Blood stains splattered the steps of the dungeon. It had been a week since my son had been born and Éibhear had died. Still, Haneric's howls echoed through the great hall at night when the madness would take him. Chained up, he was harmless. But something still had to be done about him.
Dressed in my usual black, my body soft from pregnancy, I strode down towards his prison. Pressing my hands to my burning face, I closed my eyes at the top of the stairs and listened. It was quiet below. Mid morning, no doubt he was still sleeping after raving most of the night.
The underground chamber was eerily quiet. A pallet with fresh blankets was propped in the corner, a meal untouched next to it. A myriad of candles burned around him. It appeared as though an effort was made to make him comfortable at least.
Haneric sat by the wall, his shackled wrists resting on his propped legs. His hair lay long and matted to his shoulders, his face half obscured by a scraggly beard. His bloodied and worn clothes were like those of a peasant. Theodric had told me that Haneric had refused all attempts to give him a fresh set and didn't wash. He had truly become animal like, his sneer as savage as a wolf baring it's teeth.
“I hear your son is healthy.”
I shifted uncomfortably under his unfamiliar glare. He was so far from the boy I had been raised alongside. I doubted our own mother would recognize him now. “Yes, he thrives.”
“A king in the making, sister?”
“So it would seem.”
He laughed sardonically. I ignored him as I meandered towards the chests of gold by the wall. Opening the one he had tried to steal from, my breath caught in my throat at the sight of so much wealth.
Haneric arched an eyebrow. “Impressive isn't it?”
I nodded. “It will buy the army we need when we take the throne.”
“Is that what they told you.
Turning towards him, I sighed. “Yes, that is what they told me. Collected from Tormod hordes, when my son comes of age our family will regain the title that is rightfully ours.”
“Or they will kill you both and take the power for themselves, the dirty savages.”
I snorted. “I would not be accusing anyone of being a dirty savage if I were you, Haneric.”
He gritted his teeth, eyes shooting over my head in annoyance. It was a relief to see a hint of his old self, even if it was in my easy ability to anger him. I pulled my hand around, revealing what I had picked up inside the chest. It was the sword I had used to defend myself when he had attacked me. The gleaming hilt clanged against the stones as I laid it before me and kicked it towards him. It skidded across the floor.
“I have come to give you a choice,” my voice broke, “by the blade or this.”
Retrieving a purse of deadly poisonous herbs that Teàrlag had concocted for me, I tossed it out. It landed softly next to the blade. Folding my hands in front of me, I watched as he studied each path. My heart pounded, horror at what I was doing. But my good reason overrode my emotions. He was my brother, but he could not live like this for the rest of his life. Or rejoin society without causing harm. He had already killed twice, I couldn't allow any more damage done. Not with our destiny in the delicate balance. He could bring only ruin to my son's future.
“I expected something like this but not from you,” he murmured, rising to his feet. “Don't misunderstand me, I know there is no love lost between us.”
“Then why do you sound surprised?”
“Because I never made you out to be such a coward. Do it yourself.” He kicked the knife in my direction and met my eyes dead on.
I fought the impulse to retreat a step. “It's your life, you do it.”
“You say that like I chose to be this way. I have become this because of father's vain ambition for the throne. He paid a price for his lust for power and so will you, sister.”
“I am ready to sacrifice whatever I need to, I will see my son on the throne.”
Haneric chuckled darkly. “Then you will see his death, mark my words.”
It was as though he had cursed us, cursed my baby. A sharp intake of breath as though I had been slapped. I snatched the sword from the floor and unsheathed it. His eyes flashed and he growled low, claws beginning to protrude from his hands as he strained against the chains. His mouth yawned wide into powerful jaws, fangs gleaming in the faint light.
I drove the blade into his chest.
A mercy. I was showing mercy.
Blood sputtered and spat, coating my arms and hands. The transformation stopped short and his roar gurgled out. Haneric dropped to the floor, half man and half beast. As he had been in life. Gasping, I whipped away from the sight.
I was protecting my child. Haneric's very existence could do us harm. Justice had been dealt for both Brisam and Éibhear.
“It was just, it was merciful,” I murmured as I stumbled up the stairs.
Wiping my hands furiously at my skirts, I halted at the top of the steps. A figure studied me in wide eyed horror in the Great Hall. Estra's jaw went slack at the sight of my bloody appearance, my eyes wild with shock.
“I will do what I have to do,” I choked out to her, “And so will you.”