“Val! Oh, thank the Goddess.” Jayson says wrapping his arms around my main of fur.
“That’s Val?” Lilly and Kayzen ask together.
Jay, will you get me a blanket please. I’d like to transform and speak. I mind link my brother. He runs to a nearby cabin and brings me a blanket, throwing it over me. I shift, covering myself. “Thanks, Jay.”
“You want to tell me what the hell is going on, Valyrie?” Jayson inclines.
“Um…” I sigh, “I got distracted on my way back and ended up in the crimson moon territory. Xayne, aka future King Alpha… found me and brought me back… he’s also the one who gave me this necklace when I was younger.”
“Wait, what? HE gave you that necklace?” Jayson asks with mixed emotions.
“Yes, I did… ten years ago.” Xayne smiles joining into the conversation.
“NO! No, no, no, no, NO!” Jay is now pacing, “This cannot be right.”
Lilly Kaz and I all share confused looks. I glance at Xayne, who is smirking arrogantly. Then Jayson, who seems saddened by something… both acting secretive and suspicious.
“Well, well, well… seems Jayson was informed. Why not let your sister know, or better yet, let EVERYONE know?” He glares at Kayzen. “Let them know what you were told. No more secrets.”
“Now isn’t the time! This shouldn’t even be my responsibility. Our parents should have told her years ago.” Jay rambles on.
“Tell who what?” Lilly asks, “I’m so confused.”
“What do you mean Jay? Tell me what? What is it Xayne is talking about?” I ask.
“Do you want to tell her or should I? I’ve hinted on it already. Should I go into further details, Jayson?” Xayne pushes for the secrets to be revealed. “I hate keeping secrets… that’s why I had to move.”
“Jay, what’s going on?” I ask again.
He clears his throat, “Lils, Kayzen, can you please excuse us… this is between my family and his. My sister can fill you in if she so chooses. But as future alpha I am requesting it and if you don’t respect it then I will command it.” Jayson states.
“I’m not leaving, especially if it’s a sensitive matter. She may need my support.” Kayzen says determined.
“Kaz, perhaps you should go, I can fill you in later. If it’s a difficult subject the less wolves the better. Lilly can you please escort Kaz back to our cabin and keep him company until I return?” I ask with heartache.
“Only because you are asking. I will await you in your cabin.” Kayzen says and grabs Lilly’s arm turning towards my cabin with a huff.
Once out of ear shot, I glare at Jayson and Xayne, “Does someone want to inform me of this so-called secret?”
“Well…” Jayson starts.
“You belong to me. You were sold to my family to become my bride. The only reason you were paid for was because we were inseparable when we were younger. Your family was in a situation and needed funding to care for you. So, it was agreed that you would become my bride. Even if your mate is someone else…” He seethes. “You will be mine.”
“That’s their version. If you knew what our family was suffering at the time, you’d have agreed to it. We couldn’t even care for the pack so… as heir I knew, but I figured mom and dad would have told you once you were old enough. Obviously not. Anyway, we will be joining our pack with theirs with the union of you two. He will be king, and I will be second in command the beta to the king, but alpha to the pack. You will become the queen.” Jayson says sadly. “I was hoping that you two would never meet again so that it wouldn’t have to happen, but since you’ve met again…” He sighs.
“WHAT! Why wouldn’t they tell me, so I had more time to prepare? Why do they get to choose my fate? It’s not supposed to work that way. What about the Mate Bond?” I ask furiously.
“You two are mates. Your wolves have made that connection but then had to go back and stay hidden. You knew your wolves when you were younger. It’s not just a random decision we made.” Jayson explains.
“We did? But that’s not fair.” I say, “How come I can’t remember?”
Xayne wraps me in a hug, “Life’s not fair sweetheart. I tried telling you that you were mine.”
I shove Xayne away from me and transform running back to my cabin. The door was open and awaiting me inside was my two friends.
“Val? Can you shift back to talk to us?” Lilly asks.
