31. Never have I ever...
...heard a riddle so clever that I had to take a moment to appreciate it.
32. Never have I ever...
...laughed at a tongue twister because I couldn’t say it fast enough.
33. Never have I ever...
...answered a trick question with complete confidence, only to realize I was completely wrong.
34. Never have I ever...
...heard a joke so dry that it was actually hilarious.
35. Never have I ever...
...been stumped by a riddle that everyone else seemed to solve in seconds.
36. Never have I ever...
...told a joke that was so corny, it became my new favorite one.
37. Never have I ever...
...been so lost in a riddle that I needed a hint just to get started.
38. Never have I ever...
...read a tongue twister that I could never get right, no matter how hard I tried.
39. Never have I ever...
...played a word game and ended up making up my own rules just for fun.
40. Never have I ever...
...been so amused by a pun that I couldn’t stop laughing for hours.