“ANDRE! THE NEXT ORDER IS READY TO BE SERVED!” the chef shouted from across the kitchen, Andre flinched “GOT IT!” He replied grabbing the tray on his palm and glided out of the kitchen to the outside patio.
“A black americano with le almond butter shortcake?” He asked, the lady looked up from her phone and smiled “that’s me, merci” she said. He nodded and handed her items before going back to the kitchen.
“Andre!” The chef shouted for his attention, Andre raised and eyebrow and met him halfway where a young male stood behind him looking around curiously, “oui?”
The chef looked at him sternly “this is our new worker. I need you to show him around and help him find his strong suit” the chef ordered before disappearing. “M-moi?” He stuttered as he glided away. He sighed and looked up at the male that seemed to be only a couple years younger then him.
He was tall, with short curly blonde unruly hair with blue eyes. He had a perfect face and body shape and he smiled “salut, je m’appelle Carlos” he said in pure French.
Andre’s eye twitched and he sighed “je m’appelle Andre” he frowned having trouble with his French like usual.
Carlos eyed him for a moment with a smirk “ne parle pa français?” He asked, Andre thought for a moment and nodded, Carlos chuckled “good to know” he smiled.
Andre’s eyes narrowed “well I must say your pretty good with your French...even though your obviously a Britt” Carlos said his French accent made something in andre’s chest flutter.
“I- how do you know I’m a Britt?” Andre asked skeptically, Carlos chuckled “your accent is not a French one” he explained, Andre sighed.
“Whatever enough with this let me show you around” Andre said starting to walk away.
“Oh and welcome to le café de la paix” he smiled, Carlos grinned as he showed him around.
A couple months later...
Andre yawned as he stirred the pot of soup for a customer when he accidentally knocked in a bit of pepper, Carlos noticed and moved the pepper before taking the spoon from him “Andre are you alright?” He asked.
Andre waved a hand at him tiredly “I’m f-fin....e..” he yawned again as Carlos pressed his palm to andre’s forehead and stared. “My god your burning up” he said before swinging andre’s arm around his neck and helping him towards the chef.
“Chef” Carlos said catching his attention, he spun around and raised an eyebrow “he’s burning up, should I take him home?” He asked.
The chef rested the back of his hand on his forehead and stared “he is burning up, go ahead take him home and take the day off. He needs someone to help him out till he’s better” he said.
Carlos stared “why me?” He asked, the chef smiled.
“Because he seems to have an interest in you”
Carlos eyed him and nodded “oui! Merci” he shouted behind him as he rushed to get Andre out of there and into the fresh Paris air.
Carlos sighed after arguing with Andre to figure out his address and dragged him inside before closing and locking the door and then looking for his bathroom. When he did he turned the water to cold water and helped Andre to the shower and removed his shirt blushing slightly and sitting down on the ledge next to him.
He sighed and glanced at andre’s chest before chuckling “your fit...but you just can’t seem to keep your health in check” he smirked as Andre stirred and his eyes fluttered open.
His black hair was straight covering his eyes and he looked up and around spotting Carlos “what the- what...how...” he trailed off and Carlos smiled helping him up.
“You had a fever and kept falling asleep at work” he explained, Andre sighed and frowned “of course...it happens every spring...it’s nothing new..” he lied.
His nose slightly twitched and Carlos scowled “your lying.” He started before Andre glared at him “I don’t like talking about it...” he snapped before grabbing a towel and started drying his hair.
“Is it a family thing?” Carlos asked him curiously, Andre frowned “yeah....”
It went silent and Andre frowned as he left the bathroom and made his way to his room, “I’ll make you some soup” Carlos said. Andre sighed and nodded leaving the door open just a smidge.
“Hey Andre thé soup is ready!” Carlos said, no answer.
He raised an eyebrow and walked over to his door before stopping in his tracks as his ears perked up in an inhuman way.
Carlos listened like a dog his face reddining.
Andre was panting a lot as he stroked himself before grunting quietly, Carlos turned redder then a tomato when he heard something drip to the ground.
He knew what was up...but he didn’t know how to react, he bit the inside of his cheek and gripped his dress pants before returning to the kitchen just as Andre walked out holding some napkins.
“Something happen? You didn’t answer...” Carlos said acting like he saw or heard nothing.
“Oh sorry...I uh....nicked myself shaving when I went to answer...” Andre lied, Carlos frowned and handed him his bowl of soup.
“Are you homosexual?” Carlos asked out of nowhere, Andre stiffened and didn’t say anything “what kind question is that?” He asked.
Carlos frowned “nevermind that was rude of me...” he said turning to the sink to wash his hands, it was quiet before Andre spoke up “I am...” he mumbled.
Carlos raised an eyebrow “oh....is that why your having family issues?”
Andre nodded and sipped his soup “they don’t support me...” he sighed. Carlos frowned “well I do...” he trailed off and leaned across the counter towards him letting his head rest against Andre’s as they both turned red.
“In fact...I find your gayness cute...” he mumbled gently, Andre blushed “are you....” he trailed off as Carlos nodded.
Andre bit his lip and avoided carlos’s gaze before Carlos had leaned in and closed the space between them. Andre’s eyes widened as Carlos gripped the collar of Andre’s shirt before Andre finally gave in.
When Carlos pulled away Andre huffed and locked eyes with him “wh-what was that...” he mumbled, Carlos chuckled “should I show you again?” He said nearing his lips again.
Andre blushed and pulled Carlos into the kiss this time as he crawled on top of the counter to deepen the kiss, Carlos chuckled and gripped his thighs.
A couple weeks later....
“Nmh...Carlos we shouldn’t be doing this at the cafe” Andre whined his hands pinned above him as Carlos licked his neck in the cheese fridge.
Carlos chuckled “shhh we won’t get caught I promise-“ “ANDRE! NEXT ORDER IS READY!” the chef yelled and Carlos sighed letting him go.
“Nevermind...” he mumbled.
Andre blushed and fixed his apron with a smile “you can catch me later though you frisky feline” he chuckled leaving with a chunk of cheese.
“There you are! Take this out quick!” The chef demanded. Andre nodded and swooped the tray from his hands avoiding some people with pizza’s and left the kitchen.
Carlos smiled.
“what a quick little mouse...”
A/N: hope this doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable XD