His name was Ross. I never really payed much attention to him until today. He was usually sitting at a park bench near my apartment building, playing his guitar for passersby. He never spoke. He never smiled. His face was always emotionless as he strummed his guitar. Today was different. Today, in a way, was the day he finally made contact with the world.
I was making my way home from school as I walked through the park. Like everyday, there he was - Ross with his beautiful acoustic guitar. He looked different, though. Until this day, I had never seen that sparkle, that shine in his gorgeous brown eyes. They were brighter and so full of happiness. His longish blonde hair has never looked so soft and fluffy. Usually it would look matted and greasy. His skin had a brighter complexion to it - he had always looked deathly pale and looked quite unhealthy. His clothes were bright and new. Before, he wore faded old, stained clothing. He also held a dazzling smile on his face, with perfect white teeth and thin pink lips. But what surprised me most was his voice. He always seemed shy and sad but now, looking at him, listening to him, he seemed more confident and joyful. He was singing along to the music he was creating, attracting people towards him. I walked over to him and grinned, as if his happiness was contagious. I never thought that the guy with the guitar could be this wonderful... And I might just have a little crush on him...