“A Day at The Carnival”
Well, looking back at my life. One part I seem to remember is this one time. Tommy Wheaton and I went to this little carnival in town. The carnival hadn't been there very long. Every so often a carnival or circus would stop in Charleston Heights. The only difference between this one was it, was it was thrown by the local VFW. It was a small dinky thing, but what did you expect for 10¢? As I was looking around Tommy and I spotted a Ferris Wheel, which was kind of rusted and flimsy and it had a kickstand. Tommy and I looked at each other and said, no way that thing doesn't look safe to ride.
The local VFW had a bobbing-for-hand grenades game. We continued to look for something fun to play. As we were walking around we heard an explosion. So we didn't know if the guy won or lost. I was thinking to myself, how you do give a guy with no head a prize? We kept walking and they had a game called Find a Snake..... In the Grass. I won and couple of games. I think the snake might have been poisonous, my hand swelled up a bit. Then they had a game called Pin the Tail on the Guy Next to You. Ouch! , that's smart! , Before Tommy and I left, the County Coroner was there at the Bobbing For Hand Grenades game. He declared the man died there of natural causes, and everyone looked puzzled. He simply said, that when you get your head blown off, You naturally die. Made sense to me. Tommy and I went to leave and they charged to leave the carnival too. It was 25¢ I dug in my pockets and I counted my change and I had 24 1\2 ¢ and I'm sure you're wondering about the 1\2 cents. As I was looking through my change I realized one of the pennies I had, was somehow cut in half. Well anyway, Tommy and I soon went home after leaving the carnival. I am sure glad Tommy had extra or we have been stuck there and maybe forced to work.