So, i figured this would be a cute AND fast idea for Christmas! So these are what our flower power crew want for Christmas (this takes place BEFORE Christmas letter in after high)
Kai - Fish
Daffi - Something that could find his stylus whenever he loses it OR cookbooks (he wants to learn how to cook properly to impress you know who)
Zinnia - An Audio interface, they produce their own music and it's easier if it just connects to the laptop
Mike - Concert Tickets to Clash of Demonhead (iykyk)
Brennan - A new Kitchen aid attachment that wipes the sides as you bake
Iris - More history books
Dia - A Cricut machine
Lee - the Hogwarts Legacy game
Dhalia - Fancy eyeliner
Merry Christmas and to those who don't celebrate I hope you have a lovely day/new year