Philza felt his shoes sink into the ground, snow seeping into his sandels. He was finally home, along with the squealing piglin. He sighed, running his hand over the piglins head. Only noticing now how cold the poor beast was. The piglin wasn't adapted to the tundra enviroment, rather its boiling counter part. It must have been cold blooded.
The man stumbled into his cabin quickly, using the back door. He placed the terrified piglin onto a table, keeling an eye on it so the creature didn't fall off. Philza noticed the small beast shivering and took off his cape, using it as a blanket for the Piglin. Hoping it would warm the tiny creature up. Soon after, the piglin was snuggled up against it, letting out huffing sounds. He'd learnt these huffing sounds meant piglins where relaxed and felt safe.
"Stay there" he mumbled and began searching through barrels to find where his son had hidden the gapples. The piglin obyed, mostly due to the fact it was too comftable to move. It didn't understand a word that came out of Philzas mouth rather the tone in his voice. The man found the gapple and placed the shiny fruit infront of the piglin, gesturing too eat it. After some soothing words of encouragement, the piglin began to nibble on the apple, quickly finishing it off- the small creature soon felt the pain in its leg fade away, along with the wound healing up.
"T⍑ᔑリꖌ ||𝙹⚍?" The piglin seemed confused, yet grateful to the older man. Philza just laughed nodding at them. It was nice to see the small beast so calm.
"Its fine mate!" He replied assuming the piglin had said thank you. Philza stepped over to a shelf placing away his notebook, into a locked chest hidden away in the corner. He always kept his most dearest items there.
"Dad its earl- Dad what is that!" Wilbur ran in, pulling at the poor piglins tail. The piglin let out a squeal, kicking its hooves at the other boy. Philza narrowed his eyes and pulled Wilbur away. After a few moments the small beast seemed to settle down.
"Don't do that its our new... friend?" He questioned himself. Wilbur was overjoyed at that, he always wanted a playmate. He had his friend Tommy but, he could get overbearing at times. Plus he lived far away.
"Hey- whats your name!" The child prodded the piglin. They seemed less bothered by Wilbur now, more curious then anything else. The tiny creature stood up, managing to form something of a smile at the child.
"I don't think he speaks Wil." Philza mumbled shaking his head at the energetic child. The man had alreadly noted a few symbols he'd found, the piglins native tongue was complex and too hard to learn, yet alone teach a piglin english.
"Then I'll name him... Technoblade!" Wilbur giggled, catching the piglins attention. He was always coming up with silly names for his pets, he once called a fish Milo. The fish died after a day, Wilbur had decided to chuck it off the roof into the pond below. The poor thing.
"We are not naming the piglin Technoblade." The piglins attention now turned to Philza. The man studied the piglin for a moment before repeating the name again, earning an oink from the piglin. It seemed to recognise the name, even if the creature didn't understand the meaning behind the name.
"See its called Technoblade!" Wilbur hugged the piglin causing a squeak out of the small beast. After a few seconds the piglin formed a hug back.
"I guess it is."