“Don’t look like that Orchid.” Anna had been trying to cheer him up even while she was happily hugging the glass case with the vine. “We couldn’t have done this without you.”556Please respect copyright.PENANAQrUPo6tAf1
“It really doesn’t look like that.” Orchid kicked a rock as he looked at the floor. He’d been surly since discovering that his whole performance had essentially become useless. His resentment had only heightened with Rat needling him consistently, truly getting into the act of being a couple. Constantly asking him if he was alright and patting his shoulder in reassurance with a grin on her face, Orchid had rebelled and separated from them and rushed to the courtyard.
The auction had still been going on when they had left the building. Hermann had chased them, begging them to stay, afraid something had angered them. Anna had gone out of her way to placate him, assuring him that their departure was due to their schedule and not the auction houses fault. Eventually he had left, looking dejected that he had not been able to entice her to stay and spend more on their auction.
“Does he always become like this if his plans don’t work?” Leon pointed at Orchid and whispered to Anna as they walked.
“You have no idea.” Anna sighed, her arms tightly squeezing the case in her hands. “This is nothing compared to the time he planned to bring down a slave trader.”
“Slave trader?!” Leon hissed in surprise.
“Not human slaves Leon. A monster slave trader.” Trading humans had been illegal in the country since the Rose Rebellion and was a crime punishable by death. On the other hand, enslaving monsters was a lucrative, if dangerous business. Not many monsters were willing to live with humans.
“Why would he want to do anything to a monster trader like that?” Leon asked in puzzlement.
“Because he’s an arrogant fool.” she huffed in reply as she sat down in the courtyard.
Orchid assumed that while Leon didn’t want to hurt his feelings, Anna had no such restraint and was happily talking just loud enough for him to hear.
“The thing is, that trader managed to acquire a small three tailed crimson fox pup and Orchid really wanted it. He couldn’t just steal it, so he set up this elaborate scheme to discredit the man and buy the pup at a reduced price when the man lost his money.” She had a small smile while recalling the event.
“That seems dishonest.” Leon frowned from his place standing at her side.
“One thing you should always remember is that Orchid Kale is the most dishonest person you’ll ever meet. The only time he’ll tell the truth is if there is no lie that can further his purposes.” Touching some strands of purple hair that peeked out from under her hat she ground her teeth and Orchid slunk further away from her as slowly as he could, wary of her bad moods.
She really holds that dye prank too close to her heart. I’m really not that dishonest. It’s definitely her irritation at the hair.
I hope.
“In any case, long story short, he proudly boasted about his plans to all of us. He was so happy with that ridiculously complicated plan. I still don’t see how you can use a dozen chickens to get that sort of effect.” She said in disbelief.
“Chickens?” gazing at Anna in wide eyed fascination, Leon was hanging on her every word.
“He thought that if he would release them at a large party of the traders then… You know, that’s not the important thing here. The point is, the man died of a heart attack in his bedroom getting ready for the party. Not knowing any of that, what was supposed to be loose poultry in a party for the upper class, became a hunt for birds when the Guard was securing the building during their investigations.” She sighed and shook her head. “His mother was not pleased when she discovered who was responsible.”
It would have worked!
“He spent the next week moping around his house and refused to meet with any of us. He’s someone who lives like everything has to be dramatic, it always has to be a big gesture for him.”
Rat snickered at the evaluation and even Leon burst into booming laughter at the story.
“It’s not funny! The chickens were just a small part of the plan.” Orchid whined. Seeing Anna snort in derision at his words, he stomped away in anger, searching for a seat and taking deep breaths to calm his feelings.
The courtyard was silent and deserted, only the guards remaining at their posts in front of the gate. Anna and Rat huddled together off to one side, taking turns to study their purchase. Now that he had the opportunity, Orchid sat on a bench and appraised the courtyard while one of the guards went to call for Jacob and the carriage. The act of studying the courtyard calmed him and his irritation cooled. The signs of the ancient mages skill were scattered throughout the compound, glyphs and formations laced throughout the walls in a surprisingly elegant manner.
“What is it that you find so interesting?” Leon questioned him with a sandwich in hand.
