She closed her palms and extinguished the fire.
"Now, you see?" Derek said. "We would not have joked on such a serious matter."
"Ok. Fill me in on this Secret Agency mission you want me to go on."
"Well, you could say it runs in the family," Derek began.
"Your father was also a secret agent."
Secret Agent.
The words sent shivers down her spine.
"His name was Agent Inferno Flare. He also had... fire manipulation abilities.
"He was, in fact, our best agent. He would save our country time and time again from our arch-nemesis Dave 'Dark' Frost.
"But then, one mission, he had a terrible accident. They got plunged into a volcano, which killed both Inferno and Frost.
"But enough on that for now. It isn't our main concern.
"There is now a new villain; one that has now got control of a powerful mind-control device. We don't exactly know who he - or even she - is, but we have to stop them before they use the device for who-knows-what sort of global disasters.
"All our other Agents are occupied. You are out only hope now.
"You shouldn't need any training, with your father's 'spy genes', and it is a matter of urgency that we track down this weapon before it's too late.
"We have a location that we would like you to check out. You shouldn't need any assistance in the form of gadgets, but just in case..."
He produced 3 things from his pocket. One was pink and looked a bit like an iPod, except a whole lot smaller, with a red and a blue button; another was white like a phone, with a small circular thing at the side; the last was a slightly larger black case.
"Here is a device to contact us - just press the blue button here - which is also an explosive device, if you press the red button, which will activate a 1-minute countdown.
"Then there is the tracker - simply detach the self-adhesive tracker and track with the screen.
"The last-"
He opened the case to reveal a shiny black pistol.
"Just in case, for self defence."
He handed them all to Clara.
"So, are you ready?"
"I suppose."
"Then welcome to the Secret Agency."