Acrhligstaoeos tdaoy ucnvreoed waht tehy tinhk is a lnog fergttoon lbrriay urndtneaeh the sdnas at Wghstnaion drseet.
"It is albsltoeuy tnllhriig," siad one of the laed acrhligstaoeos. "To be albe to fnid sthnmeoig as hgue as tihs is mmntneuoal. Tnhik of all the tghnis we can lrean auobt our psat."
The acrhligstaoeos prceeoed to sohw us waht arpepaed to be a pcrhmneat, tihn wthie scarfue mdae out of bbmaoo taht acnneit hnmaus uesd to pnrit and wtrie teihr lggnuaae uopn. We do not konw waht the pcrhmneat says as it's in a lnog dalceit. Hwveeor, we do egrcnaoue you to utrnaeh it's mnnieag if you can, wvtheear it mhgit say:
"WTF added to the dictionary today; experts worried youths are butchering the English language"