"Do I know you?"
Huh, wait? She doesn't know me? Did I get the wrong person? No it can't be, she responded to Ai.
"Y-y-you're Aiko Baker are you not?"
"Yes I am, who are you?"
"It's me, Lorne, Lorne Evermore. We used to go to school together. I'm the first person 'Cupid' helped out."
*Lorne's POV*
I expected her to greet me with a smile, or to give me a hug after I told her who I was, but what was given to me was nothing but a big death glare piercing my soul.
"Get out of my face." She said with a violent tone. Why is she acting this way, I thought we were friends, she's the one who moved without telling me shouldn't I be the one angry?! I have to say something, but what do I say?
Before I could speak the classroom door gets shoved open, and a girl with a very dark aura was in the door way. Everyone sat there confused until she looked my way.
Oh shit, what did I do? It's my first day man, I couldn't possibly have started trouble yet right?!
The girl started walking, no, she started stomping over to me. I don't know why, but I got scared and shut my eyes awaiting my scolding, that is until...
"Ai-KO!!!!" She stomped right past me and grabbed Ai out of her seat and started shaking her. "You told me you were going to go to the club yesterday, but guess what you lied! YOU WERE A NO SHOW!!!!! LIAR LIAR LIAR!!!!!"
"Ummm, is anyone going to stop this?"
"No this happens all the time, nothing new it will be over soon."
"Sarah." Ai said in a monotone manner.
"There was a new sweet shop and I needed to check it out."
"Is it over?"
"No, she just made it worse."
At this point she started shaking her more, harder that before, it looked like she was going to pass out if she kept going. I was about to stop her until I felt a tap at my shoulder.
"Excuse me, can we talk outside?" An unfamiliar girl asks.
"Um sure." She lead me outside and gives me a smile.
"How do you know Aiko?"
"We used to go to school together, I was the first person she helped before she became 'Cupid'. She doesn't seem happy to see me, but I don't understand why."
"You should know, you probably are just trying to make yourself think other wise."
"I honestly don't know, she doesn't even remember me, I was her best friend."
The girl freezes and gives me a worried look.
"The reason for that is-"
"MARY! Where did you go?"
"Ah! Sorry I was helping the new guy out."
"Don't leave again!"
"I won't, I won't."
As they were bickering Ai walks out and looks at me.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Aiko Baker, sorry about my rude behavior back there. I truly don't know what came over me."
"What do you m-" The girl I had been talking to before nudges me and gives me a 'No' signal. "It's okay, nice to meet you too. I'm Lorne Evermore, I hope we can be great friends in the future."
"That sounds great!"