"Alright, we need to keep moving; and work harder on not getting caught," I instruct.
"Why are you next in line after Donna and Jedrek?" questions Brianna.
"I'm the oldest now and I mapped out the trip."
"Guys, stop arguing," Athena interrupts. "We should try to rescue the others."
"What Donna would've wanted is for at least some of us to make it out alive," I say.
"Yeah, I agree with Hugo, Athena. It's a lot better to keep moving."
"Need I remind you Donna stayed back to save us? And Jedrek stayed back to save Donna? And they'll be taken to trial for charges against scientists?" she argues.
"Need I remind you that Donna and Jedrek did all of that so we could escape, and if we don't, we'll have risked all of our lives for nothing?" Brianna shoots back. Athena remains in silence.
"Fine. We need new clothes and new hair," Athena reasons.
"We can't get new clothes or new hair," I explain. "Our pictures are all over the news."
"Not all of our pictures." She looks towards Zac and Apollo.
"Uh, guys," Zac's sad, gravelly voice speaks. "I can’t go. I can't even stand." His eyes fill up as he looks at us from sitting on the ground. "I'm so sorry."
"Zac, Zac, it's all right." Athena consoles Zac, sitting beside him. "We'll get Apollo to do it."
They both stay next to an old piece of cement, about a mile away from a village. I try to pull Athena away to comfort Zac instead, but she says it’s fine. The plan is simple: we just need to teach Apollo a few basic phrases. Or, at least it should be simple.
About two hours pass, and we continue trying to explain the plan to him.
"All right, so what do you say again?" I insist.
"Hi, I'm Apollo-"
"No, no, no!" I raise my hands up to my head in frustration and grab my head. How could we think grabbing the baby was a good idea? And, worse, how did we think the baby could even remotely help us with this?
"Hugo," Athena puts her hand on my shoulder. "Calm down. It'll be fine. Do you still have one of your pocket knives?"
I take a deep breath and push my hair from my face. "Yeah, I brought five. We have three and Jedrek has one."
"Okay. I know what to do." A long moment of silence. “I know what to do!”
She grabs my hands while not stopping from her up-and-down hopping. Then she pulls me into a big hug, and after about two seconds, finally lets go. After processing what has just happened, I realize I didn’t hug back.
"Can I do anything to help?” Brianna volunteers. “Remember: I just had five guns pointed at me. Five!"
"Don't worry," Athena reasons. "You'll have guns pointed at you again. For now, we need Emma."
Emma's flowery blouse and colorful leggings are completely covered by wet, sticky mud we made out of clay and some tap water. We make sure to slather some on her face as well, just in case Apollo starts to fuss. To finish it off, letting Apollo play in the mud for a little while to make it as believable as possible. I almost get sad at the thought that I can barely recognize her, although Athena looks proud she was able to make such a disguise out of low resources. Something is bugging Emma about this, but I can't exactly make it out.
When she pulls out the exact-o, I notice a problem. "Her DNA will be scattered all over the ground. You can't do this. It's too dangerous."
Out of her pack, she pulls out a plastic bag. "Ah, boom!" She says excitedly, shoving the bag in my face. "I chop her hair, make sure it all falls in the bag, then carry the bag with me! Admit it, my plan is flawless!" She pauses for a moment.
"Oh, and if that wasn't enough, remember back in the tree alley? Yeah, while I was keeping watch, I swiped a lemon from one of the trees." She tosses it to Emma. "That's bleach."
"Let's wrap this up quick. Remember, we're in the middle of a, basically desert, with no shade or hideout," Brianna commands.
"Okay. Hugo, Brianna, hold the bag right..." she positions our hands. "There."
Soon enough, Emma's boring, long, frizzy, straight, blue-ish black hair becomes a layered bob. Well, not so much a bob. Athena gave her somewhat of a boy's cut in the back but kept two long dark strips surrounding her face. Honestly, I prefer it greatly over her usual haircut. It brings out the subtle Asian features in her eyes and nose. Athena shakes Emma's hair around, making sure all loose threads fall directly into the bag. She swoops her arm and grabs the bag in one swift movement, tying a double knot.
"And... we're done! I wish I could show you, Emma, you look amazing!" Athena beams.
"You sound peppy for someone being tracked down," Brianna murmurs, her hands tucked in her back jeans pockets. Athena smiles.
"All right," Athena rubs her hands together. "You two know what to do?" Apollo and Emma both nod. She picks him up on her lap and covers her face with him.
"Over there's more crowded," I realize. "Emma, you're going to need to go in by yourself, but we'll be waiting here. Are you going to be okay?" She takes a deep breath in and nods again, stepping towards the tiny village.