A loud beeping noise coming from outside the icu woke me and Blue up. A flashing sign appeared on the cracked glass in front of us. Low oxygen. I looked at Blue, her hands were collapsed around her neck as if she was choking. Her air must have run out. I took my air mask off and handed it to her. She tried to take a breath, but there was no oxygen left. It wasn't even a thought I just acted. I quickly breathed my last bit of air into her mouth. She began to slam herself against the broken glass, but it was no use, the glass would not budge. I took a hold of Blue and pushed off, as hard as I could, from the backside into the crack. The glass gave loose enough to start draining the water. I didn't have the energy, or the oxygen, to make another attempt. Blue, kept on kicking at the glass. I watched as the cracks grew larger and webbed out even farther. Blue’s leg went right through the glass and immediately after we went to.
“That's the closest you'll ever be to getting a kiss from me.” I said gasping for air.
“Ill take it I guess.” Blue said choking on water.
I took a look around the room and everything was trashed. Papers were scattered across the floor, machines were broken, and emergency noises were sounding off like crazy. Blue's leg was ripped to pieces from the glass.
“Are you gonna be ok?” I asked.
“No, it hurts really bad.” Blue cried.
I stood up and walked over to her, she was bleeding out at an alarming rate. Some glass was still present in the wounds.
“Keep pressure on it.” I said pressing her hands to her leg. “Our clothes should be around here somewhere.”
“What do you need our clothes for?” Blue asked.
“My belt, I can use it as a turniquet for your leg.” I said.
“Marie put them in the locker by the heater.” Blue said.
I found our clothes and dug around for my belt. I rushed back to blue and tightend it around the base of her thigh. My shirt worked well as a temporary bandage, I used it to cover all the cuts.
“Lets see if we can find you a medical officer.” I said picking her up off the floor. I stumbled a bit at first and used the wall to prop myself up, but I guess you wouldn't be totally stable after not walking for a while.
The hallways were trashed to. The walls had cracks in them, lights were barely working, and stretchers were tossed around. A fight clearly happened here, but if that did happen, where were the bodies? There were small amounts of blood smeared everywhere, almost like someone had tried to clean it up.
The main floor was all the same, but this time the bodies were left there. These were all people I knew, sitting up against the walls with large gashes and holes in their bodies. No one was spared, not even the children.
“Who would do such a thing?” Blue asked weakly.
“I don't know, but its not safe here anymore.” I said.
A scream bounced down the halls of the hospital, probably coming from the north wing. If I was to find any answers, it would be towards the screaming.
At the end of the hall a body was tossed out of one of the rooms. Startled, I jumped back around the corner. The body was still alive screaming for mercy as it was stabbed repeatedly.
“Blue, I have to leave you here.” I said sinking down to the floor.
“Please don't go after it.” Blue said.
“I don't have a choice.” I said. I propped Blue up against the wall and reassured her that everything would be alright. She still wasn't fond of me going after it. I ran around the corner and saw the beast standing there. A tall man, the only name I ever called it by, stood between me and the person it was about to kill. Flashes of the day I first faced such a being shot through my head. I was terrified at the least.
Someone behind me yelled duck, without a moment to spare, a bullet flew over my head. I glanced over at the tall man as he went staggering backwards, it only seemed to Piss him off more. He grabbed his victim by the ankle and tossed her in my direction. She screamed as she flew through the air and then went silent when her head smacked the wall. Several more bullets passed over my head, each one hitting the exact same spot as the last. Bullet holes riddled the tall man’s mask, making him more dangerous to us than he was before. He began to flail and score the walls with his big sword. Slowly he made his way towards me. I couldn't turn. I couldn't even scream. I was frozen with fear, until a familiar face pulled on my collar.
“Look, I know your having a heart attack right now, but we need to move.” Celia said.
“Celia, you're supposed to be in school.” I said.
“I got suspended two days ago, but you wouldn't know that because you've been gone for like a week.” Celia said.
We ran pass the corner and back to the main lobby. I had completely forgotten about Blue, who was still sitting next to the corner.
“We gotta go back.” I said.
“What for? That thing is still back there.” Celia said.
“Blue’s back there.” I said running back down the hall.
