she hears a ghost yelling at her and she gets up out of bed and looks at the alarm clock on her nightstand. ‘05:30’ she mumbles to herself and starts to get ready for the day. She looks at a ghost who is already awake and dressed. “Ugh my head” she says and for a brief moment she swears she sees concern in his eyes. “Did you perhaps check that last drink you brought back from the bar?” He asks her his voice gruff and uncaring again. It was nothing like last night, “No, I didn't, why?” she looks at him nervously “You could’ve been roofied” he says shrugging his jacket on “I’ve been roofied before that's not the feeling i’m having right now.” She laughs and gets ready to walk out the door. “You’ve been roofied before?” He asks his voice to shift back to that concerned tone from last night. “Yea in high school some guy I didn’t know roofied me and I ended up pregnant and boom here I am now.” she says it so nonchalantly he’s almost scared for her.
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“What!” he grabs her and makes her look at him “Are you okay?” He asks if his voice is so soft she can barely hear it. She nods “Yeah now lets go before we’re late to formation.” The way she brushes him off scares him, he feels the need to protect her like she's fragile now. He knows she doesn’t want to be looked at that way but he can’t help it. It's not because of her size, or weight, or anything but because she was taken advantage of by someone. He didn’t want that happening to her. What was he thinking he knew he couldn’t have her, so why did he want her so badly? He lets her go and they continue walking to formation in silence. When they get there everybody is already in line and they fall in behind them. The instructor says that they’re gonna be calling cadence. She nods as they begin to run, not missing a beat when the drill sergeant starts calling. She looks over at the ghost once during the run, his eyes focused on running and for a moment he looks like he’s at peace. She smiles and starts to pick up pace as she's falling behind.
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As they're doing their cool down she's walking around trying to keep her legs moving so she doesn't get cramps. “Look here squirrel” Ghost says watching her quick erratic motions. “Calm down, sit down and stretch it works better” he pats the spot next to him gently. “Look follow me” he pulls his leg back slightly, stretching the muscle and then straightening his leg and bending down. She watches him and follows his motions. She wipes her face with her hands “I’m such a hungry ghost, I could literally eat anything.” König snickers at them. “Well we’ll finish our cool down and then we’ll go eat,” he finishes stretching and goes to change out of his pt’s. He meets her at the mess hall for lunch.
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“So how was your first PT” he asks her “well with this unit” he laughs and she nods “Hell on earth like every other unit” he just smirks at her and starts to move through the line which is serving some form of a pasta dish. He grabs a plate from the person behind the line and smiles “Thank you sir” he says before walking down the line and grabbing a bottle of water. She follows his motions through the line and goes to sit down at their usual table. Instead of sitting across from him she sits right next to him. “What’s this, have you grown to like me or something?” he laughs. “No way” she responds, picking up a bite with her fork. “The air vent is over there and I always freeze.” He laughs at her response and starts eating. He finishes his food first, “I don’t see how you put that much salt on that I think you may be part horse.” He laughs at her, when she pours about half the salt onto her plate “It doesn’t have any flavor, I swear to god.” she says finishing up the last few bites of her food and walking to put her dishes in the kitchen.
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“Its concerning is what it is” he laughs, still sitting at the table and then wrapping his arms around her in a friendly motion and with nothing but enlisted men in the mess hall there's hardly any witness of the interaction. She hugs him back and the enlisted men whistle at them. “Shut the fuck up” Ghost says to them, looking at her. “You know kid you’re not half as bad as you seemed when I first met you.” she rolls her eyes not knowing whether that would be a compliment or an insult. She stands “Thank you? I think” she laughs, heading back to their room following him shortly after. They both enter the room together. “You wanna watch a movie?” He asks to turn on the small t.v again. She nods and sits on his bed facing the t.v. he sits down next to her finding a movie on the t.v.
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He puts his arm around her pulling her closer to him. She shivers not knowing what's going on. “Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just don't want you falling off the bed.” he laughs and she looks down to notice she was on the edge “oh thank you” she smiles and gets closer to him. They watch the movie and about half way through she looks at his face and then at the arm around her. This isn’t so bad she thinks to herself. He’s kind of handsome and he’s protecting you.
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