“You’re still hungry Leon?” Orchid snatched a sandwich that he could see sticking out of Leons coat, feeling satisfied at the petty theft in revenge for Annas story. “How many did you take anyway?”
“It’s not like they’ll miss it.” Leon mumbled defensively, stuffing his snack into already bulging pockets.
Humming distractedly, Orchid took a bite and gestured towards the walls.
“Despite the artsy way it’s all been put together, that old guy really knew what he was doing. See that? I think it’s a variation on an old Imperial three way glyph lock.” Getting up and taking Leon with him to scrutinize the section he described, he traced the glyphs with his fingers and whispered. “It’s fascinating. I’ve heard about these before, but never seen one in person. They say that only ancient formations could properly integrate them into an entire system. I have no idea how he managed something at this level.”
Staring at the glyphs for a short while, Leon lost interest before grunting and walking back to his place and munching on one of the sandwiches in his pocket. Orchid ignored him and spent the time till the carriage arrived walking back and forth in front the wall, muttering to himself and frowning fiercely at the formation.
They didn’t have to wait long before a depressed Jacob pulled up with the carriage and guards. His appearance was so forlorn that Anna tried to console and reassure him while Rat got into the carriage.
“What’s bothering you Jacob?” Orchid asked wth a cheerful grin.
“I’m sorry boss, I won’t do it again.” Jacob whimpered.
“Do what?”
“Get a bad carriage.”
“Oh! You mean you won’t disregard my instructions next time. That’s good.” Orchid clapped him on the shoulder and smiled. “I believe you.”
“Really! Then can I stop being the driver now?”
“Why would you think that? If not you, then who can drive the carriage now?” Orchid looked confused at Jacobs question. Anna hissed at him in irritation and he just stuck his tongue out at her.
“Wait! Stop!” A young woman’s voice called from the courtyard behind them.
Orchid turned from his place half-way up the carriage steps and lost his balance. Staggering back, he frowned at the woman who was rushing towards them with guards at her side.
“Please wait.” She called again, out of breath as she reached the carriage.
“How can I help you lady?” Anna asked, gliding towards her.
“That plant. I want it. I’ll give you double the value you paid for it.” She huffed.
Anna clutched the vine and backed away at the ferocious look in the womans eyes. Anna glanced at Orchid and nodded towards the woman. Orchid sighed and slipped to stand between them with a gentle smile on his face.
“I’m sorry Lady, but the vine is not for sale.”
“That’s not acceptable. If you want more money then I will give it to you, but I must have that plant.” The arrogance in her tone made Orchid instantly feel rebellious and his tone became harsh.
“I said, the plant is not for sale.”
“Just name your price and I will give it.”
“If you were willing to spend that much why didn’t you bid that in the auction? More than that why don’t you ask whoever purchased the other two vines?” The woman’s arrogance set his teeth on edge and Orchid’s voice was starting to become strained. He gently pushed Anna towards the carriage while calling Leon over to stand beside him with a gesture.
“I came too late to the auction to bid.” She dismissed his questions. “The other vines were purchased by local people. You can’t buy items from us Bismarkians. Only from you out of towners.” She added at Orchids confused expression. “Now stop asking questions, I’ve humoured you enough already. Sell it to me.”
“Look woman, I know that they sell several of these vines every day. Just come in time tomorrow.” Orchid had lost his patience and spoke curtly.
“I don’t think you understand boy.” The woman suddenly threatened them. “You’re from out of town so I will explain this to you clearly. In this town I get what I want. No one goes against me and my family.” She waved her arm and her two guards drew their weapons and scowled fiercely.
Seeing the situation escalating so suddenly, Orchid stared at the womans guards in open mouthed surprise.
“You’re willing to attack companions of Lady von Hohenzollern?” He asked.
“Who is that? Some foreign noble?” She asked and stretched her hand out. “Now give me the vine.”
Orchid and Leon exchanged a look of astonishment. The guards in front of them were going out of their way to appear menacing, waving their weapons and growling.
“You’re joking right?” Orchid couldn’t help but ask.
“I said that you should give me the vine.” She growled, her guards taking a step forward.
“I think you should go home and tell your parents that you accosted someone from the von Hohenzollern family before you do anything else.” Orchid sighed and waved his hand.
