"It's not Aliens, It's the Wahkansnee Tribe"
Well, I'd say it was late 1973 and the people of Charleston Heights were in an uproar over aliens, There were sightings and alleged abductions of townspeople and animals mostly cows. They were never hurt just dropped off somewhere else in town. The Johansons' prize cow LuLubelle was found walking near the town square eating the flowers around the gazebo and just as happy as she could be. I think she just wandered off is all. Many people kept seeing strange lights in the sky and voices and no one could find the source of them. The local scientists and astronomers kept picking up different communications from some unknown source.
This was going on for several months, so on my downtime from performing. I bought a bunch of equipment. It was about 8:00 at night. Lucy was in the living room watching All in The Family. So I was in the back of the house, with all the windows open and the wind was blowing a bit so a few leaves blew into the house. I was hearing all kinds of voices and even saw the lights. As I was looking and listening I saw what I thought was the mothership. I grabbed my binoculars and saw it then I realized it was one of the Wahkansnee's Sky Spirit Vessel things. How disappointed I was it wasn't a real U.F.O.! All that fuss over the indigenous tribe hum drum vehicles.