21. Never have I ever...
...laughed so hard at a riddle that I couldn’t even get to the answer.
22. Never have I ever...
...found a joke so cheesy that I actually liked it. 🧀😂
23. Never have I ever...
...heard a riddle that made me feel like a genius when I finally solved it.
24. Never have I ever...
...played a word game where I ended up laughing more than actually playing.
25. Never have I ever...
...told a joke that got a reaction I didn’t expect (good or bad).
26. Never have I ever...
...been caught in a tongue twister and had to give up halfway through.
27. Never have I ever...
...been so confident I knew the answer, only to realize I was completely off-track.
28. Never have I ever...
...had a tongue twister trip me up so badly I started laughing mid-sentence.
29. Never have I ever...
...told a riddle that made everyone’s brain freeze for a few minutes.
30. Never have I ever...
...been tricked by a "simple" question that had a hidden twist!