"Please don't hang out with those bullies again. I won't always be there to save you."
James had suddenly realised how attached he was to this almost total stranger, that, 15 minutes ago, didn't even know existed.
In fact, he almost felt... embarrassed.
"Ok!" Heather giggled as they walked to her home.
James smiled.
"Jamie!" Cried out a voice.
James and Heather turned to spot...
A boy. 14, with blonde hair.
He wore a pink polo shirt and white jeans.
He walked up to them and smiled slyly.
"Valentine!" James exclaimed, almost with delight; but there was no disguising the anxiety in his voice.
Valentine looked over to Heather.
"Hello, mi'lady," he said as he took her hand. "I am Valentine Cupid. Who might you be?"
"Heather," she replied brightly. "Are you Aprodite's son?"
Valentine stared at her in alarm.
"Why, no... I'm an Angel, she's a God. They're different, you know? My mother is called Antheia. But Aprodite IS my aunt..."
"Oh, OK..." Heather said somewhat sheepishly.
"Well," Valentine continued. "Haven't you got a PRETTY girl, Romeo?"
He looked over to Heather again.
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"I mean..." Valentine reached over and gently held a lock of Heather's perfect chocolate-brown wavy hair in his hand before letting it go again. "She's pretty. She's perfect. You make a good couple."
"WHAT?!" said both James and Heather, blushing slightly.
"Oh, PUR-LEASE. I'm Aprodite's nephew. I think I'd know when someone is in love. Well, two people in fact-"
He was interrupted by a loud vibration from his jeans.
He pulled out a red smartphone.
"Whoopsie, got to go," he said. "You too, James, and your girlfriend."
From his back Valentine unfolded majestic, pale pink wings. He clicked his fingers and a sudden whirlwind lifted them all off their feet and into the air.