"Torment From A Lion" "Þrutsins Fraujins A Leuþa"
I stand a few feet from death, a great beast stands before me.
Ik sta.þa sumai fôtuns fram dauþau, aiþþau stôþs mikilis fram imma.
I lurk in a dark cave with a rival I can barely see.
Ik lauþa in duarka hôlja miþ galiugis ik ni mag mikilis saian.
A mere man, a so called king has done this to me.
Ainamma mann, swa kalds kuniggs, gatauja þata miþ mimik.
A lion roars and growls at my feet.
Leuþs brimþs jah grunþs at fôtuns meinamma.
Ready to devour my flesh and break my bones.
Gataujan at swelgan faihu meinamma jah brikan banjans meinans.
Only God can keep this monster at bay.
Aiwa gudis mag þata biugan þamma fairgunjan at us.
I, just a mere mortal, can't do anything, to the roaring Lion before me.
Ik, ainamma manna, ni mag niujis waihts, þamma leuþa fairgunjamma.
Drenched in black, a few increments of light cut through.
Druusnands in swarts, sumai skalks liuhts skerandans.
I can feel my utter doom.
Ik mag fahan meinamma fullai.
An angel of the Lord shuts the mouth of this Goliath.
Ainamma angilis fraujins faurhtands þata munþs þis þis Goliathis.
A day has passed and God has delivered me.
Dags gaggandans jah gud faurhtands mik.
He has pulled from the mouth of this land leviathan.
Hann trauhida us munþa þis þis landis leviathanis.
The king of the men in his land has seen this great feat and known of his error and let me free.
Kuniggs mannagis in landa seinai þata mikilis fôtun jah kunþida þis faihts jah laisida mik frijons.