James Starling had been wearing a long-sleeved polo shirt and jeans a few minutes ago.
Now he'd changed into his old white tunic and black shorts.
Because he'd also had long hair, people would have thought he was a girl; but those who recognised him as a boy just thought he was plain weird.
He turned right off the sidewalk and into the forest.
Closing his eyes, he searched deep into his mind to find the memorized passages that lead to his very own secret place.
And all of a sudden, there it was - a secret clearing in the centre of the forest, teeming with wildlife.
On the very centre was a crystal-clear pond filled with sparkling orange and silver fish.
The entire place was so serene, so idyllic, so... perfect.
James strolled over to the pond and sat.
A little bird flew up to him and he held out his hand for it to perch on.
He smiled as it sang a little song, before it flew high into the sky, joining its' friends.
Slowly, James got up.
He jumped.
Beautiful, broad, white majestic wings emerged from his back.
He unfolded them and began to fly with the birds, soaring free in the cloudless morning sky.