Jensen and his squad stepped from around the carriage and stood behind him. They didn’t do anything except stand still, but the atmosphere that professional mercenaries exuded silenced the womans growling guards. She hesitated as she scanned the stern mercenaries that faced her.
“Fine! This isn’t the end of things. No one crosses me!” She declared and backed away in a rush. Her guards sheathed their weapons and followed her, constantly throwing glances at Jensen and his squad.
“That woman is crazy.” Leon mumbled as he stepped into the carriage. Orchid shrugged and followed him in.
“Is she gone?” Anna asked while peeking out of the carriage windows.
“I agree with Leon that woman seems a little unhinged.” Orchid said while sneaking another sandwich out of Leons pocket. Leon scowled and made an unsuccesful grab for it.
“She won’t let this go.” Rat added quietly with a sandwich in her hand. Leon gaped at her and patted his pockets in suspicion at the sight of the food.
“Stop taking my food. If you wanted some, you should have taken it yourselves.” Leon grumbled and protectively covered his coat pockets. “You don’t think that crazy woman will attack us, right?”
“Couldn’t say. I would have thought that no person could ignore the von Hohenzollern name.” Orchid replied with a mouth full of food. “Not that I don’t trust you Anna, but that vine isn’t some sort of addictive substance right?”
“It’s not! It’s just very… valuable for women.” She blushed as she refuted his question.
“Well, that dumb noblewoman could act irrationally, but I don’t know why she wants this thing so bad. So, I can’t rule out any action on her part.”
“Should we take precautions?” Anna squeezed the vine case tightly.
“Strike first.” Rat proclaimed.
“Are you trying to copy Rock?” Orchid asked. Rat scowled at him and huddled back into her seat as if she was feeling cold. “You’re right though, Rat. We should handle the issue before it becomes bigger.”
“Orchid. Please don’t do anything strange.” Anna’s voice held a tone of suffering and resignation.
“It’s not strange. Just lend me that cloth. The one that’s covering the case.” Taking it from her he cast a manipulation of Air that made the cloth look as if it was still covering the case.
“What do you have planned little Purple.” Rat asked curiously.
“Nothing special. Just a little distraction. Jensen!” He called out the carriage window.
“What is it boss?” Jensen asked as he brought his horse alongside the carriage.
“Are we being followed?” Orchid passed the cloth to Rat.
“Since we left the auction house. Amatuers.” Jensen snorted, “Same people who confronted you outside the gate, boss.”
“Well, isn’t that interesting.” Orchid murmured. Taking off his coat he mussed his har and shirt to look a little messier and smirked at his friends. “Do you really want to strik first Liz?”
“Don’t do it Orchid. This won’t end well.” Anna sighed. Seeing Rat smiling happily and shuffling towards the carriage door she hung her head. “This is a very bad idea.” She whispered.
Orchid ignored her and explained some of his plan to Jensen.
“Nonsense. This will be great, we’ll tweak the locals a little and be out of here before they realize what’s happened.” Orchid hopped out of the moving carriage, swiping another sandwich from a slack-jawed Leon. “See you later.”
“Guard the vine well.” Rat added, appearing next to Orchid with the cloth balanced on one hand and a sandwich in the other.
“Don’t take too much from that woman.” Orchid said as he adjusted his clothing and waved Jensen’s squad away.
“That doesn’t seem fair. She’s targeting us.” Rat’s pouting face seemed out of place.
“Cute expression.” Orchid smiled. “Practice it a little more and Rock will fall to his knees.” Avoiding her kick he surveyed their surroundings, trying to spot their pursuers. He shrugged at Rat to indicate his inability to discover them.
“Two of them. Not that bad actually. Jensen’s standards are too high.” She said.
They glanced at the carriage and saw Leon sticking his head out of the door to glare at them.556Please respect copyright.PENANAoTIMU719D2
“My sandwiches!” He screamed, voice fading along with the carriage.
“Think he’s angry?” Orchid asked as he strolled towards a cross street.
“Maybe. It’s only food though.” Rat laughed as she followed him.
“You’re too happy about this.”
“Wipe the smile off your face before you accuse me little Purple.”
They both snickered and walked off the main road.