The Forgotten Lands of The Over, a cracked piece of history forever sent into the limbo known as deep space. But it wasn’t the fault of the people of this elapsed land to cause this separation; it was the corruption of “the PURE ones”. All whom lives in The Over thinks that any infraction is a disgrace, that hybrids and unknown species are hideous monstrosities that should be burned or sent to a place where no one can see them. But that was a millennium ago. Over time the one chunk of land formed into a planet, its name: Avikar. Deep purple waters stretch across the floating rock, leaving two broken pieces of land separated by The Rift; a seeming less endless chasm of nothing but monsters and darkness, all who tries to cross or enter… never return to the lands of Black and White. The left half of the separated rock is known as Black, all whom lives there is either intelligent, depressed or both. The wildlife is draped in the continents darkness, forming new and unique species of various shapes and forms. Most are hybrids of species long since dead. The continent of White… well, expect to see all of them psychotic and slightly too extremely creative. This combination the people of Black find very concerning, but then again, it wasn’t any of their business. The rulers of these “fine” lands are two of the most renown and callous rulers known to the multiverse to the date. In the land draped in black rules the family Makieko; the king and queen, along with their four sons and two daughters, rule with an iron fist and killing any who stands in their way, especially the eldest son, Aarida Judisio Makieko, future king and monarch of the land of Black. Now for the land covered in bright white lives not a king or queen but the Alpha Clan, or the strongest out of all the known clans in the region. The name of this clan, dare I speak its name, Clan BloodSun. Ruthless and chaotic the chief of the clan, Tyrion Gastlo BloodSun, along with his wife, Marron Keep BloodSun, their eldest daughter, son and their new daughter, born a ruthless killer and slaughtered three of her caretakers at age two, Silcon Liberator BloodSun. But I’m getting ahead of myself, I haven’t even told you MY name, sorry about that. My name is Seer, and I live in the desolate plains of Black, far away in a deep and dark cave where nothing even represented as light could think of touching. My eyes, grey and hollow surrounded by heavy bags now watch my steady hands writing the words you are reading. Why write this? Why tell you about what is to come even though it could affect the timeline? Well… I have my reasons, one of them being that I made a promise to an old friend to give her a new story to delve into. Another reason… I need someone to understand why I did what I did.
It all happened about five centuries into the near future and about three centuries into the past when Silcon BloodSun was born to the point of destruction for this nation and all the ones in The Over. Again, I’m getting ahead of ourselves, my apologies. I shall start where it really begins, past the point of Silcon’s birth and to the point where my disciples take the stage. (Seer turns away and looks right into a floating orb and touches the sides, revealing a young man dressed in common prison stripes sprinting down corridors and halls, trying so desperately to get to his next class on time.)
Kito Yamato Xerox, a young male human/spirit walker hybrid, had finally made it to his first period class, dimensional physics. His whitish grey floppy hair falling in front of his bright purple eyes, the small silver triangles on either side of his pupils glittering. He pushed open the sliding door to his classroom, heaving and gasping for air as all the students and the teacher turned to look at him. “S…sorry Mr. Alavo, I uh… got up late?” Kito grinned slyly, hoping his teacher would buy his story; the teacher, wrapped in a black ragged cloak that fell over his face and most of his body, leaving his grey gloves and boots exposed, only shook his head in disappointment. “Mr. Xerox we all know that you, Mr. Oumadi, Ms. Ryonz and Ms. Uvion were all out causing mischief like usual, just… take your seat.” The shade hissed in his slithering, skin crawling voice. Kito nodded, scurrying over to his seat in the back of the room next to Pyri Wezicot, a future pyrotechnic and weapons expert. Mr. Alavo started class, discussing about a new cosmic eruption in the Multiverse and something about a rare borealis that only happens once every three million years or something like that. Kito sighed and leaned back in his metal seat, exchanging a glance with Pyri. Her bright yellow eyes glowing slightly, her very short green hair falling over the left one, her white skin making her eyes shine brighter. ‘So, what did you and the crew do this time?’ she asked telepathically, Kito smiled in a prideful way, making the young Aquatic/Elemental shiver. ‘Well Pyri, me and the crew went over to the palace last night’ he started, already seeing the surprise and shock in her eyes. ‘And, we broke in.’ his smile widened at her shock, her eyes growing bigger and bigger with each second of realization of what he did. ‘Did you… ya know… take anything?’ she asked, glancing at the teacher to be sure he hasn’t looked over their way. ‘You bet we did, and you are about to find out what it is too.’ Kito glanced out the large window facing the great ocean, his grin turning into a toothy smile. Pyri was about to question him some more when a loud bang shook the earth under their feet. The teacher yelped in surprise, darting to the window along with all the students. Now, in the shallowest part of the ocean was a statue of King Makieko, covered head to toe in spray paint and various kinds of feathers and robotic parts, and written on the side (by Kito) was the phrase ‘Why follow a dumb ass when you can follow an Avakor’ all the children laughed at reading the phrase, a few occasionally glancing at Kito and slapping him on the back. Kito laughed along with them, winking at Pyri and her friends, pushing his hair away from his eyes and giving them that irresistible smile and look. Mr. Alavo turned sharply to Kito, rushing at him and slapping him with his hard glove. White blood shot out of his nose, the impact sending him onto his back. Everyone stopped, looking from Kito to Mr. Alavo with fear in their eyes. Kito put a hand up to his face, blood staining his prison stripes. Mr. Alavo hissed and grunted as he hit Kito a second and third time. Then the punches started. All the boys in the class were trying to hold their teacher back as the girls rushed to find help. Kito, his blood splattering everywhere and his eyes, becoming foggy with pain and drowsiness, closed. All he could hear was the sound of angry and fearful voices that seemed so very far away. But it didn’t matter now, the blood loss would make all the pain go away eventually.
Kito opened his eyes to a glowing terrain, the white burning his eyes to the point of watering. Kito held his hand up above his eyes to block the light only to be blinded from below, in the corner of his eye however… was a girl in black. Kito turned his head to face her, hoping to relive his eyes from the burning white. She was young, about three miloncents. Her dark hair pulled over her face and eyes, her pale skin glittering in the light. Her dress stretching down to the ground and down her arms, the royal insignia of the BloodSun clan (a black lightning bolt threw a red sun) rested upon her neck. Kito, afraid of the young tyrant, backed away. Until his foot slipped and he tumbled into an endless pit of inky black, his worst nightmares surfacing and trying to drag him into the nightmare realm with them. Kito let out a shrill screech, breaking the realm of dreams and forming into a Limbo region. Kito hit the ground, dust flying up from his impact. He sat up, groaning and rubbing his back from past and present pain. Kito’s silhouette, the only thing visible against the other silhouettes and the dark blue moon overhead. The howls of monsters and nightmares echoing throughout the desolate trees and obscurity. Kito stood, slowly and quietly, glancing at the swaying branches and small noises around him. ‘Why…at a time like this would you drag me here?’ Kito thought, making his was forward, avoiding anything that would make any sort of noise, hopping from rock to rock and occasionally stepping on moss. Every few feet he took glances all around him, making sure his presence wasn’t known to this ghostly world. He was about three hundred yards in when he heard a twig snap behind him about twenty feet away, he turned slowly and looked over his shoulder at a being draped in a dark grey ragged cloak, her hair light grey and short and her face and neck sunken in like a corpse. Her eyes a deep grey and gone, black blood dripping from the sockets. She had no legs only a smoky wisp, like a genie, her smoky arms partially covered by white gloves, black claws broken threw the top of each finger. She put a finger up to her lips as to say ‘hush’. Kito nodded, glad to see a familiar face in this insipid world. She floated toward him, reaching a long clawed hand toward him, and he reached out himself. When their fingers touched they were instantly transported to a cave deep in the plains of Black. “Now we may speak without your soul being taken.” Seer alleged, floating over to a broken mirror that didn’t cast her reflection. Kito sighed and sat himself down onto the stone floor, rubbing his face where he was repeatedly hit. “What did he do this time?” Seer turned, her expression remaining unchanged, emotionless. “It… was nothing… he just doesn’t know how to take a joke.” Kito crossed his arms and pouted, looking into a puddle that didn’t cast his reflection, for in this state he had none. Seer nodded, floating over to his side. “We talked about this.” Seer jeered, bonking Kito on the head with a karate chop. He brushed her hand away, turning away. “You are to be a Voider, Kito, a bridge between this world and The Over. You understand that… right?” Seer poked his face gently, making him smile. She motioned with her head toward the cave entrance, Kito got up and followed Seer out of the cave and onto the cliff face, and the shear drop from the cave entrance to the ground… was deadly by comparison. “Now, let me see if what I taught you actually stuck in your head.” Seer snickered, pushing Kito off the ledge, sending him flying and stumbling into the air. He floated there for a while, in shock of what he was doing and what Seer just did. “Did you just… did you… w…? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!” Kito stammered, in shock more than anything. Seer chuckled, then full out laughed a ghostly, shrilling laugh. And Kito laughed along with her. Together they howled to the moon in their shrill laughter, making all the spirits around them howl alongside them.
