Yunga, Zunci, and Hillanter walk down the street on the brink of it being dark outside to a rundown building on the edge of town.
“Are you sure that the bartender gave us the right information?” Zunci asked. “This place doesn’t look like the place a mayor would be at. This is like a drug mushroom dealer's place.”
“He did say the mayor has gone into a downward spiral recently.” Hillanter responded to Zunci.
“Let’s just try it.” Yunga said, approaching the building and knocking on the door. A little bit of shuffling from the other side of the door and the door opens only a crack. A man can barely be seen behind the door as it is so dark inside the building you can only see his eyes.
“What do you want?” The mysterious man asked, looking directly at Yunga,
“We’re here looking for a girl named Brentha Velantriff.”
The guy immediately closes the door and locks it.
“Hey!” Yunga shouted banging on the door.
“Let me handle this!” Hillanter said, moving Yunga aside. Hillanter lifted his leg up and kicked the door down off of its hinges and onto the floor. The room lit up from the outside and it was a disgusting sight. The smell was horrendous, the room had broken furniture and a run down mattress, multiple holes in the wall, and the ceiling looks like it’s gonna collapse.
“Stay back!” The guy yelled in the corner of the room. “You’re not getting anything outta me!”
The guy was surrounded by little glass tubes and a make-shift needle with a little bit of liquid inside.
“God what the hell is this shithole?” Hillanter said, peering in through the doorway.
“It reeks!” Zunci yelled in disgust.
“What the hell happened to you?” Yunga questioned the guy.
“Shut up! You’re Velantriff’s men aren’t you!?” The guy shouted, still in the corner.
“Yeah.” Yunga responded.
“Oh god! Please have mercy! I had to do it!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Just don’t kill me!” The guy started crying.
“We’re not gonna kill you. We just want to know where Brentha Velantriff is.” Yunga comforted.
“So, if I tell you. You won’t kill me?”
The guy started to get his bearings and stood up, kicking some of the glass tubes out of the way that cluttered the floor.
“Fine, I’ll tell you everything. Come inside.” The guy said, walking over to a table in the middle of the room.
Yunga, Zunci, and Hillanter walk into the room, walking over empty beer bottles, glass tubes, and empty little tea bags.
“Are you even the mayor of this town?” Zunci asked.
“Of course I am, isn’t it obvious.” The guy responded.
“No, it’s not.”
“Well I am. This place has been like this for the past year. I can’t run a town for shit.”
“I mean that’s pretty obvious.” Yunga butted in.
“I know! It’s not like I wanted this job, I was forced into it! After the previous guy died under mysterious circumstances, I took his place by lottery. Don’t get me wrong I tried, I really did! But this isn’t the job for me man!”
“What does this have to do with Brentha Velantriff?” Hillanter interrupted.
“Well, I sold her.”
“YOU WHAT?” Zunci shouted and slammed her fists on the table.
“I sold her to a certain militia group that deals with slaves.”
Hillanter grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.
“Why the fuck did you do that!?” He growled.
“I needed money for my drugs!” The guy said, through little breathes he was able to take.
“You fucking idiot!” Hillanter threw the guy across the room and into the wall.
“Be careful! Don’t fucking kill him before he tells us where he sold him.” Yunga said, getting in the way of Hillanter.
“Thank you.” The guy said, getting up from the ground.
“Then you can kill him.”
“WHAT!? I thought we agreed to-”
“Shut up and tell us who you sold her to!”
“I-I-I sold her to a militia called the Gunthers!” The guy raised his arms up in defense of Hillanter.
“The Gunthers?”
“Yeah the Gunthers! They’re known for being more brutal than any other pirate group. They were offering a pretty good deal for selling the daughter of the infamous Velantriff empire. Almost one hundred gold for her, an idiot wouldn’t give that up.”
“Where did they go after you sold her!” Yunga questioned.
“They have a base up north not too far from here. You can’t miss it, I even have a map here!”
The guy went through a drawer throwing out multiple pieces of paper and other materials until he got out a map. He runs over to the table and slams it down.
“This is how to get to their base. Though I warn you, if you do something that they don’t like, they will immediately open fire.”
“It’s the one with the cross on the map right?” Yunga pointed at the cross in the middle of the map.
“Yes, that’s the one.”
“Great, thank you. Do your thing Hillanter.”
“Wait!” The guy shouted but it was too late. Hillanter punched the guy in the face, kicked him in the stomach, and slammed him into the ground. Zunci takes the map and leaves the room, Yunga following her out. Hillanter soon after and leaves the guy there on the ground in pain.
The gang are leaving the town and it is now dark outside.
“That took way longer than it needed to.” Yunga said, rubbing her eyes.
“Yeah it did, hopefully the people on the boat didn’t get too worried about us.”
A loud boom is heard over near the dock area that startles Yunga and Zunci.
“What the fuck was that?” Yunga asked.
