I need to get Donna to a hospital. There's no way I'm losing her. She coughs. "Where's Conner?" Her eyes start tearing up, and I can feel she still hasn't forgotten Conner's fate; but I won't remind her.
"Conner can't be here with us right now, Donna." Maybe you won't be able to either, I think. I scratch the thought from my head.
"I wish he was here. Can you call him?"
"I can't call him," I respond, my voice an octave lower. "I wish he was here too." A crack at the end of my sentence means neither of us are over him yet.
I'm nearing a little market near a road, close to the hospital, when I see a girl on the road. I desperately brake and Donna beats her head against the window, making her forehead bleed. I curse under my breath and get out of the car.
To my surprise, it's Emma. I grab her arms and shake her awake. Her eyes snap open. She puts both her small hands around my neck and begins strangling me. I feel her nails crawling deep into my skin. I have to use a lot of strength, but I manage to pry her hands off.
"Emma, what are you doing?"
"Oh," she breathes a sigh of relief. "Jedrek, it's just you. Wait, where's Apollo?"
"What happened to your hair?"
"Athena cut it. I don't have time to explain. We need to leave." At first, I think this is some sort of sick joke, but her eyes look dead serious. I lift her up and practically throw her in the backseat of the car where she falls back asleep immediately.
Taking one good look at Donna, I'm reminded of what I'm even in this car for anyway. I change the gear shift and feel the nerves riding on my hand as I drive away.