Kito opened his eyes to his grey ceiling, the fan rotating slowly, creaking and groaning as it turned. A sigh escaped Kito’s mouth, he raised a hand to his now healed face. The smooth skin sliding easily under his fingers. He turned his head to his buzzing one centimeter thick phone on his counter top. He picked it up, looking at the lock screen (which was a photo of his gang with their first successfully committed crime, spray painting the university and releasing a hoard of Avakors inside.). He opened his phone with a thumb scan and went to the messages. He had three messages, one from each of his friends. He opened the first one from his best friend: Yamato Peziox Oumadi. And it read:
Hey man! I um… heard about what your teacher did to you… I’m so sorry about that dude, if I had known… well if you’re feeling up to it I have another crime we can do later today. Meet at Ryze’s, noon, alright. TtYl buddy.
Kito sighed and closed the message, opening the next one from his yandre friend Oupia Titalo Ryonz, aka Ryze:
Heyyyyyy Kitooooo, I heard from Yamato that you got the shit beaten outta you! Hardcore dude! Well we are meeting at my place today at noon if you’re interested. Oke byeeeeeeeeee buddyyyy!!!!
Kito rolled his eyes and smiled slightly, closing that message and reading the next one from Zariox Lioun Uvion, one of the most dangerous and reckless girls on the block! Her message read:
Hey Kito, listen, I know you will be fine by the time you read this so get your sorry ass down here now and stop procrastinating, also thanks for leaving my message for last. I’ll remember that.
Kito looked suspiciously out his windows, expecting to see Zariox watching him with her gang mask on. Even though gangs aren’t all that popular in Black, there are still some. And Kito and his gang are one of them. He rose from his bed, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He got up and walked over to his dresser covered in various types of knives, grenades, and fuses. He opened the top drawer, pulling out a black hoodie, ripped camo pants, military boots, and a silver hair clip which he used to pull his bangs back and away from his face. He examined himself in his mirror, pulling the hood over his head. He was about to leave his room until he heard a knock. “Kito, are you awake?” Aarie, his monster companion standing at three foot two, various shades of blues and greens, a long tail, and pointy ears, the color of his eyes in diamond shapes colored red. A broken chain hanging from his neck always. Kito didn’t answer, grabbing his army knife and a few smoke grenades for his crime later. But he didn’t hear Aarie leave. Annoyed, Kito slid over to the window, opened it, and crept out into the dark day. The streets, paved in black coal, each house made of dark marikite (which was a popular ore in Black). Kito passed by a few hooded figures in ally ways, occasionally nodding to him as he walked by. Eventually he arrived at Ryze’s. Her house was the same as all the others but hers was always covered in spray paint, markers and occasionally blood. Kito snuck into the back, opening the basement window. Inside he made his way through all Ryze’s junk and her keeper’s trash until he found a large drawing of a tainted angel with both the Amulet of Power and the Dreamer’s Blade, it was beautiful. Made of watercolors and charcoal, each color blended together in harmony and made the tainted god look even more majestic then she already was. Kito gently moved the drawing over, exposing a deep hole leading into a secret room. Kito crawled through the hole, pushing the drawing back over the hole with his left hand. He emerged into their meeting area where everyone was waiting for him. Ryze was hanging upside down on a thick pipe, eating something that Kito didn’t think looked appetizing. Zariox was on her computer, resting on the old couch off to the left. Yamato was fixing the TV against the right wall where four stereos were hooked up. The TV covering most of the wall. Posters of their gang littered on the walls, spray painted markings to go along with it. Everyone waved to Kito as he made his way over to Zariox, glancing over her shoulder to see what