The curtains opened to reveal the next contestant, a one-armed juggler named Stumpy, who was dressed in a bright orange jumpsuit with yellow polka dots. He confidently strode out onto the stage, his one arm waving enthusiastically at the audience, and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I'm Stumpy, the greatest one-armed juggler the world has ever seen! And for my death-defying act, I will be juggling not one, not two, but three incredibly challenging objects: a pitcher of Kool-Aid, a double-layer strawberry cake with white frosting, and a wild raccoon!" The audience gasped in shock, their eyes wide with a mix of excitement and terror. Some people covered their mouths in horror, while others screamed with delight.
Stumpy, undaunted by the audience's reaction, began to juggle the cake and pitcher of Kool-Aid with ease, the objects flying through the air in a dizzying blur. But, as he warned, the tricky part was getting the raccoon out of its cage. With the cake and pitcher still airborne, Stumpy opened the cage door, and the raccoon lunged out, its beady eyes fixed on Stumpy's one arm. The raccoon grabbed Stumpy's arm in its mouth and started savagely shaking it back and forth, causing Stumpy to stumble around the stage.
The pitcher of Kool-Aid fell from the air, splashing its contents all over the front row, drenching the same poor gentleman who had already had his eyebrows singed off by Bendy's fire-breathing act. The cake, meanwhile, came crashing down onto the stage, exploding in a shower of strawberry frosting and cake crumbs that covered the audience. The crowd erupted into chaos, with people screaming and running for cover.
Stumpy, still trying to wrestle the raccoon under control, finally managed to calm it down by feeding it some of the cake that had splattered all over the stage. But he was mortified, his face bright red with embarrassment. He hesitated, then mumbled, "And, uh, for my next trick, I was planning to juggle a pot of hot coffee, a chainsaw, and a machete..." The audience, already on edge, let out a collective groan, and a barrage of boos and tomatoes came flying onto the stage.
Sizzle, sensing disaster, quickly dropped the curtain and rushed out onto the stage, dancing around like a fool with a rubber chicken. "Hey, hey, hey, folks! Don't worry about Stumpy, he's just having a little... um, creative difference with his raccoon friend! Let's move on to the next act, shall we?" The audience, still grumbling and throwing tomatoes, slowly began to calm down, and the show stumbled on to its next contestant.