Jake told Sadie as they pulled over near that hill outside there village again. He was worried. But not about some stupid ghost or something but he wasn't sure how sadie was gonna react to all this. What if its not something she expected? What if there is something there and ahe has a break down. He always loved her and he wanted her ro be happy.
"Dont worry " she held his hand a they stared to move forward. Jake stopped after a while and stared at her.
"Whats up Jake?"
"Sadie I wasn't planning on telling you this early or in this situation but I love you.. I always have loved you since the day I saw you in class and I just want you to know you will find me beside you in every moment of your life. In highs and lows and yes and no's. I will always be there for you"
There was a moments silence. Tears rolled down her face as she looked at Jake West. Handsome youth of 20. And she kissed him. Shw was wondering what to say next but Jake came to rescue.
"I dont need an answer .. Lets just go and find out whats wrong with this place shall we?"
"Yeah we should"
They slowly and carefully they started to walk and try yo find crash site. They finally reached the tall tree from last night. Jack smelled something nearby something really pleasurable and sweet.
"OMG Jack do you smell it?"
"Yes I do its coming from over there lets go"
Jack said pointing towards a huge rock. He was hoping that this trip will have no discoveries but now he has to face it.
They gathered around that rock , smell was getting more intense now and jake saw something in the grass. He bent down.
"Sadie there is something in here" he said softly. But sadie wasnt listening to him she was too busy looking for a meteorite crater. Jake saw it clearly. It was unlike anything he ever saw. Metalic and glowing thing which smells really incredible. There was something about that thing that gave him creeps but he decided to pick it anyway. He was going to pick it up.
"What is it jake?"
"I dunno.. But it smells its coming from here"
"Be careful"
Jake extended his hand further more close it got to that thing more warm and weird it felt. Finally he reached and picked it up and everything happend ao fast. He was dragged into some sort of spectral world and he saw a disturbing thing. Four most disgusting looking creatures with horns and red skins and long teeth were dragging a tall figure around a battlefield. Weird thing was this battlefield had no earthly similarities. It had all this weird plants and different color soils. Those four creatures helped that tall figure stand up and he saw him for first time. He was a man like anything he ever saw. Most beautiful human being ever saw but scene quickly shifted one of the demon yelled "now you die immortal" and all for of them yelled something together like magic worda. And that mans body got swapped and it turned into ball of broght light and it went into outer space.
"Jake Jake omg wake up please"
He felt sudden and very high intensity pain in his chest and he had blured images of sadie and her hands which were covered in blood. His blood most probably.