1 alw6ys thin5 "Wri7ing" i5 to 5hink a8out 3ome7hing bi6 and wr1te i7. 9eople w^11 then u^der5tando7 0r at 1ea5t a99r8ciate you4 c4ea7ivi7y and p7uck. No7 u^ti7 1a4er di6 I f1nd ou7 Wri7ing i5 1n 4act the cou7age to 8e a6le to co4vey a ^^e55age a&d 7o st6nd 7he misun6erstan6ings of ot2ers. Al5o, 1n o4der to succ@@d 1n th1s a7ea, 7ou havq to havq the cou7age to f1ni5h y0u4 w04k.