she was doing. “What you up to Zar?” Kito asked, looking from the coding to the surveillance cameras. Zar didn’t answer, she just kept working, so Kito went over to Ryze. “Hey Ryze, what you up to?” Kito asked, putting his hands on his hips. Ryze laughed wildly. “HAHA! What’s ‘up’! That’s funny!” she swung back and forth, zoning out. Kito shrugged and moved on to his best friend Yamato. “Hey Yama, what you up to?” Kito knelt beside his friend, occasionally handing him tools from his tool box. His wispy hair flowing gently with the still air. Then, his hair turned a tint of red, indicating rage. “Yamato, if this is frustrating you then just take a break.” Kito patted his back (trying not to phase through him because he’s half ghost), smiling. Yamato pulled away, Kito looked hurt. Yama turned to look at him, his eyes sad and regretful. Kito stood and made his way back to the couch. “So you guys said that you had a crime planned?” Kito mumbled, avoiding Yamato’s eyes. Zariox looked from Kito to Yamato, rolling her eyes, Ryze was completely oblivious. “Did you hear the news?” Ryze chimed, her face bloodied from the snack she ate. Kito cringed, but shook his head. “Well, the tyrant BloodSun is coming here! To Black! And…” she looked from Yamato to Zariox, then to Kito. “Just say it Oupia.” Kito finally spat, crossing his arms, Ryze pretends to look hurt. “Well he’s bringing his eldest daughter Solstus and his eldest son Eradicator. Sooo we were thinking about dumping paint all over them! Then feathers from my molting keeper! And of course spray painting the palace with our mark!” Oupia laughed hysterically, swinging back and forth. Yamato glanced over at Ryze, then sighed: “Ryze you should get down, the blood is probably rushing to your-“then Ryze fell from the pipe and onto a pile of dirty blankets and ripped pillows, disoriented. “Yep, that’s what I was trying to warn you about.” Yama put his hands in his pants pockets, his hair turning a deep blue. Kito and Zariox exchanged a glance, both of them concerned for their friend. “So Kito, should we proceed with the plan?” Zar asked, closing her computer. Kito looked from Zariox to Ryze to Yamato. He thought, then turned to Ryze. “How much time do we have till they get here?” he asked, she turned over onto her stomach and smiled widely. “We have exactly five hours three minutes and twenty seconds and counting. “ She responded. Kito chuckled, standing up. “Alright then, how about we get started?” Ryze laughed excitedly, Zariox released a confident smile, and even Yamato smiled smugly.
The four took their places, Kito and Ryze on top of the palace landing, above where the tyrants from White will walk through and into the palace, Yamato was hovering with the bag of feathers three thousand miles in the air, waiting for the signal from Zariox who was resting on top of a massive spire by the water, a mirror in both her hands to single everyone. Kito was getting anxious, waiting very still and quietly while Ryze played with her hair and with his. How she was able to stay quiet was unsure to him, but that didn’t matter, he saw the signal. He elbowed Ryze who snapped to attention and grabbed her bucket of paint. They peered over the ledge, hoping to get a glimpse of the BloodSun tyrants. Ryze tapped his shoulder then pointed off toward the falling sun where three figures approached. The biggest one was Tyrion Gastlo BloodSun, the clan ruler. He was dressed in white glimmering armor that covered his face, their mark resting in the forehead region, his build was of that no one in Black has ever seen before. He was indeed massive, which scared Kito more than anything. To his left was his son Eradicator Justice BloodSun, he wore golden armor like his father with the same symbol on his forehead. To his right was his daughter Solstus Slayer BloodSun who, according to Ryze would be the next tyrant and was a ruthless murderer who would slaughter however many to claim her throne, looked up into the castle, occasionally glancing in the direction of Ryze and Kito making them duck down. They were in range now, it was time. Both Kito and Ryze took deep breaths and together dumped their buckets of paint