He woke up and found himself in a harsh enviroment; the ground was covered in a red soil, fire was abundant and the water of this realm seemed to be replaced by lava.
Philza stumbled up onto his feet, alreadly noticing these changes and the new monsters that came from it. Behind him the familiar gateway which, had forced him here shone brightly- almost like it was welcoming him. The man felt a strange urge to stay and learn about this hell-like place. He wouldn't be too long, at least home in time for Wilburs breakfast atleast.
Though after wandering around, it became clear that time meant nothing here. Philza made sure to take notes of his strange sightings. Fire like stone which, burnt your feet at the touch. Large tusked pigs which, charged whenever they felt threatend. The man was in his element. He never had the chance to explore due to having a chaotic son.
As he landed down- his wings hidden behind a well designed cape- he made notes of a small camp like base. Human-like pigs stomped around singing in there native tongues. It was interesting to watch. From a far at least, the beats seemed to be easily angered by new company.
Philza sighed now, knowing it was time to venture back towards the portal. Surely Wilbur would be awake now, waiting for his father to make breakfast. He placed his notebook in a pouch, away from harm. Then followed a trail of stone he'd left from himself.
"O∴. Iℸ ̣ ⍑⚍∷ℸ ̣ ᓭ." A pig like squeal suddenly emerged. Philza was half way back when he turned his attention to the noise. It had came from behind a rock. He peeked over it, a small Piglin was sat on the floor. It's leg looked like it had been torn open, Philza felt digusted at the sight of the wound.
"Gᒷℸ ̣ ᔑ∴ᔑ||!" The piglin screeched noticing Philza, its eyes wild. The man felt pity on the young beast, crouching down to its side. Trying to seem less threatening.
"Aye. Mate its okay." His soothing voice seemed to calm the piglin, leaving it to make pained oinks. Philza looked away for a moment. He couldn't leave them here. From what he had learnt weaker piglins, mainly young where left to fend for themselves.
At this moment in time, Philza changed history. By taking pity on a feral beast, he had altered the future without knowing it.
The man lifted the piglin. He could tell it was not impressed, he felt his body being kicked by hoof-like feet. Yet, he didn't mind. He knew on day this piglin would repay him, even if it wasn't thankful now.
Philza finally found himself at the gateway. He had chosen to call it a portal, since it seemed more fitting anyway. He slowly stepped through it, this time managing not to pass out.