“Dad, I’m heading out to that party.” Celia said.
“No, you’re not.” I said sitting up on the couch. I looked over the back. Celia already had her coat on and she was slipping into her shoes.
“Dad.” Celia whined. She stood at the door with her arms crossed. I stood up and walked over to her.
“Car keys, hand them over.” I said holding out my hand. She pressed the keys in my hand.
“You’re the worst.” Celia said walking off.
“You can go to the party. I'm just not letting you drive.” I said putting on my jacket. Celia rushed back to the door.
“You mean it?” Celia asked.
“Yes, now go get in the car before I change my mind.” I said. It took a mere second and Celia was out the door. I put on my jacket and followed her out the door. She had the car started already because the keys were close enough to the vehicle. It didn't take long for the car to heat up, maybe a minute.
I drove Celia to some place on the other side of the city, hidden away in the back streets. It was on the side where a lot of criminal activity has been spiking. The buildings didn't look the greatest either. I had a hard time trusting that a party would be held around here, but then Celia pointed me to a sole house that stood out from the rest. All kept up and fancy looking. I parked out front of it. Celia was about to jump out of the car when I grabbed get arm.
“No all-nighters.” I said. “Call me when you're ready.”
“Ok dad.” Celia smiled at me. “I love you.”
“Love you to sweetie.” I said.
Celia closed the door to the car and ran towards the house. Standing at the top of the steps was the young man she was talking to after school when I picked her up. I stayed and watched the house for a moment after they went inside.
I drove around the block and up a hill a ways. A person crossed the road right in front of my car. I slammed on the breaks. The car didn't stop in time and hit the person head on, but the person was unfazed. I wish I could say the same about my car. Getting a better look at the person I realized that it was Valentine.
“What in the world are you up to?” I asked myself. I got out of the car and chased her down to a park not to far from the party. It was pitch black, I could hardly see a thing. Then there was light, too much light. Flood lights from every direction blinded me from seeing anything. It took time for my eyes to adjust. All I could hear was the sound of a single man clapping.
“Congratulations, you fell into my trap.” The voice said.
“Who are you?” I called out. “Show yourself.” I looked rapidly around me for the voice that was talking to me. Three shadows emerged from the lights directly in front of me.
“I’m surprised you don't recognize me. After all we were on a team together.” The voice said.
The shadows eventually turned into people. People I could see and know exactly who they are. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.
“Jack, I should have known this was your doing.” I said struggling to make sense of it all.
“You were trained to know better.” Jack said.
“What do you want with me?” I asked Jack.
“A couple things actually.” Jack said. “One, I want the Alpha Queen to give to the King and two, I want you to die.”
“Well you can fuck off because I'm not going down without a fight.” I said.
“I figured you say that. So, I brought some backup.” Jack said. “Valentine, why don't you show our old friend your new toy.”
“Valentine, you don't have to do this.” I tried telling her.
“I'm sorry James.” Valentine said. She drew her lance into a ready stance.
“You don't have to do this. It’s not too late.” I tried to convince her. She swung the butt end of the lance downward towards my feet.
“My life depends on this fight.” Valentine said. “I won't give up easily.”
This side of Valentine I used to see all the time, back when she was trying to impress me. She wouldn't back down easily. She was determined as soon as she had her heart set on something. It was a passion that I had too soon forgotten.
“Fine if this is the way it has to be, so be it.” I said to her. I pulled a set of my knives out of my pockets and readied for a fight I didn't know if I could win. My mind kept telling no, but my body's will to survive said yes.
Valentine sliced at me in a vertical direction. I dodged backwards. Her lance stuck in the ground. She took that momentum and propelled a kick into me sending me flying backwards. I stood back up slightly shaken.
“Just stay down, James.” Valentine said. “I don't want to kill you, but I will if you make me.”
“I'm not making you do anything.” I said. “You can stop this Valentine. All you have to do is come home with me.” A wave of emotions washed over me, but I had to toughen up. Any sign of weakness would give them all an opening on me.
