An all nighter again. It was around 3 am, Suzan got up to get a drink. Dim light of the kitchen made the coffee look a poisonous black. Though it only had four spoons of grounds. She sat down in front of her PC for a break. Searching for a royal family to fit her characters into. Pictures of royals filled the screen.Young, old and dead, deceased royalty. Darkness started to surround her vision. Faster than ever, her body felt like static. She stood up to shake it off but it grew stronger. Locking every part of her until all went silent.
Suzan was with Daniel in his room. He was seated on the couch, an irritated look in his face. She took the chair besides him and said angrily '' You are not permitted to do that. How could you even drag me here like this and why ?. ''
''Cause you're not listening to me.''
''I don't want to listen to your lies anymore, Daniel. I'm tired of falling for your lookalikes. You're not even real ... *looks away* ..I'll leave it at that.'' Suzan answered.
''You want the truth. I'll give it to you. That dream of the Swedish Prince ,the Japanese island ,Writers wife. It's all true, our past lives. You know me as Daniel, but you don't know who's soul I am. But I exist in your world. We are separated by oceans and different societies. Now is not the right time for you to know him. The Key shall lead you to him at divine timing.''
Daniel continued, ''I know all the thoughts racing inside your head but .....
Oh darling ! Oh darling ! Why do you worry ? Hasn't it been true, And truth shall always be. The currents still washes up, our shore. Above the cliff, still stands our abode. The time may have passed. Worlds may have changed. But we still remain the same. As we've always been. you still can see my face. And I could speak your name. Even though I'm unaware, our story moves ahead. One that has been written, Since ages ago. And we've followed it like our holy grail. (you know) Oh darling ! Oh darling ! Why do you worry ? May the Lady of Shalott be. And may her prince arrive. Soon shall the curse be broken. And all shall return, as it was. As its always been. Oh darling ! Oh darling ! Why do you worry ?
He stared behind Suzan, somebody was standing behind. Suzan turned to look. It was her, the wife of the Swedish Prince who committed suicide, from Susan's dream. She was dressed in a creme silk gown and her hair was up. She seemed to be weighed down by all the jewelry around her neck and a tiara on the head. It was her singing. Daniel sang and she sang back, they had an energy of belonging. Daniel seemed to be with her and Suzan looked at them as a spectator. ''Feels nice to be back in this memory. They are one again.'' Yet there lay an undertone in her voice as she answered .........
I do, I do worry. Fearing what has always been. The story that we lead. And it's always the same. No matter what you say. Every time we meet. Our world's collide, And only one survives the tide.
Daniel held her in his arms ..........
It's our world, ours. The one that we make Oh darling ! Oh darling ! Why do you worry ?
She would not listen ............
I worry, I worry. Because your the one who leaves. Jumped of the cliff, In the violent wind. Oh why did you do this ? Let go of my hand. I've died a hundred times, since that day had passed. And none of mine had passed in peace.
Daniel still held her but he was now staring at Suzan ......................
But darling don't you see. You're doing the the same to me. We could turn around and change this. You don't have to let go. Please don't let go.
The darkness had gone and Suzan found herself on the ground. ''I must have fainted.'' she said turning over her side. Daniel was sitting there. She placed her hand on the tile where his hand lay. '' I'm sorry, Daniel. I've been too needy but all makes sense now.'' He got up and stood by the table. ''Go search. When the past, the present and future future shall meet. He will find you.'' Daniel was gone. Taking a sip of the coffee to push away the static, she scrolled mindlessly through the photos. She clicked on a man's picture, it was taking too much time to load.
Suzan enjoyed her coffee by the time the screen buffered, always staring inside the cup while she drank. *tik* . Suzan looked up from her cup and blinked at the screen. The cup feel from her hand, crashing with a loud noise. The muddy liquid spilled and broken pieces of glass lay scattered besides Susan's feet. She sprang up and pulled the plug of the PC. ''It can't be. It's just a coincidence. I am still dreaming.'' Suzan kept muttering as she picked up the glass. ''Offf ...'' She cried. A scrap pierced her palm. The blood dripped down on the coffee. ''When the past, the present and the future shall meet. He will find you or maybe you have found him.'' Daniel said holding her arms before vanishing again.
Suzan stared at the bloodied pool of coffee on the floor. A reflection of herself visible on the surface. ''He looks similar to Daniel but his eyes are exactly like mine.'' She said looking. The picture of the young prince still engraved in her vision. ''When the past, the present and the future shall meet. The story that we lead, shall come to an end.'' Suzan hummed dressing the cut.