I sat in the living room and looked around. It was clean as fuck it smelled good as fuck in here. She was upstairs for a while so I decided to go in the kitchen I saw she had some chicken out so I grabbed a few pieces. Them bitches were smacking.
"You want a plate?" She asked.
"Yeah my bad." I said throwing my bones away.
"You good, I always make more to give to my kids in the morning." She said handing me a plate. She handed me a bottle of water and I stood at the island watching her. She cleaned off the counter and turned to me. I handed her my empty plate and took her in. She had on some leggings and a crop top.
"Sorry you had to see that I hope this doesn't stop our business relationship." She said.
"Nahh, I like what your doing. You really make a difference in those kids lives. This was just right place right time. I fuck with you, you gotta be the coolest female I been around in a long time." I said.
"Thanks, least somebody sees my bubbling personality." She laughed.
"So thats your ex?" I asked. She took my empty plate.
"Yeah, we been to gether since we were 14. He was a shitty boyfriend and even shittier husband. I hired a PI after years back. Found out he had a whole girlfriend and baby on the way. Now he shows up because he found out his baby isn't his. I'm not taking him back he use to treat my son like shit. If I wasn't here neither was my son." She said.
"Thats fucked up. Glad you got outof that shit your son don't deserve that shit." I said.
"Yeah crazy thing is I knew he was cheating, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Now I feel like I can breathe again." She said.