Valentine had a struggling look on her face, as if she was fighting for her self-control. Maybe she wanted to come home, but there were greater forces stopping her, greater forces like Jack. I don't know what ideas he drilled into her head, but if I had any chance of getting through to Valentine I would need to get through Jack.
“So, what? I can come home? Start a family? Be your bitch? I don't think so.” Valentine said. Anger jumped around in her words, but it wasn't her. She never would use such hateful words towards me. At least that's what I thought.
“Enough talking and more bloodshed.” Jack said. He was off to the side clapping his hands together, watching as Valentine tried to drive me further and further away.
Valentine ran at me and this time did a horizontal strike. I ducked below the blade of the lance, kicked Valentine's feet out from underneath her, and watched as she hit the ground. I stood above her and placed my foot on her chest.
“Please don't kill me.” Valentine cried. Tears rolled down her face as I dangled a knife above her. I knew I couldn’t go through with killing her. I held out my hand to help her back up. She grabbed my hand and pulled herself up along with a knife she displaced into my stomach. She twisted and ripped around the knife trying to do as much damage as possible. I looked her in the eyes. She wasn't crying, but she wasn't enjoying her kill. She was emotionless. A way you get when you've finally broken and don't know where you belong anymore.
“I’m glad you found your peace.” I choked out. I fell towards Valentine. She backed up letting me drop to the ground. I sat there on my knees waiting for my fate to be decided.
“Kill him already.” Jack said walking towards Valentine. He placed his hand on her shoulder, congratulating her on finally beating me, but she was disgusted with him.
“Kill him yourself.” Valentine said slapping the knife into Jack’s chest. She walked off into the lights, slowly fading into a shadow once again.
Jack quickly scrambled to grab the knife before it had a chance to hit the ground. He stood there playing with the knife above my head. I couldn't do much but watch and wait.
“I would have derived more pleasure watching Valentine kill you, but it seems she still has a hard on for you.” Jack said. I could hardly look up at him any longer. I put my gaze back on the grass.
“You're a piece of shit.” I muttered clenching my stomach. The pain agonized me every time I tried to talk.
“What was that?” Jack said leaning towards me with his hand to his ear.
“You should really speak up when someone’s talking to you.” Jack said swinging his foot into my face. I sprawled out on the ground losing my grip on my stomach wound. Even more blood painted the snow. Jack picked me up by my jacket and brought me close to his face.
“Now, what was it you said?” Jack asked getting up in my face. In fact, he was so close I could smell his breath and let’s just say he wasn't eating roses.
I spit a mouth full of blood directly into Jack’s face. He released his grip and I fell back on my feet. I held my hand back over my stomach wound trying my best not to bleed out. The agonizing pain rocked me a little bit. I felt myself getting colder and colder as the anemia set in.
“You're a real piece of shit.” I said struggling to find my voice. I wiped the blood away from my mouth. The blood smeared across my sleeve turning it a dark red. Claire was going to kill me if she saw the jacket she got me in this condition.
“That's it, you're dying, tonight.” Jack said cleaning blood from his face with his sleeve. He ran at me knife in one hand and a dagger in the other. I closed my eyes waiting for Jack to make his move, but nothing came.
“Seriously Jack, do you ever think before you move?” A familiar voice said.
“You bitch, let go of me.” Jack yelled at her. "I'm going to destroy his life."
I looked up to see who he was talking to. My intuition was correct. Standing there holding back Jack from moving any farther was none other than Holly Grahm, another member of my old team. She dragged Jack back a little bit just outside of my hearing range. They talked for a couple minutes. I tried to make a run for it, but with my first step I went back down to my knees. The pain in my stomach was too much for me to try and escape.
Jack walked over with a club in his hand. A rotten piece of wood he probably ripped off one of the surrounding trees. He had an unforgiving look in his eyes.
“Sorry old friend.”