Heading down the stairs he could hear a string of filthy curses being echoed by a very young voice.
That’s going to get mom in trouble when Grandpa comes to visit next time.
“Orchid!!!!!!” His mother’s voice was even louder this time. From experience, he knew that this wasn’t even close to her maximum volume, and almost nothing would be able to get her to talk quieter, now that she was angry.
Better say something or the neighbors will be up in arms to get her to shut up.
Although, they already know her. So, I doubt that they’ll find issue with the noise.
“Coming Mom.” Orchid called.
At the bottom of the stairs he stopped and pushed his father in front of him.
Going into the hallway while using his father as cover, Orchid sneaked a peek at the messy figure of his mother.
Her Leather armor covered in a dark green fluorescent paint, Sofia Kale hardly appeared as the hard-bitten, no-nonsense Captain of the City Guard, whose very appearance would cause entire criminal syndicates to quake in fear. Shaking in rage, she was muttering furiously under her breath while scraping at the already hardened paint.
Sun was hopping in circles around their mother, occasionally stopping to poke at the paint or echo the curses that intermittently came from her.
“Sofia, how was your day?” Acting as if nothing was out of order, Iris pointed towards the kitchen. “Little Purple prepared dinner. I am sure that you only have to heat it a little on the stove.” Heading out of the hallway, he added over his shoulder “Green suits your eyes.” Suddenly speeding up, his muffled laughter could be heard as his figure vanished up the stairs.
“You! Just wait Iris. After I deal with your son, I’ll make sure that you won’t find his antics funny anymore” Maintaining her threatening tone she faced Sun. “Sun, go play. I have to talk to your brother.” An extremely menacing smile came to her face. “Privately.”
Well, I know the paint works as planned. Why in the name of the Fallen Gods does she have to smile when she’s planning my suffering?
“Punishment!” Wiggling her hand in his direction Sun cheerfully said. “Naughty Purple.” Seeing Orchids sour expression, she ran back to her room while continuously chanting “Naughty! Punishment!”.
“Orchid. Explain.”
One word sentences. That’s a bad sign.
“Mother. It’s really not that bad. I was just thinking to test a new device and composition that I’d prepared, and who better to experience it than the Captain of the Guard?”
Holding up a small diamond shaped metallic device he spoke quickly in an effort to distract his mother. “I call this the Home-Safety anti-burglar defense mechanism.”
Acting like the merchants he’d seen in the market square, he started his sales pitch.
“Have you ever had a problem finding criminals who’ve broken into your home? Well worry no more! This little device will solve all your tracking and marking needs. Prime the device and place it at any of the openings in your house and anyone who passes through without the special deactivation token will be sprayed with a paint that is better than anything available on the market.”
Warming to his subject Orchid was becoming absorbed in his new merchant character and failed to notice his mother’s twitching eyebrow.
“This special paint is compounded from Lacasa leaf and a blend of proprietary products and has 3, that’s right, not 1 or 2 but 3 special characteristics that leave all its competitors in the dust!”
Pulling a small vial of green liquid out of his pocket with a flourish he gently unstopped it. Holding up a finger he expounded on his new paint.
“First! This paint hardens in just a few seconds making it almost impossible to remove!” Now noticing his mother’s expression, he hurriedly added. “But! With just a few drops of this remover, it will be as if nothing happened.”
Putting a few drops of the green liquid in his hands he closed his eyes. Channeling some mana into the liquid he gently blew it out of his hands and felt it disperse into the air as a mist. As the mist passed over Sofia and the entry, the hardened paint instantly turned to dust. Touching her now clean armor in surprise, she started paying more attention to Orchids words.
Glad that worked, I really should test all the cleaning products before I do anything like this again.
Happily extending a second finger he continued.
“Second! The paint glows in the dark! For almost an entire night whoever is marked will lead any pursuers directly to them.”
Orchid raised a third finger.
“And finally! Especially for the Guard. The paint is laced with the standard tracing compounds used by them. In case you’re not sure of the advantage, let me be clear. This means that the standard issue mana trace devices currently in use, will follow any criminals marked with this paint, without any additional tweaks or changes required! Now all of this available for just a small introductory price!”
Seeing Sofia’s expression darken, his voice trailed off before he could discuss prices. They stood in silence for a minute. Orchid knew that it would be better if he didn’t say anything anymore.
Sofia sighed while looking down at the ground.
“The idea is nice little purple and we’ll discuss this later.”
Hearing Sofia’s voice now under control, Orchid took a relieved breath and he started smiling.
“But…” The smile slipped from his face.
“You can’t get away with it this time. Not only did you anger Lady Deirdre, you didn’t reflect on it and planned something like this, and don’t tell me this was some plan to show off one of your new devices. I know you much too well Orchid Kale, and this was just some whim of yours to satisfy yourself. How many times will you do things like this son? You’re 14 and you’ll be attending the Academy in a month.” Sofia was speaking softly now.
Hanging his head, Orchid felt both rage and shame rising within him in surging tides.
“You must apologize to the Lady tomorrow.”
“No excuses!” Her tone was sharp as she saw Orchid about to argue.
She unclasped her armor and set it aside before walking into the Kitchen, gesturing Orchid to follow.
Checking the soup on the stove she warmed it up before sitting down to eat.
Working in silence Orchid tapped a glass of ale from a barrel and served up the remnants of the salad for his mother. Not being able to look into her eyes he started cleaning the room and dishes while waiting for her to finish.
Satisfied with the meal Sofia praised his cooking before joining him in clearing up.
When they were finished, Orchid followed his mother to her favorite spot in the house, the small bench his grandfather had built in the backyard. Indicating that he should sit, she lectured him.
“I know you’re proud of all the items that you craft little Purple, but you have to learn to control yourself more and not be led by your desire to play pranks on everyone. It may seem fun to you and your friends, but for every device that works there are a dozen that failed miserably. I don’t think you’ve forgotten the broken arm you got while testing your ‘momentum absorber’ or the time you made their Majesties hair turn pink. You’re also an elder brother and Sun looks up to you a lot. I’ll say it again, you’re going to the academy soon and they will not tolerate this sort of behavior. Learn to control yourself or you’ll be made to control yourself. There is no other option and I don’t want you to have to go through their idea of control.”
“I know Mom. It’s just so foolish, what good is all this theory if you can’t use it in real life.”
“Well, speaking of real life versus theory” Sofia was grinning. The shadows cast on her face by the mana lamps on the street gave her an exceptionally eerie cast, which made Orchid shiver. “I think you could use some practice.”
Heading to the center of the yard she called him over.
“Come son, it’s time for some exercise after dinner.”
You just want to hit me! I should really learn to just not talk.
His shoulders slumped, he went to face her and studying her stance he set himself in a defensive one.
I hope I don’t get hurt too much.
Seeing his mother prepare herself to strike he backed up 3 steps.
No chance, she’s coming to beat me. I hate today so much. This is all Justains fault somehow, I’ll hit him in the face so hard he won’t be able to show himself in front of Ilse for a year!442Please respect copyright.PENANASUW0NT1tJb