We have heard about Islam in many different places and countries around the World, but have you ever heard of something known as, "Ismailism," Yes, this religion exists and it is called to be, "The New Age," religion that unites Christians, Jews, Muslims and other Religious sections worldwide into following a god named, "Allah." Although we know that Allah is the god of the Muslims we should also know that he is one of the three hundred and sixty idols of Babylon and was known as Hallah, according to the Babylonians but known as Baal according to the Scriptures, proving that Islam existed before Mohammed had came to start his ministry claiming he got vision from the Angel Gabriel but as the Scriptures Quote, "The Devil is able to turn into an Angel of Light." He didn't notice this at that time because he was not a Jew or Christian but was some type of Persian, so he decided to create his own religion in this time which again dates back to history during times of Abraham. Isn't that amazing? Let's move on and see the connections between so called Ismailism and Antichrist.
Although we know that Ismailism is separate and completely different from Islam, it is part of it, called to be, "The Religion of the Time." Or something known as, "The New Age Religion." Which was created by a man who was a descendant of Mohammed. Luckily, he was with Mohammed till his death and till today he still survives and is around 81 Years-Old, it is told by his followers, "Ismailis," that he cannot die and he has many things to fulfil and they worship him as a, "god." What you see here is man known to be the Imam of the Times, also known as Hazar Imam, translated from Arabic, you should also search him up in Google and see his pictures.
He claims that every religion in the Earth will leave their faiths and folllow him, so any proofs about this. Yes, we got websites from their databases which we will display and explain their content.
1. "The LHC [Large Hadron Collider] at CERN in Switzerland, Geneva."
What we need to know first is that CERN is where the Keys to the bottomless pit [Hell] stays and also that they're about to soon release those creatures that leave down there, down where, in the bottomless pit [Hell] and they are surely going to release it soon in the future or possibly this Year, the Year 2018. You should also consider this Year as a very Prophetic Year and I'll tell you why in the next page of this Prophetic Book.
"Rahman Jamal: Surfing to success in the weird city
4 years ago
National Instruments prides itself on being a bit different, fostering its own ethos that even includes having a 100-year business plan
Excerpt: “We often sit one step behind the applications, but making them possible,” says Rahman Jamal, technical and marketing director Europe, another long-serving executive who has two decades’ experience with the company. “Some of those applications deal with existential matters that have far-reaching consequences. The large hadron collider at Cern, for instance – that will answer searching questions about our place in the universe. And those answers will be supplied using our scientific tools.”
Jamal gives other examples, pointing out how the company’s equipment is helping engineers to answer global grand challenges relating to environmental issues such as water contamination and the development of cleaner energy technologies. Meanwhile, within education he is proud of how the LabView graphical programming software has been designed for use with the Lego Mindstorms robotics platform, encouraging more than two million students worldwide to pursue Stem careers.
More: http://www.imeche.org/news/blog/surfing-to-success-in-the-weird-city
All related Rahman Jamal: https://ismailimail.wordpress.com/tag/rahman-jamal/
Categories: Germany, Ismaili Muslims in the News
Tags: Rahman Jamal."
Now remember, I took this from their Database, so this one of the speeches of the Ismailism Area, and we should also notice that Robots are Cyber Warfare and nonetheless, mentioned to be part of the image of the Antichrist directly from Scriptures in the Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Verses 15, "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." So many would be saying, "Where does it show robots in that Scripture I quoted?" The Image of the Beast is the Robot and the Beast himself is the Antichrist. Well, so then what has it got to do with Imam of the Time, he was called to give out a speech there and his followers are the ones who supported into building the LHC [Large Hadron Collider] which is the Key to opening the Abyss or what is known as Bottomless Pit or Hell and Robots are the instruments he will use to unite a so called, "New World Government [New World Order]."
Luckily, I also have some screenshots that I would like you to see before we proceed, they will be below this text in the following web pages :
All the above links shows us proofs that he was called to CERN by the Director of CERN and also the above speech had showed proof of one of his followers being part of it.
2. "He is known as Madhi, The Imam of the time in other words for us known as Antichrist."
Website : "https://the.ismaili/diamond-jubilee/homage-imam-time." He is known as the Madhi, The Son of Perdition's according to the Scriptures in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verse 3, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come , except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." So the Bible calls him a man of sin and he is yet to be revealed in front of your very eyes, although he has hidden himself, he will manifest himself in front of the Assyrian and will be under control of the Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem [This is a future event and Prophetic Word, keep in mind that the Embassy that Donald Trump will be moving to Jerusalem is a fulfilment of the Scripture as well into building the Third Temple in Jerusalem which will be taken over by this man who is the Antichrist in order for the New World Government to start and also the taking over of the world and the great Tribulations, which is expected to be between the Year 2018 - 2019, so be prepared for it]. The Embassy movement will be successful but Donald Trump will have fulfilled the work God has given him but also the Embassy will be taken over by the Antichrist, as I have said, it is between the Year 2018 - 2019.
3. "He is part of the Government."
"Mawlana Sultan Mahomed Shah was President of the League of Nations, which was a precursor to the United Nations. Prince Aly Khan, Mawlana Hazar Imam’s father, was Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations. Mawlana Hazar Imam’s uncle, Prince Sadruddin, was the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations’ Coordinator for Assistance to Afghanistan, and United Nations’ Executive Delegate of Iraq-Turkey border areas. Mawlana Hazar Imam’s younger brother, Prince Amyn, served in the United Nations Secretariat’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs from 1965 to 1968." If you can see, his entire family revolves around the United Nations, not only his family but he is part of it because in order for him to unite a New World Government he has to be part of the Government to fulfil this will. Proof of this is in the following website : https://the.ismaili/news/mawlana-hazar-imam-meets-united-nations-secretary-general-ant%C3%B3nio-guterres.1331Please respect copyright.PENANACEnRDHrolO
4. "According to his History, he has claimed to be Jesus Christ himself."
Website : http://ismaili.net/heritage/book/export/html/18066
The website above covers the entire History of this False Messiah, The Antichrist, Son of Perdition in Islam known as Imam of Time.
Picture Proof : "https://uplod.org/0x315xjvv3oy"
5. "The Trademark name for Ismailism is Aga Khan, below are its Origins."
If you read this, it all connects to Ottoman Empire that changed its name to Aga Khan and that is his religion trademark. You should read the connections to the Ottoman Turks, and if it is connected than the Term, "Aga Khan," was just a change from, "Ottoman Turks," to, "Aga Khan." Which proves the Ottoman Turks still is there today but just trademark changed and the Aga Khan formed its own New Age Religion named, "Ismailism." This man is and his followers at that time or his family [I could say] are the ones who took control over Jerusalem for 400 Years and now he is about to go there and manifest as Jewish False Messiah, The Antichrist.
All these events about the Antichrist has been fortold unto you that you may know and understand who the Antichrist really is, give your life to Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, who reigns in Heaven and seated at the right hand of God today. May the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be upon you. Amen.