The memories came flooding back.
A 5-year-old Clara Flare and Jayden Blaze chasing each other in the playground.
"Tag! Got you!" Clara giggled. "I won!"
"Think you've won? You have to catch me first! Again! One last time!"
Jayden leapt up and began to run, fast.
"I won't let you get away that easily!" Clara called out after him, joyfully.
It was the same as before.
A game of tag.
With the world at stake.
Clara leapt up after him, scaling the roofs like a pro, as if she'd done it all before.
She felt another tingling in her hands.
She snapped her fingers, both hands at the same time, and looked down to find herself enveloped in flames, illuminating the night like a candle in darkness.
She felt a rush of wind and realised she was speeding up.
Not long now before she caught up with Jayden.