Avarice shook his head. He wouldn't get anything from the human with his mind like that. The shock and adrenaline of what was done to him and his men must've broken him. Avarice knelt and grabbed the man's jaw before jerking it with enough force to snap his neck.
"Why not heal him for information?" Junichiro inquired.
"He's just a human. I'm not wasting my tanks on a Sub Deity."
"What if he would've emerged as one of us, a transmuted klevonian?" Junichiro lightly kicked the man's foot to ensure he was dead.
"It's unlikely he'd survive the change. Besides, I don't intend to remain on Earth long enough to complete the process."
As he turned to walk away from the body, they each started to detect something faint within the Sub Deity's heart. Leaning closer, he used omni-vision to see dark energy wrapping around the human's heart and oozing from its body as the Sub Deity began moving.
Not knowing what to expect, Avarice stepped back to observe. The Sub Deity's head turned upward toward Avarice as his eyes snapped open; they were solid black, like an empty void. When his mouth moved, a voice came out, but it wasn't normal. It was distant with a slight echo, distorted and broken, like two minds failing to focus on saying the same thing.
"I leave one alive, and you kill him anyways..." the voice spoke. That was new; he didn't know he could communicate through the dead.
The sky suddenly split open as the clouds parted, stopping the rain and showering the island in sunlight as Wren and Trevor arrived floating down.
"I hate this island. First, I have to deal with constant rain and that ozone stench, but now it reeks even worse than the base from earlier." Wren looked at the others. "We have a few minutes before the storms roll back in. Can we do what we need to and leave before then?"
"Why did you two come here?" Junichiro asked them.
"Everyone there was dead; it was like a graveyard, but there was a message written in blood saying to check here. So, Trevor destroyed what remained, and we came to investigate. Now we're here annnd apparently there's a moving dead man..." she stated, just noticing the reanimated corpse.
"He can do that?" Trevor stared, bewildered.
"That's disgusting," Wren stated.
"Where are you?' Avarice asked aloud, his attention on the corpse.
"Why would I tell you that?"
"You're hiding behind a dead body. A bit cowardly, don't you think? Where's your pride?"
"You'll see soon enough. In the meantime, I think your company has gotten a bit too big, so I've been cutting numbers for you. Once I finish my adjustments, I'll come see you." The voice said in a threatening tone.
"You think killing a couple thousand of my subordinates affects me? I know what you're planning."
"You? No. But it will affect TekTra. Your company just lost two thousand employees and two large property investments with no explanation. I'm sure even you will have to find a way to explain that unless you out yourself. Although, what will affect you personally is if your huge supply of JANUS tablets you had stored at both bases were to be destroyed..."
Officially pissed, Avarice abruptly released some of his spirit energy.
"When I catch you, I'll use every drop of my imagination to ensure you spend the next century suffering worse fates than death."
The broken voice laughed, unperturbed.
"Wow, I can sense that from here. Don't worry; they haven't been destroyed. They're a thousand feet below you, bu—"
Before the voice could finish its sentence, in a blur, Junichiro and Trevor sped into a nearby latch built into the ground that led to a space below them, breaking the metal door off its hinges in the process.
The voice grunted, not at all surprised by their actions.
"One's overzealous, and the other's eager to please you; I figured at least one of them would rush in like that. You'll wish they would've waited to hear the rest. Along with the JANUS tablets is the supercharged bomb you stored down there. I charged it myself; I wouldn't bet on it not affecting them..."
The voice faded as the dark energy lifted from the corpse's body, causing it to go listless with a creepy smirk on its face.
A sudden urge washed over Avarice as he blurred into the latch after his sons.
"Trevor! Junichiro!" he yelled as he entered, but mere seconds later, the ground tremored as the bomb was detonated.
Fun fact: Wren is a 1,057-year-old American woman born in Wilmington, NC, where she was raised by a middle-class family. Due to the constant storms that ravaged her homeland, she grew up fascinated by them.
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