The Book of Daniel the prophet had surely showed us when the Messiah would come and what would happened to him, so did the Jews know? Yes, they did know that the Messiah would come but they taught he would setup his Kingdom and we would all reign eternally when he comes but they did not expect the Messiah to come the way they taught he would come. When the Messiah, Jesus Christ, was undergoing his Ministry, the Jews had gone to hide the scrolls of the Prophets behind a Cave near Jerusalem [Ancient Jerusalem is the City of David and not where the Dome of the Rock stays today, this changed because the Land was forgotten by the Jews when the Roman Empire took over] and until today, the scrolls are still found there where the Jews had had hid them, in Jerusalem, but this time Preserved inside a Museum known as The Jerusalem Museum [If you are wise enough, I would recommend you go to check them out] and the scrolls were under Carbon-14 Copy [Which is an experiment carried out by Archaeologists to check how old something is, the test takes from Hours, to days and even possibly Months] and was claimed to be existing since 238 B.C. You can find Pictures of these Scrolls by entering Google and searching, "Manuscript of Isaiah the Prophet," and clicking on images. The reason why I chose Isaiah roll because it is the only readable roll from all the others since the others are a little bit torn on the sides because of staying in that cave for many years. So let's get back to finding the Year when the Messiah would come directly from the Book of Daniel the Prophet from our Bible.
Simply just clikc the link below and see how our Brother in Christ tells us from AoC Network, I am following his Patreon Network too;
Link 1 : [70 Weeks of Daniel Prophesy, finding the Year Jesus came from Old Testament of Scriptures].
Link 2 : [More Prophesy Revealed, Conquest of Jerusalem by Roman Empire and take down Second Temple and also the Crucifixion as talked about in Book of Daniel the Prophet]. In the Previous Page of this Book I had shared with you the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius which is also extra prophesy showing the Judgement of God to the Roman empire.
May the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be upon you. Amen.
Repent : for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.