I don’t want to shift back I want to run away. I don’t want anything to do with what I was told… apparently Xayne is my mate. I apparently made the connection when I was younger than our wolves went into hiding. I don’t want to become queen! I say to them in our mind link.
“That was weird… did you hear her too?” Lilly asks Kayzen.
“It’s called a mind link. You get the ability with your wolves apparently. She’s special because you aren’t supposed to be able to communicate with those who haven’t gotten their wolves yet.” Kayzen explains.
“Woah. That’s so cool. You as queen. No one ever told me that, but how can you already know your mate if he hasn’t gotten his wolf yet? I don’t understand how you can have a wolf so young… unless you truly are meant to be the queen. The royal wolves are special in certain ways. Give it some time. You may end up liking him. Looks like our Kaz has some competition.” Lilly elbows Kayzen.
I shift not caring I’m naked. “I don’t want to be queen. Too much responsibility. Then I would be stuck in these mountains instead of the small town my best friends will be in. You may end up as part of the crimson moon pack, but that doesn’t mean… wait that means you guys could come stay with me. We wouldn’t have to be separated, and to think Lilly, if you become my brothers mate you will have to move here too because he’s still going to be alpha... and…”
“Wait, WHAT! What do you mean part of the crimson moon pack?” Lilly exasperates, interrupting me.
“Well, that’s the other part of the secret. Our packs will be one, with my union with Xayne, apparently. I’d rather be Kaz’s mate than Xayne’s right now.” I state.
“That sounds good to me.” Kaz states looking over my naked body.
Lilly slaps Kayzen, “How rude.” She throws me a blanket.
I cover myself with my blanket and sit on my bed. “I wish I knew earlier. Why wouldn’t my family tell me that I was to be in an arranged marriage?”
“Well, you still have time to determine if that’s the route you really want to go. Even if he is your mate, you can always reject him.” Kayzen says.
“That’s true, but I also think I need to give him a chance to… but I also think you deserve a chance, Kaz. I mean if you still want a chance to see if we’d be a good match.” I suggest.
“I think you need to be sure who you want to be with and if it means I must share you for a while, then so be it.” He smiles, “Took you long enough though.”
“Could just be my wolf you know… she might want you both. At least you are good looking.” I say grinning devilishly.
“That Xayne fellow is good looking too. I’d take him.” Lilly states.
“What about me?” Jayson asks stepping into my open room.
“Must you show up at random times?” I groan. “Haven’t you kept enough from me, or are you here to share more about my life that I have no choice in.”
“Val, it wasn’t up to me. Mom and Dad should have told you. It’s not my fault. I was just coming to check on you, you seemed pretty upset.” Jayson explains.
“You basically just told her that her life is planned out for her… why wouldn’t she be upset? We all have choices, but now she doesn’t. You expect her to just go along with it and be happy that her life is laid out on a platter?” Kayzen scoffs.
“It’s not any different being told I was to be alpha of the pack. My life was laid out before me. I figured she’d be happy that she was to be queen and above me.” Jayson admits.
“It’s not all about you Jayson. She has her own life, and I plan on showing her how great it can be. Even if she chooses him in the end. I live in the here and now not the then and there.” Kayzen speaks, clearly challenging my brother for my freedom.
“She won’t have to be married until he takes over as King. What she does between now and then is up to her. If she really wants to date you, fine. I don’t want to control her life.” Jayson explains.
“Okay you two… let’s not fight. Not that this is a fight. Anyway, Val does have a right to choose what she does in life… it’s not fair that you were told you had to be alpha, but the difference in the situation is, you were told from childhood, so you expected it… she’s nearly an adult and is just now being told that her life will end in a relationship she’s not sure she even wants to be in.” Lilly states the facts.
“I guess that’s true, but it’s not my fault, it’s our parents’ fault.” Jayson reiterated.
“Okay I get it, but until such a time I’ve got to make my choice, I’m going to give both Kaz and Xayne a chance at my heart. I know you can’t fight the mate bond, but I’ll be damned if I don’t avoid it for as long as I can. I want to explore things.” I cross my arms and legs closing the blanket even tighter around me.
