I looked around at my miniature meta Gala. All my kids were dressed to the nines. I owned a very successful non profit, I help people who delt with se ual assault. When I first started this i was lawyer, I was defending the lowest places of garbage known to man. My father has his own law office, so for three years I did that and saved people but they had no where to go. So I quit my job and started this little community. Kids lived in the center and some lived my housing.
"Moon, this is Karter Augustin. He is our top donator." My assistant said.
"Hello." I said shaking his hand.
"This is really nice, you mind giving me a tour?" He asked.
"Miss Moon." I turned around and all my kids had flowers in there hands.
"Thank you." I said choking back my tears. I gave each of them a hug and gave Karter this tour.
"How did you start this?" He asked as we walked outside.
"Well, I use to be a lawyer. I defended somebody I shount have. When he was released I followed him. Got myself kidnapped and got 100 kids released back to their parents. 5 kids, were left to foster care, three out of five killed themselves. Two were put in great homes. I promised myself that would never happen again." I said.
"Kids live here?" He asked.
"Yes, kids and adults. I have great therapist on my team, I hold groups, its alot of families that come threw herewith great success stories."
"I like this. You're all are out here trying to make a difference." He said.
"Well your donations really helped. Thats is what makes all this possible."