“Don’t know! We should check that out!” Zunci responded by running ahead. Yunga followed right after her as long as Hillanter. Hillanter is running along Yunga until they cross the bar and Hillanter sees a noble and stops in his tracks as Yunga keeps running. Hillanter notices that the necklace the noble is wearing has the same symbol as the militia group that was on the map they just got.
Yunga and Zunci make it around the corner where they see the boat and they notice it’s covered in red.
“Why the fuck is the boat red?” Zunci asked.
“Don’t ask me like I know!” Yunga angrily responded.
They run all the way over to the boat and see Shug, Shanta, and the rest of the crew covered in blood and guts. The smell of the sight was just as bad as the mayor’s room.
“What the fuck happened here?” Yunga asked, stepping carefully on the boat.
“Ummmm, funny story.” Shug responded nervously getting up off of the ground. “Would you believe it if I told you that human-like rats came up on board and started fighting us.”
“No, no I would fucking not.”
“Welp, that’s what happened.”
“Can everyone confirm Shug’s story!?”
Everyone on board shakes their head in agreement with Shug’s statement.
“He’s telling the truth.” Shanta said. “That’s what happened.”
“How the hell did they even get on board!?” Yunga questioned Shanta. Shanta looks over at Shug.
“Shug wasn’t really paying attention during his lookout post and they got the jump on us.” Shanta reluctantly said.
“Again Shug! Really!?”
“Look I’m sorry ok!” Shug responded. “No one would even expect a bunch of human-like rats to go on board!”
“No one expects that either but if you're the one that’s supposed to look out for that stuff!”
“Look out for the weirdest shit in this world!? I admit that I fucked up on my job but if you were in my position, you wouldn’t expect that shit either!”
“That was the whole reason I left you behind was to prove to yourself that you can handle your job!”
“Just give me one more chance! Please!”
“No! I’m not risking another fuck up from you! I’m already angry at the fact that the daughter we are looking for is not at this town and is in risk of being a sex slave! So, I’m gonna let someone else take your post.”
“But I-”
“No buts! Shanta, you and Shug are gonna switch places. Got it?”
“Yes ma’am” Shanta said, walking over to the dock so she could wash herself off.
“I want to hear it from you!” Yunga pointed at Shug.
“Yes captain.” Shug said under his breath. “I’ll just start cleaning this up.” Shug walked over to the captain’s cabin to get a mop. Zunci walks over to Yunga.
“Don’t you think you’re just a little harsh on him? He’s only just a teenager.
“I wouldn’t have been as harsh if I wasn’t already in a bad mood.” Yunga snapped back.
“Sorry, I’ll help him clean this up.”
Yunga puts her hand to her head. “God, I'm gonna get a headache from this shit.” Yunga looks around her and sees Shug, Zunci, and the rest of the crew cleaning the deck from the blood. She looks around trying to see Hillanter. “Where the fuck is Hillanter?”
In convenient timing Hillanter appears behind Yunga with a knapsack over his shoulder. “What the hell happened here?” He asked.
“Nope answer my question first, where the hell were you?” Yunga retorted.
“I just picked up some guy off the street.”
“You what?”
Hillanter shows Yunga the knapsack he had over his back. Inside of it was the noble he saw earlier.
“YOU KIDNAPPED SOMEBODY!?” Yunga shouted at Hillanter.
“Relax, relax. He is part of the militia we are going to next.”
“Didn’t you hear from the mayor!? If they find out we did this they;ll shoot us on sight!”
“That’s only IF they find out, we’re just gonna pry out some information out of him and dump him into the ocean that’s all.”
“You know what? Just put him on board. I don’t care anymore.”
“Ok then, I can see you’re not in a good mood. I’ll ask Zunci what happened here.” Hillanter gets on board the ship and puts the noble into the captain's cabin. Shanta comes up from the dock and passes Yunga to get on the ship.
“You know,” Shanta began to say. “For the amount of time you shit on Shug, he actually saved my ass back there. If it wasn’t for his quick thinking to shoot the cannon at the giant rat that was on board. We would be even more screwed. So give some slack, ok?”
Yunga didn’t respond to that and only turned away from her to look at the town. Shanta continues to walk over to the captain’s cabin. Yunga takes a deep breath to calm herself down, then gets on board the ship and gets to a vantage point so everyone can see her.
“After we are done cleaning the deck we head up north to the militia base of the Gunthers! That is where Brentha is supposedly at! So get ready for another day of sailing.” Yunga announced to the whole crew. It took around half an hour to fully clean the deck and after that task was done, they lowered the anchor and raised the sails and left the port of Quint.
Zunci goes up with Yunga and hands the map to her. “We should reach the base around morning.” She said.
“Thanks, we should get some rest for tomorrow. It’s already been a stressful day.” Yunga yawned.
“Good idea.” Zunci headed off into the sleeping quarters beneath the deck. Yunga looks out into the night sky and sees all of the stars.
“Please! Please don’t let Brentha be dead already.” She prayed into the night sky. Yunga then goes into the sleeping quarters to take a rest. The quest is gonna take longer than expected, and it’s not gonna have a pretty end273Please respect copyright.PENANAtZLhYIfZAu