Blue was sitting there looking down at the floor. The tall man just walked on by her without a glance. Odd because the tall man attacks anything with a pulse, unless… I didn't want to think about the other possibility. I tried to think of how they killed the tall man the first time, but I don't know if they ever truly killed it. The tall man looked towards me and began flailing his sword again. Before he could get to me Celia jumped in the way taking the full force of the blade to her left arm. Celia went flying into the wall and her arm landed next to her. Before she could move the tall man slammed the sword down into her right leg, severing it completely.
“I'm sorry James, I failed you.” Celia said with tears falling down her face.
“No, no, no don't give up on me.” I said shaking Celia. She slowly began the shutdown sequence.
The tall man pulled the sword back and began to swing at my head. Moments before it reached me, I watched the head of the tall man explode into a million pieces. It fell to the ground with a thud. Standing behind him was Clyde, my saving grace.
“Sorry I'm late. I was getting an upgrade.” Clyde said looking at the tall man. Clyde's gaze turned to Celia. “Son of a bitch, come back to life so I can kick your ass again.” Clyde was kicking at the body of the tall man.
Around the corner I heard Blue cough. Immediately I remembered why I came back here in the first place. There was no time for me to grieve over Celia, Blue needed my help. I ran to Blue, who was just barely holding on to her life. She was pale and cold, and I don't think moving her would be an option.
“Blue, stay with me.” I said tapping her face.
“Its cold.” Blue said.
“Get your hands off my sister.” A voice said from behind me. I turned to look and running down the hallway was Camille, Blue’s younger sister. Camille pushed me out of the way and looked Blue over, head to toe. “Damn it, what happened.”
“She cut a major artery on some glass.” I said.
Camille pressed her hand to Blue’s neck. I watched as tears fell from Camille on to Blue. I feared the worst has come to pass and Blue was no longer with us.
“Its all your fault. Every time someone gets close to you they die.” Camille cried, shoving me away.
“Camille, what about the binding ritual?” I asked.
“I-I can try, but I don't know all the words and I'm not sure it'll work in the first place.” Camille said wiping the tears from her face.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Because she's not a pure blood fairy.” Camille said. “She's only my half sister. Her mother was a human.”
“You have to at least try.” I said.
“Give me your hand.”
I gave her my right hand and she shook her head at me. She pointed to my left hand, covered in bandages. I didn't question it for a moment. She placed my hand on Blue’s stomach and then placed Blue’s hands on top of mine.The whole point of the binding ritual is to take one soul and bind it to another. It is common for fairies to go through the binding ritual before marriage to link the two lovers hearts in unison. This would be the first attempt for mudbloods to go through binding. What we were trying to do is bind my soul to Blue’s body in hopes of giving her new life, but I knew it was a long shot.
“Knife.” Camille said holding out her hand. I reached into my pocket and pulled a knife out for her. I looked up at Clyde and he was still beating on the dead tall man. Its sad that the first emotion I've ever seen him express was anger, but I understand. Coming to terms with losing someone is hard and you would do anything to ease the pain.
A sharp pain pierced my hand and echoed through my body. My gaze turned back to my hand where Camille had shoved the knife through Blue’s hands, my hand, and then into Blue’s stomach. She began to chant words in a language I've never heard before. My bandages began to glow a bright gold color, along with Blue’s body. Symbols of an unknown language crawled outward from the knife and danced around both me and Blue. It was quite the sight, a nice distraction from the reality we faced. The symbols, the glowing, it all faded into nothing as Camille stopped her chanting.
“Its not working.” Camille cried.
I bowed my head and pulled the knife from my hand. I stood up and dropped the knife to the ground. I felt every emotion, but no emotion at all. Someone had to pay for this, it was just a matter of who.
Clyde was still standing next to the tall man. His whole body covered in blood from lashing out on the dead body. I picked up the sword Clyde lodged into the tall man’s chest and tried to continue on. Clyde stopped me with his hand.
“Jacks at the rooftop. This is all his fault.” Clyde said.
“Take Celia and Blue’s bodies and get out of here. Ill take care of them when I get home.” I said.
I continued my trek upstairs until I reached the rooftop. Valentine was standing next to Claire and Jack was on the upper section of the roof. Behind him was a person, holding Luciel? Luciel was being dangled over the edge like a puppet with strings.
“Damn it Jack, let her go!” I yelled to him