Midoriya's pov-
Everything felt weird after lunch. Classes seemed to be more quiet. They were longer, and more boring. Taking notes wasn't that fun today either. I didn't seem to like anything we were learning about today.
But at long last, the day came to an end.
I guess I'll go to the park, since Mom isn't home.
The park was quiet. There was barely anyone there. I guess I'll be able to think better without all of the noise though. I went to an empty bench and sat down to think.
What is Todoroki to me? Just a friend, or do I like him more than that? Today felt different. Being around him, getting attention, I just loved it. He listened to me. Comforted me. He gave me his sweater because I was cold. But, was that the only reason why? he gave it to me? Because we're friends?...
Right then, I noticed that I was still wearing his sweater.
I never gave it back to him. I'll have to give it to him tomorrow. At the sleepover. I'm actually kind of scared to go to it. I know that Ashido is only trying to create romance between the students. That's why she said it was a sleepover, not just any normal daytime party. I don't usually go to parties. But I figured that I would try it out this time. But Todoroki. He just doesn't seem like a party person at all-
Suddenly, someone sat next to me.
It was Iida.
"Hello, Midoriya! Sorry to bother you, but you looked... you looked alone." He said and then asked "Are you okay? Is something the matter?"
"Oh, sorry to worry you." I apologized "I was just thinking about someone."
"Someone? Was it... Todoroki?" He guessed. My face quickly turned red. I was thinking about Todoroki. But, how could he guess?
"Y-yeah. He was acting different today. I was just... wondering why." I told him, as my face began to die down to a peachy-pink color.
"Midoriya?" He asked in a curious tone.
"Y-yeah?" I replied. I wonder what's up.
"Do you have feelings for Todoroki?" He asked, abruptly.
"Well," I began, my face turning red once again "You see, I was just thinking about that. I'm actually not sure... could you help me, Iida?"
"I'd really love to," He said, as a frown appeared on his face "But you're the only one who can decide whether or not you like him. I can help you through it, but I can't actually decide if you do, or don't. You're the only one who knows how you actually feel. No body else will truly be able to understand how you really feel deep down, or ever be able to change your emotions."
"That was a really good speech!!" I complimented "And I'll think about it. But in the meantime, would you like to come over to my place? I could get you a drink and some snacks. It's cold out here."
"If you really want me to come over... then I guess I will. But if you have homework to do, I won't be able to visit."
And with that, we went to my house.
-Time skip to when they get to Midoriya's house-
We walked into my house, and sat on the couch. I asked if Iida wanted to drink some orange juice (cuz it helps his quirk I think). When he said yes, got up to get him some. I decided to get myself some iced tea as well. When I got to the couch, I handed Iida the drink he wanted. We sat there in silence.
Iida pulled out his phone. He had gotten a notification.
Iida's pov-
Before I had gotten to Midoriya's house, I was having a conversation with Todoroki. He was asking me where the sleepover was going to be. I told him that it was going to be at Ashido's house. After I sent that message, I saw someone sitting on a bench. They were wearing a sweatshirt which was white and black. Todoroki maybe? But, the hood came down and the adorable, floofy, broccoli hair which belonged to Midoriya came out. I walked over to him, and here I am now. At his house, drinking orange juice, in awkward silence.
I found out earlier today that Todoroki has feelings for Midoriya. Uraraka and I have been wondering about this for the longest time. In order for our ship to sail, Midoriya must like Todoroki back. I had told Uraraka that step 1 was complete. Get Todoroki to like Midoriya. Now, step 2 must be completed. Midoriya must feel the same for Todoroki.
I got a notification on my phone. A text message. Midoriya had noticed too. It was from Uraraka. She was wondering if it was time for step 3. Step 3 is to get Todoroki and Midoriya to confess to each other. I told her that I haven't found out if he likes him yet. And then, I put away my phone.
"I-Iida?" Midoriya called.
"Yes, Midoriya? What's up?" I replied.
"I've been thinking really hard about the question you asked earlier, and I think I have an answer..." He explained.
"If you aren't ready to tell me, you don't need to-"
"NO!" Midoriya shouted, cutting me off "Gee I'm so sorry for yelling and cutting you off..."
A tear rolled down Midoriya's face. So emotional... it's kinda weird- but in a good way of course!!!
"Don't apologize to me, just tell me your answer." I commanded.
"Well, okay!" Midoriya said, as he went into a speech...
Midoriya's pov-
Now, it's time to tell Iida how I really feel about Todoroki.... here I go.
"I've been feeling different about Todoroki for a while now. And the affection that Todoroki showed me today has made me realize that. I've only known him for a little while, but I know he's a great person. He means so much to me. Todoroki would do anything for me, just to make me happy, see my smile, or hear my laugh. Everyone always tells me that. And if what I've said is true, then I should do the same for him. Just to see his wonderful smile, and to hear his cute laugh. But I still don't like him..-"
I saw Iida's face turn disappointed.
"Y-you don't?" He asked.
"No, I don't." I replied. "I feel something else for him. Something far stronger than that."
I saw Iida's face gain an intrigued look.
"I feel... Love!" I shouted "I can't deny it! I can't hold it back anymore!"
"I love Todoroki" I said, as we both now contained big smiles on our faces. I was shedding a few tears of relief.
It's true then.
I guess I really DO love Shoto Todoroki.
Word Count- 1139