onto the unsuspecting group below, and with a sudden flash of light came Yamato with the old feathers. Ryze started giggling, Kito had to quickly cover her mouth as to not be discovered. (Yamato went to go spray paint their symbol on the palace) There was silence for a long while, Kito and Ryze looked at each other confused and proceeded to back away and down the way they came only to run into a big and heavy object. Ryze had formed tears in her eyes (even though she hadn’t looked back), and this made Kito freeze in his tracks, frozen in fear. “Did you think you would get away with insulting my clan with your pathetic pranks?” a female voice spoke behind them, Solstus grabbed them by their necks before they could do anything, and in one swift motion teleported onto the ground below them with her captives. She forced them onto their knees. Ryze looked over to Kito with big scared eyes, and Kito mouthed the words: ‘Run Ryze, and don’t look back’. She gave him a confused look, then Kito slammed himself into Solstus, making her crash onto her back. “RUN RYZE!” Kito hollered, holding the princess down with both his magic and brute strength. Ryze hesitated for a second then took off, using her camouflage abilities to hide. Meanwhile Zariox was in complete shock on the spire she now stood on. “He’s doing it… he’s really doing it” she mumbled, smiling slightly. “Ryze, I will never doubt you again.” Zariox glanced to the left where a cave that ran deep held the greatest power in all of Avikar. Princess Solstus eventually out strengthened Kito, holding him to the ground with only one hand. Kito struggled, his eyes glowing a deep red color making Solstus release a concerning look but her grip not faltering. Kito screaked, shattering any and all windows, glass objects and the princess’s ears with little effort. She launched off him, holding her ears in pain, her father and brother running to her and glaring at Kito with murderous eyes. The Makieko family running outside to grasp the commotion. Kito, enraged and scared for his life and his friends, held out his hand to the sky, a once empty space being filled by a glorious weapon, a sword made from star dust, handle out of the deepest metals in the Underneath. They symbol of a red star with three circles beneath it engraved on the blade. Kito grasped the mighty sword, pointing it at the royal families, a black cloak with the same symbol appearing upon his shoulders. The Makieko family backed away, but the BloodSun’s were just plain too shocked to even move. Kito then started twitching and growling low, preparing to charge. But before he or Solstus could attack each other Zariox dove down from her spire and pinned Kito to the stone floor. He struggled and screeched, he almost shook Zariox off him but she managed to jab a pointy claw into his neck, making his glowing eyes return to normal, the sword disappearing, and his body collapsing. Zariox managed to catch his limp body before he hit the ground, he was burning hot, way more that normal for him. She cradled him in her arms, glaring at everyone who watched them. Solstus approached slowly, sheathing her sword and putting up her hands. “I do not wish to fight young Blazer… Elemental? I’m going to guess you are a hybrid of the two.” Solstus smiled in almost a kind way, her long reptilian tail swishing back and forth in an irritated way. Zariox held Kito tighter, storing her energy. “I am very interested however in your friend there.” Solstus’s smile became more and more sinister by the second, but her delay in attacking gave Zariox enough time to store her energy and to freeze time, causing everything and everyone to stop, accept for her and Kito. At seeing everyone frozen Zariox let out a sigh, she glanced down at Kito who was now breathing heavy and sweating. He almost looked like he was dreaming. “It’s alright Kito, rest, sleep, dream.” She touched his forehead with her claw, making him instantly relax and dream peacefully. Zariox coughed heavily, blue blood coming out of her mouth and into her open hand. “Shit… well. There is no point in sitting here now is there.” Zariox picked up her friend, walking home, taking shelter, surviving.