“I just wanted to come and see if you were okay and apologize for having to throw this on you.” Jayson sighs.
“Well, thanks Jay, I’m fine. I don’t care what mistake mom and dad made, but I’m not just going to sit around and let the truth of the matter control what I do with my life. It is my life after all, and I simply don’t care anymore. The truth is the truth, that’s all there is to it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get dressed and ready for supper.” I admit.
They nod and leave except for Kaz he walks over to me and wraps me in the biggest hug he’s ever given me. Then he kisses my lips in the most passionate way.
“I know it’s hard on you, but at least you aren’t marrying him tomorrow. I’ll give you some time to adjust to your decision. I’m looking forward to the time we can spend together, and no I’m not going to force you into anything you don’t want to do. You are the best friend anyone could ask for.” He kisses me again before leaving.
I let out a sigh of relief and go through my clothes. I pick out a white tank top and black jeans. I put them on and walk to the campfire to roast hot dogs and marshmallows. Once we finish supper I stand and stretch.
“I think I’m going to go for a walk along the lake to clear my head.” I whisper to Lilly.
Lilly caused a distraction for me to slip away. I take in a deep breath of fresh air into my lungs as I walk along the water’s edge.
Val, I’m sorry I had to go into hiding, but your body wasn’t strong enough for me yet. That’s why most get their wolves around 16. I understand how upset you are about the arrangement, but I swear to you, I had no idea that your parents went that far. Rage speaks to me.
Rage, I understand why they did it, but it still doesn’t make it right. I had so many things I wished to do, and now I don’t know if I will ever get that chance. I want to run and hunt with Lilly and Kaz by my side, but if I’m supposed to be queen wont that be taken away from me? Won’t I have to learn the ways of royalty? I don’t even know if I will be allowed to do my training with them. It was supposed to be that us three would go to the 2-year training together. I sigh as tears well up in my eyes.
I think you will still get to run and hunt with them, although the training I’m unsure about. I can’t force them to allow you to do so. Rage admits saddened.
I sigh wiping the few tears away. The next thing I know is arms going around me and a nip on my neck. I jump and turn to see the prince.
“Xayne, what is it you want?” I say, “I’m still not happy with all the secrets and truths. I’m still processing things and I’d appreciate it if you gave me space.”
“My little queen to be, I can’t just leave you alone now that I’ve found you again. I’ve missed you so much.” Xayne says.
“Well, Xayne, even with as gorgeous of a man you’ve become, there is one thing we need to get straight…” I place my hands upon my hips stepping away.
“What’s that, my flower?” he asks.
“I’m not going to just vow my life to you right now. I will be giving both you and Kaz a chance to steal my heart, but in the end, I know I’ll have to be yours, even if it means heartache. Also, you best make Kaz a beta or even a delta in your pack when you become King. That’s the only way I will ever agree to be your queen.” I lay out my requirements.
“Fine, princess, but if you think I’m just going to let him have you, you are mistaken. You will belong to me in the end, but I also don’t want to force you into it. If it turns out he is your mate, I will sadly let go, but if it’s me you will come to realize who you are meant to be with.” He speaks.
“Fine.” I say, sighing “I’d like to get back to my walk if you don’t mind. You are welcome to join me, but I was talking to rage when you decided to hug me. I was trying to clear my head and do some thinking. Have you even gotten your wolf yet?”
“Not yet, but soon. I’ve been chosen, I just need to join and become one with him.” Xayne states.
“That’s good, tell me something… do I have to still do my 2-year training, or will I be forced into royal life?” I ask in all seriousness.
“I can’t answer that because I don’t know. We won’t know until you find your mate and I find mine.” He pulls me close and kisses my forehead before we start walking again. We walk around the perimeter of the lake and then go our separate ways… him to his castle and me to my cabin for some rest.
Val, I think either of the two would be great mates. Rage purrs. I roll my eyes and lay down, drifting off to sleep.