The only difference between them was the color of their eyes and hair. While Lyre Raot's jet-black hair and blue-gray eyes gave her an incredible charm, her daughter's sun-blond hair and brilliant green eyes, like the color of a young leaf in spring, were the only traits she had inherited from her father.
There were men of all ages, the most attractive of whom were mature men in their thirties. She was grateful to them, but didn't give them a chance, because deep down, she didn't care.
And she knew why, but she was still kidding herself, telling herself that everything would be all right next time, and that she'd find a boy who would attract her enough to give it a try.
It would have been funny if it weren't so pathetic.
She stroked a lock of her long, almost white-blond hair without realizing it as she remembered her father regarding her strangely, his gaze distant, and asking.
“Baby, when did you change your hair color?”
Thinking at first that he was joking, she replied with a joke.
“When you and Mom went to the seaside.”
Finally understanding that he was serious, Ivyne frowned though still retaining her smile.
“Dad, I was just kidding! You know I haven't changed my color. They're the same ones I had when I was born.”
“No.” he said simply.
“Not exactly the same,” conceded his daughter with a defiant gesture. “It's faded a little over the years as it should have, but it's still just as strikingly blonde.”
“If you say so.”
Her father never mentioned her hair again, but he never believed she'd been born that way.
She forced herself back to the present by asking her beloved mother where they were headed.
«To «Glaciers-, your favorite ice cream store.
The girl laughed, but couldn't help complaining.
«Mom, I can't take it anymore! After the kebabs, the shrimp fritters, the sushi,
coffee wraps, there's no more room!
«But it's a party, darling. It's your last day as a miner! No, rectification, the last hour, so it's all about having fun and stuffing yourself as much as possible. And all this while strolling again and again under the starry vault until dawn!
«How romantic! exclaimed Ivyne, teasingly. And of course, I'm going to start my adult life by being fat, fat! Until I explode!
Her mother's face was now raised to the infinite sky, her eyes reflecting the stars twinkling on the dark immortal canvas. Those stars so captivating, so profound, Ivyne suddenly stopped as if struck by horror, for she felt as if a vague reminiscence was tearing at her heart for the umpteenth time. She felt as if she had already gazed at those same stars with a heart full of sadness. Her mother stared at her, noticing her tortured face.
«Ivyne baby, are you all right?
«Er...yes. I'm sure it's just emotion,” she added more cheerfully, convincing her mother to forget her atrocious pallor.
«Agreed,” nodded her unconvinced mother, then took her daughter by the shoulders. As soon as the clock strikes midnight, you'll officially be a grown-up, and the doors will open for you to do whatever you want, to realize your dreams «in short, whatever you need to succeed and live. But from now on, as you make your choices, you must learn to take responsibility for them alone, to be independent and strong. So be bold, but also prudent in your decisions and actions. But also know that whatever happens or whatever path you choose, here and now or further into your future, you will always remain for Mom her wonderful treasure, and you will always be able to find in me and your father unconditional support.
These strong, encouraging words touched Ivyne and gave her a great boost. But in a way, they saddened her even more. She'd said them to him so suddenly, just after that excruciating reminder of what her reality had become, and it was no surprise that these words of love could only accentuate her pain. She would have liked so much to confide in her mother, to let herself go, to scream, to cry, to insult, to bite, but it was impossible. She wouldn't understand, no one could, so her only option was silence. Never before had she felt so alone and so torn. And never as now would she hate this magical being so much.
But for these few moments stolen from the world, from her real life, such things had to take a back seat, and she had to concentrate only on what made her happy and on what she was always certain of beyond all else, her love for her mother and her family, her friends. She realized how much she loved her human life! This life, to which the young girl would have liked to dedicate everything, her heart, her time, her dreams. She didn't know how else to do it, but she knew she'd be forced to find a solution. The moment would come, inexorably, when she would have to say goodbye to her human existence.
Or worse, if she had to lose a loved one. Ivyne had friends who had experienced tragedy. She could scarcely imagine how they must have felt, hearing their painful words, their lost, grieving, despairing expressions. Although death is a part of life, Ivyne doubted she would be able to endure such an ordeal; she felt she could never bear the loss of a family member. She felt so different from the others, and not in a good way. She was certain that she would never understand this suffering, that she would never find the inner strength that people always find, to overcome the weight of this grief.
«I'm weak «Ivyne kept telling herself.
The young girl couldn't explain it to herself, but she felt familiar with the tragedy, or rather some kind of misfortune, even though she was fully aware that she had never experienced it, which was completely paradoxical. Worse still, she could see the scene perfectly as if she were there, a horror imbued in her heart and in her flesh. A scenario that kept repeating itself, breaking her irreparably. Kneeling beside the remains of her love, she closed her eyes and ignored any words or tokens of affection that people might wish to communicate to her, feeling the already unbearable loneliness invade her, growing until it engulfed her completely. No matter how tirelessly people tried to explain the reasons for this terrible loss, nothing would ever console her.
Yes, that's right, she would have been so devastated by it that she chose to forget it.
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