“So… should we give it to him?” asked Yamato, pacing the floor of their hideout. “Yes, the Tomb of Wisdom will help him control his powers.” Zariox responded, arms crossed, occasionally glancing at Kito who rested on the couch. “Then let’s do it. Let’s give it to him, maybe then he’ll wake up.” Yamato bent down next to Kito, patting his head. He sighed then looked up at Zariox, concern on his face. “Hey, you haven’t seen Ryze have you?” he asked, standing up. Zariox shook her head. Both of them stood there in silence for a while, fear tracing over them. “Oh no.” they both said at the same time. “We need the Tomb! Where is it?!” Yamato screeched, running his hands through his yellow hair. “Don’t worry Yama, I know where it is. I’ll be back in a flash, just…watch Kito for me alright?” Zariox smiled and blasted through the tunnel, leaving Kito and Yamato alone. “Oh Kito… when will you learn to just quit when you’re ahead…” Yamato sat beside Kito, his hair turning blue and falling. “I just hope Zar comes back soon… then… maybe… I’ll be able to tell you-”
Zariox entered the cave of Seer, glancing behind her every now and then. “Seer! Are you here? Kito needs the Tomb! Please Seer!” Zariox yelled, her echo bouncing off the cave walls. Until finally she got a response. “Zariox, my apprentice. How are you fairing?” Seer’s voice spoke, a small laugh escaping. “Seer this isn’t the time for games! Kito needs the Tomb! What you said came true Seer! And he can’t control his powers! Please Seer! I’m begging you!” Zariox was on her knees now, tears running down her deep red skin. “And do you remember the price you have to pay for me to give you this Tomb? Hm? Well do you?” Seer’s shadow appeared along all the walls, encasing Zariox in a prison of guilt and sorrow. “I… remember… and… I’ll…” she hesitated, thinking about Kito and Yamato and Ryze… Ryze… “I’ll do it…” she sobbed, looking up into Seer’s empty eyes. Seer smiled wickedly and handed Zariox a book with an unreadable language inside. “Now, do as I asked Yayo, and don’t disappoint me.” And Seer disappeared, leaving Zar alone once again.
Zariox, Yamato and Kito all rushed to Devils Crowning (a massive cliff facing the most dangerous part of the ocean). And there she was, Oupia, facing the rushing water and deadly fall. “Ryze!” Kito cried, darting to her with such speed it seemed impossible. Ryze raised her left hand, casting a force field in between her and them, its shimmer the only thing to indicate its presence. “Oupia! Please don’t do this! I know things seem hard now but this isn’t the way!” Kito whimpered, skidding to a halt in front of the field. Ryze turned to look at them over her shoulder. “Zariox… Yamato… you didn’t tell him?” she practically whispered, Kito looked back at them with big sad eyes. Both Zariox and Yamato lowered their heads to avoid his gaze. “Kito… isn’t ready yet…” Yamato choked out, tears running down his face. Ryze scoffed, giving them a dirty look. “Yea sure, and here all of you are, and now Kito has his Tomb of Wisdom to top it. Of COURSE he isn’t ready.” Ryze rolled her eyes, looking back to Kito. “Kito, there is something we all must tell you.” Zariox and Yamato stiffened, keeping their eyes to the ground. “Zariox and Yamato aren’t who they claim to be Kito. Zariox’s actual name is Yayo, a god of balance. And Yamato isn’t his actual name either, it’s actually Terioka, a god of constellations.” Kito looked back at them, anger crossing over his face. “So… you have been working for Seer as well? Hm, figured as much.” Kito hissed, eyes ablaze with rage. “Kito…” Oupia spoke, her voice sounding so little and frail, they turned to look at her. She was three steps from going off the cliff face. “In order for you to become Kito, god of Unity, I need to die. For you see, to gain something is also to lose something. Yayo is very familiar with that concept.” Yayo turned away, ashamed of herself and her actions. “NO! There must be another way! Please Oupia! We’re nothing with out you!” Kito’s eyes lit deep red, his sword appearing in his hands. Before Yayo or Terioka could think of stopping him, he was swinging his sword at the barrier, the sword bouncing off with every swing. “Kito…” Terioka sighed, watching his friend try desperately for a lost cause. “It’s alright, Kito… heh… you know, I’ve always wanted to go into the ocean…” Oupia smiled sadly, her barrier disappearing as she jumped into her watery grave. The screams of Kito, Yayo and Terioka reaching Oupia’s ears as her spine fragmented against the jagged rocks below. Kito rose from his kneeling position at the end of the cliff, glaring at his once best friends with such scorn it made his sense of everything shift. “You two… will never be my friends… and never were…” Kito hissed. His body becoming more and more transparent until he was gone. Now it was just Yayo and Terioka, tears in their eyes as they starred at the spot where both Oupia and Kito had vanished. “What do we do now?” Terioka asked, looking at Yayo’s blank expression. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes. “We… have some princesses to kidnap…” They looked into each other’s eyes for a few moments longer before taking each other’s hands and soaring toward White where a young princess will become the greatest warrior in The Over, and supposed daughter of an evil monster, The Shadow Lord. His real daughter kept hidden by the hands that stole her. Her name, Araga.